November 2020

dear johnny.

we believe you

“I will be standing on the right side of the roaring rapids.”

After the judgement in the UK litigation (November 3rd), We collected messages from people who not only wanted to express their support to Johnny, but who believe in justice.

Project closed on November 8th. Thank you.

Your message is available online below and/or on IFOD social accounts.

total messages
Johnny. I stand with you, not as a fan but as a surviver. Stand tall, stand strong. Your battle isn’t over yet. You will get the justice you deserve, I have no doubt in it. I will always love and appreciate you.
Ánimo en la vida suceden muchas cosas pero no te dejes venser  es difícil lo se porque eatoy pasando un momento similar pero no hay que dejar que nadie apague una bonita sonrisa
Dear Johnny, Love is the light that doesn’t go out even in dark times…. i believe you and i wish you justice!! I love and miss you
Dear Johnny, I’m with you… You are special to me thanks for making me happy every day, don’t worry he has millions of people following you, count on us. We are deppheads and we are proud of it. With love
Probably the verdict of the court surprised you and disappointed you I hope you are holding on somehow Me and other people are with you wholeheartedly. Do not forget!
Dear Johnny , If I has to choose between loving you or breathing , I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU ! I really love you and proud of you , Because you are the strongest and kindest man in the world…We are with you forever♡
You are not alone, we are many people who believe in you and for these problems there is always more than one way. Take the most convenient
Dear Johnny,we are here just for you and I love you so much.I know you’re innocent.I believe in you and stand by your side.stay strong.Do not let anyone upset are our hero.Thanks for being you.
My beautiful Johnny, justice will come for you because we know who you are, I send you all my love from Mexico.
You are My hero
Dear Johnny! Your Russian fans love you and trust you! We do believe the justice win! Sending our love and good vibes! Keep on!
Hang in there johnny we believe in you justice is blind we will open thier eyes as we open our hearts to show we love you
Hiii Johny I can’t describe how much you mean to me and how much I love you with words but i just want you to know that if all the world leaves you I will always be there for you cause I know that there is no malignancy in your big kind and sweet heart and we will fight for the truth together
Dear Johny please don’t beat yourself up. You are strong . You are innocent . You have a lot of people who support you, who love you, who support you, who believe in you . Please don’t give up. You’ll make it through this I’m sure of it. You’ll come out stronger than ever. I’m with you. We’re all with you..
Dear Johnny, I was only 5 when I first saw your film, and you have represented my childhood ever since. I am now 20 and in all these years, you have taught me two very important things: one is humility and the other is the beauty of diversity. I have always felt strange, different from the others, but in a world that wants us all to be the same, thanks to your characters I realized that I am not wrong. I never doubted your innocence, because your eyes were already telling a truth, which still had no words. You gave me your passion for cinema and I am grateful to you for this. One day I hope to meet you. LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Big hug, lisa
I don’t speak English but I’ll try to write something for you Johnny Deep. I hope this situation improves. We are many people who believe in you. Much love to you from all of us. Do not worry if some doors are closed, they do not deserve you, for each one two more will open.
Johnny, we love you and we support you. What happened monday was devastating, you don’t deserve any of this but remember that this will all come to an end, the truth will eventually come out so don’t stop fighting because we’ve got your back. You’re an amazing human being and none of that filthy creature’s lies could prove otherwise. I love and I’ll always support you.
Sin duda la justicia debe ser imparcial , no ciega por razón de género, mi apoyo y solidaridad para ti
I love you very much Johnny my heart is with you, I BELIEVE IN YOU, you are the best, I love you, remember there is an army behind you that will not leave you alone, you are not alone, I send you many hugs and kisses from Mexico!!! Valeria.
Dear Johnny, I was only 5 when I first saw your film, and you have represented my childhood ever since. I am now 20 and in all these years, you have taught me two very important things: one is humility and the other is the beauty of diversity. I have always felt strange, different from the others, but in a world that wants us all to be the same, thanks to your characters I realized that I am not wrong. I never doubted your innocence, because your eyes were already telling a truth, which still had no words. You gave me your passion for cinema and I am grateful to you for this. One day I hope to meet you. LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Big hug, lisa
