TO HONOR Johnny Depp's humanitarian commitment

Depp Fans Fundraising


IFOD presents the 2019 Fans Fundraising.

This fundraising’s aim is to honor Johnny Depp’s humanitarian commitment.

Launched on Johnny's birthday,
it officially wrapped up ON CHRISTMAS.

The project is now closed.

Thanks to the fans who donated to the following two charities.

Institut curie


A leading player in the fight against cancer, Institut Curie now boasts an internationally-renowned research center with a state-of-the-art hospital group, which treats patients suffering from some of the rarest cancers. Located at three sites (Paris, Saint-Cloud and Orsay), it has over 3.300 researchers, physicians and caregivers collaborating on its three missions: treatment, research and teaching.

how johnny supported them

Last Christmas, Johnny visited the Institut Curie in Paris. He wore the Captain Jack Sparrow costume to visit ill children, their parents and the medical staff of the hospital. Watch the video.

rethink mental illness


Rethink's aim is to deliver a better life for people severely affected by mental illness. They met their mental health needs and help them to improve their physical health, take control of their lives and establish a sense of belonging to their community. Rethink's services keep people living with mental illness safe and well in the community.

how johnny supported them

In November 2018, Rethink Art announced Johnny Depp as a contributor. In addition to his original klecksograph Johnny has also given his permission for Rethink Art to release a series of 100 giclee prints.


Tell your friends that you're part of the #DeppFanFundraising 2019 project: share some love for Johnny on your favorite social media.


counters are manually updated

fans who donated in honor of Johnny Depp...

Martina Vaira, Julia Eumei, Emily Renon, Rita Guitto, Barbara Veronese, Elena Miele, Sara Canciello, Rossella Tramontana, Stefania Moccia, Martina D’Angelo, Andrea Franchini, Federica, Meike, Nora D. Moore, Smvd, Maria Haselhoff, Stephanie Collman, JV, Peggy Doran, Amanda, Zetlouise, Julia Whittaker, Silke, Juliette, Isabelle Orsini, Monica D.C., Celia Sillars, Cynthia Carrasco, Janina Larssen, Elisa Broquin, Daniela Bossetti, Leah James, Roberta Loi, Edith Vilardi, Rachael, Trish, Adriana Gonzales, Claire T., Caitlin Chandler, Silvia Paladini, Anne Morris, Adriana di Bello, Elisa, Rebecca Ferretti, Laura De Luca, Ilinca Maris, Heidi Hamalainen, Daniela Maccarrone, Florence, Chiara Elen, Barbara Ferreira, Elena Fiorentino, Kam Trejo, Franca Baschieri, Regina Hollingsworth, Anna Lena, Lara Osti, Dima, Katherine Garner, Ilona

...and their messages

Martina Vaira

Thank you, Johnny, for never giving up on your dreams, for always fighting and believing in a better world. You’re my hero. I love you forever, my dear angel.

Emily Renon

Explaining how much I love Johnny is very complicated for me… He is one of the kindest person I’ve ever met and I’m so proud of him. He’s my angel.

Rita Guitto

Thank you for inspiring me everyday. Keep going, Johnny! I will always be by your side.

Stephanie Collman

A gift of kindness to honor a man with a kind heart. Continue making this world a better place through all of your endeavors. You are loved.


Thanks to be a hero day after day for us, for all.

Monica D.C.

Happy birthday, my beloved man. You’re the purest soul that exists, thanks to you I can find the strength to be a better woman everyday. I wish you much happiness and strength because you deserve it, thanks for all the emotions you have been giving me for over 30 years, I can’t imagine my life without you. Best wishes from the bottom of my heart. Happy birthday, Johnny Depp.

Leah James

The truth is everything. Thank you for what you do – on and off screen and stage.


You give so much of yourself to help others, you’re talented, kind and so thoughtful to your many fans and it goes without saying you’re an amazing actor. Thank you for the many years of enjoyment you have given to me and I only hope that you have much more joy and happiness in your future. Bless you, Johnny.

Ilinca Maris

In honour of such a wonderful man able to improve the days of many people, giving all his love to his fans and drawings sincere smile on their faces. thank you for still wearing my bracelet. With love


I believe in you! You have a great heart

Elena Fiorentino

Thank you for everything you’ve done in all these years and for inspiring me to be a better person everyday.

Regina Hollingsworth

Thank you for all that you do and all that you are, Johnny. ?x 3

Anna Lena

Hi, Johnny I just want to say how much I appreciate your work and how much I love you. I will always support you and this is a little Xmas gift from me. Love you so much. Anna Lena from Stockholm

Julia Eumei

Johnny is a man of courage and strength! He taught me to be brave, follow the right path and live courageously. His talent and art are something beyond. Thanks, Johnny, for being my everyday hero!

Barbara Veronese

With his pure soul and his big heart, Johnny inspires me everyday to be a better person. Johnny is a sunshine, the most beautiful bright angel on earth. A big hug my lovable hero, with love and respect.


Thank you and Namasté, beloved Soul. You touched me with your presence, your warmth and your radiating Being. I love you.

Peggy Doran

Happy birthday to you Johnny. I will stand by your side and always believe in you.


Dear Johnny, thank you for being YOU. And for being there for us. You will never walk alone. Happy Birthday, all the best to you and your family.

Cynthia Carrasco

Thank you, Johnny, for everything you do in this universe… You are an inspiration to me. Love you, Hero!

Elisa Broquin

Being fan of a man like Johnny Depp is not just appreciate his movies, we have to honour his values.


Never been happier and prouder to support you, Johnny. May year 56 be your best one yet. Lots of love.

Claire T.

Thank you for reminding me to just be myself no matter what.

Anne Morris

I’m glad to support Johnny Depp.

Daniela Maccarrone

The world is full of problems and people’s life is hard, but thanks to your kind soul, dear Johnny, a lot of people are still able to see the sun shine. You’re amazing, love you so much!

Chiara Elen

Hey, Johnny! I just wanted to tell you how happy i am to help with a donation. I will always love and support you and I hope that one day I will have the chance to meet you! You are a beautiful person. Yours, Claire


Hi, Johnny. My name is Dima, I’m from Saudi Arabia, I’m one of your huge fans around the world. I’m so happy and proud to be a fan for you because you are great actor and before that you are great person you have pure soul and White heart, I love you so much you’re so important to me, you keep me alive for a long time and you always makes me happy and makes me smile when I see you or during your movies, concerts and another works for you, you’re my inspiration, I grow up with you.

Lara Osti

Johnny, you have a noble soul.

Rossella Tramontana

Johnny is such an amazing person, one of those people whose existence makes the world a better place. Every gesture of his is an act of kindness, his every word a comfort to the soul. He is a special being and I thank him for being as he is.


The kindness and resilience of this man never stop amazing me. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for him, wishing him a lot of happiness and peace.

Nora D. Moore

Thank you for all you do.


Happy Birthday. Wishing you an excellent year ahead.


Happy Birthday, lovely Johnny Depp! You’re such a beautiful fragrant flower. We are all blessed to have you around. Be well, live long and happy. Much love to you.

Celia Sillars

Thank you, Johnny, for all the love, for all the characters, and now… for all the music!

Janina Larssen

Happy birthday, Johnny! Thanks for all the amazing work you do for children! You have touched the lives of so many, Captain Jack Sparrow is in everybody’s heart forever!

Roberta Loi

Johnny’s the kind of person everybody needs in their life. He’s so brave and strong but at the same time he’s the cutest person and most beautiful prince I’ve ever seen. Thank you for existing, sweetie.

Silvia Paladini

You’re a beautiful person, Johnny. Thank you for all.

Rebecca Ferretti

Johnny, you are my whole life. Your smile and your laugh are what I need to live. I love you so much and I hope that one day I will be able to tell you in person.


A wonderful Christmas to my savior and also to all these little kids who are so strong! To my Grindelwald, to all the nurses and doctors, to all the children who will kick that cancer’s a*s.

Kam Trejo

It was great meeting you for the first time this year, been waiting since the 80s! You are amazing, look forward to seeing you again!

Franca Baschieri

Dear Johnny, a little present to your great heart to remind me every day what a ispiration you are to me each moment of my Life.My love,respect for you forever


Johnny, merry Christmas! I wish you more bright and happy days, peace, prosperity and creativity! Do not put out the light in yourself! Thanks for all!

Sara Canciello

Thank you all for your work, thanks to Johnny for all the love he generates.

Martina d'Angelo

Ever since I was a child, Johnny has always been my creative inspiration. His incredible kindness and talent, his lovely irreverence and beautiful soul have always had a huge impact on me, pushing me to do the best! So this is a little but important thank you to the one and only man I will never forget.


Happy BDay, JD! You are loved! Stay strong! I believe you and am so grateful for all your wonderful performances!


For all the good you have brought into this world, thank you! Happy Birthday!

Isabelle Orsini

Thank you, Johnny for showing me everyday what real strength looks like! We have never even met, yet you’ve helped me more than you’ll ever know, isn’t that crazy?! As far as these charities go, thank you so much for supporting the fight to help end the stigma of mental illness it really means a lot to me and so many people. Have an amazing birthday and I hope this is your best year yet!! I’m proud to say I’ll be standing by your side the whole time. Love always

Daniela Bossetti

Best wishes to J.D. I trust in you, your eyes tells of your humanity, kindness, generosity. Any injury done can dirty a soul like your. Love you

Adriana Gonzales

It’s a great pleasure being able to help a good cause which you’re a forerunner for with nobility and kindness.

Caitlin Chandler

You are my inspiration I’m an aspiring actress who is trying to pursue my career You have been my idol since I was 10 years old Do you have any advice to help me further my career xoxo

Laura De Luca

Thank you, Johnny, for being such a beautiful person. Thank you for all the smiles you have brought and you will bring with such humility to all those who need it. With great love, Laura.

Maria Haselhoff

I believe in you… I’ve ever done and will ever do. Namasté.

Barbara Ferreira

Hi! My name’s Barbara, I’m from Portugal and you’ve saved my life plenty of times, Johnny. I hope that every time that something brings you down, you think of us Deppheads, we love and support you, and you are literally never alone, if you need anything and I mean it, you can ask any of us. We loveee you so so much, and please keep looking as good as you already do, you take our breaths away every time we see a picture of you. Lots of love from Portugal.

Katherine Garner

Thank you for everything you do. You are a lovely person. Stay strong.

thank you, Johnny, for always ispiring us, through your generosity and thoughtfulness.
You're a hero.

This is for you.


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Disclaimer Depp Fans Fundraising is an idea of IFOD.NET.
This project is not affiliated with Johnny Depp’s management.

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