I love Johnny Depp, you are inocent
The face of truth is open, The eyes of truth are bright, The head of truth is up right, The breast of truth stands forward, The gaze of truth is straight, Truth has patience to wait, The words of truth are touching, The voice of truth is deep, The law of truth is simple, The soul of truth is flaming, The heart of truth is warm, The mind of truth is clear, Truth stand above all sin, Life of truth is eternal.You are the truth
God bless you Johnny Depp …. You are a person with a lot of talent that you shine wherever you go … This problem that you are going through will soon pass, God is with you and those of us who admire you also support you …
My lovely man, really I want to you know that I believe you, you’re a amazing person & disserve justice, don’t let anybody make you feel bad for say the true, telling proud of yourself cuz you make the right, we always be here for you, blessed & love from Mexico!
Bendiciones Johnny, la justicia es ciega pero Diosito no
Stay strong don’t give up your true fans are behind you and one day I hope my path cross yours
No solo envió un mensaje a jhonny como persona sino como Ser Humano que es he seguido su carrera desde que tengo al menos 9 o 10 años y hasta la actualidad tengo 27 años y cada día lo he admirado y estoy totalmente segura de que eres inocente eso que hayas perdido el caso es algo tan turbio y que cualquier persona pudiera decir que se vendió el juez para tener gloria de haber ganado con pruebas hasta sin fundamento. Pero como tu admiradora sigo ahora mas que nunca orando por ti y para que todo esto se solucione pronto y todo pueda salir a la luz tienes millones de corazones que te apoyan y te aman y yo soy una de ellas. Fuerza mi querido jhonny que todo saldrá bien. Abrazos y besos desde venezuela
Hey Johnny, these are pretty hard times, but we are always there and will always protect you and your name, everything will pass, justice will prevail, but everyone already knows the truth
Hi, normally I never put my opinion out because I don’t like to get involved but I just couldn’t sit back and let the media bash Johnny Depp as a wife beating monster when in reality he is the complete opposite. I’ve only been stanning this man for a couple months now and I felt like I knew him for years. He is so gentle, loving and sweet it’s almost impossible to find someone like him, he truly respects everyone around him and you must be a complete fool to think he has ever laid a hand on a woman when we all know he can’t hurt a fly. I love this man with my whole heart and will continue to do so and I’m not only supporting him for his looks and attractiveness but I’m supporting male victims who have suffered abuse in their lives and are too scared to come out about it. I love Johnny Depp and I believe him, he deserves so much then what this world is giving him. We all want justice it’s not fair and it’s not right
Stay Strong Johnny, you have the support of the world behind you. WE BELIEVE YOU JOHNNY!!
Dear Johnny, you’ii always have all our support and our love.. We’ll stand forever with you. We’ll be always your relatives and you’ll always our Captain of our hearts. Don’t worry, Johnny, the JUSTICE’LL come out and you’ll be’ the Winner of our hearts for our and your happyness and we’ll celebrate all together for our ENDLESS love. I love you so much, Johnny
Dear Johnny, I just want to say you that I believe in you. I have never seen a man as caring as you and I know you will succeed because you did nothing so don’t feel lonely because everybody are with you.
You are my inspirational fairy and my idol. That’s why you have been with me every moment since my childhood. You made me stand up in bad moments. Feel this connection now. I vouch for the beauty of your heart all my life. Nobody is perfect, but you are the person closest to that. We are right and we will win. Together. Justice will come for us sooner or later. You keep shining. Feel our strength and love every time you put your hand to your heart. We are there, we are always with you.
Dear Johnny I just want to say that I believe in you, I support you and I love you! I know your heart is pure! Stay strong!
Dear Johnny we all support you and believe in you I really hope you to see what I wrote to you and feel good with all my love and support for you forever from Egypt
Dear Johnny I am always going to support you. So sorry things didn’t go the way you had hoped and we had hoped. You are a very humble person and I can see how you adore your fans. We adore you too and want the best for you. Stay strong right now. Love always
Justicia para uno de los mejores actores !!! Demuestren q existe igualdad de generos !!!!
Desde Argentina te apoyamos y te amamos
If my heart broke when I awoke to the news on Monday, I can’t begin to imagine how you felt. The deception, the bewilderment, the anger, the sadness. But…….have you seen what has happened since?! Nobody is giving up. Nobody is saying “oh well” and moving on. We are doubling down. We are refusing to accept this travesty. Because YOU are so loved. You are so fucking loved Johnny. You have brought joy, and laughter, and hope, and love, to so many, and in return, YOU ARE SO LOVED. Don’t ever forget, don’t ever let anyone make you think otherwise. We’re still here, with you, your relatives, your employers, your soldiers. We’ve got your back.
Dear Johnny, you are the strongest person I’ve ever seen! Please stay strong and don’t give up only love
courageous are the mighty! Remember they can’t eat you!
Te amamos Johnny depp eres tremendo ser humano
Hola.. (hi) Querido johnny ..quiero que sepas que estamos con vos apoyándose .. Eres para mi el mejor actor y hombre..amó cada película en la que has trabajado. Siempre dándole lo mejor de tan injusto que personas que no lo valen ni merecem estar donde están estén arruinando una vida una carrera que tan merecida tené..No veamos a dejarte sólo ..eres el Rey ..eres el hombre que a ganó el amor de tantas personas! I LOVE MY JOHNNY
There is nothing worse than believing you are the bad guy in the story and having negative thoughts but never forget to believe in yourself. you only know the truth and as I always say ‘the truth will come out’ sooner or later. Be strong.
We believe you … Your simplicity is unique, your heart fragile and your truth do not deserve not to be heard, much less not to have justice. We love and support you forever ❤
Johnny, we are all with you, we believe in your innocence and no one can change that. For me you are an incredible person and you are a great actor. I love you and don’t give up, keep fighting, you have the support of all your fans.
Dear Colonel John, don’t bother. Nothing in life is permanent. Good or bad. One time, long ago, I heard you advising people “keep pushing and be thankful for every breath”. Today I give that back to you. To my friend and hero. One Love.
Estoy contigo Jonny Creo en ti y espero que se haga justicia te amo espero algun día poder conocerte y poder tan sólo rosar tus manos sería la mujer más feliz del mundo bendiciones
Hi johnny I want to tell you that the first time I saw you I was 7 years old and it was in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, I remember that I saw them at 3 and at night I dreamed of you and the dream was so beautiful, as well as you. Maybe you will never receive this message or you will get to read it, but what I saw was a special man and in that character you were always imprecise, it was not known if you were good or bad, but in the end you always choose to do good even though the others stayed. Impressed and at the end they said Jack is a great pirate. . . This is how you are in real life. I do not know you in person what you are that you like your past, only what I see on TV or what Google tells me about you or your career. But that doesn’t tell me who you are. I believe that each character that you have made leaves something of who you are. . . I believe in your innocence, I believe that you are a great humble, funny, loving man, with a style that says I am Johnny Depp. And do not be discouraged, trust in God and that he is a just God and knows your heart, I will always be supporting you even if you do not know that about me, no matter how important I love you as you are in everything I know that you are not perfect we are human but what That if I know that as you always keep it in mind, not there two remember the person you are and do not let yourself be carried away by bad comments, you laugh at what you were, you are and you will always be a great man.Thank you I love you so much
My heart is broken the truth has lost its validity under the law, but in the heart of the good it lives, we know the truth, and there is no judge who can take that away from you, the truth is on your side, those who have love in their hearts and keen vision to see reality not only in your words but also in your actions, your personality, and your heart, we know that justice has failed but our love for you will not fail, we will always be with you no matter what happens, wherever you go we will follow you, even if you can no longer walk we will carry you in our lap if necessary, in our hearts echo your voice full of truth and the love you show for those around you and love you. We will always be with you Johnny Depp. Please sorry my english is terrible, but my feelings in those words are than I feel. All love and respect for you Johnny Depp. You are our angel you are a warrior. You are our King
Querido, siempre estaré de tu lado, se que lo que dices es verdad. Siempre he creído en tí. Estaré siempre presente, desde Buenos Aires, Argentina . I love you..
Dear Johnny, I am grateful for 11 years you blessed me with your love and presence. I am proud to be your fan because you are the most beautiful gift that makes me happy in this world. In any case, I am with you, I love you, I always wish you a happy, healthy and stronger life. Good thing you are our angel hero. I know you are always on the right track. I believe in you.
Beautiful Johnny we believe you and we always support you. Here we are from Argentina in good times and bad too. We love you! Our group: Johnny Depp Argentina
Dear Johnny, you are the strongest and the bravest man alive. Being able to speak up about all you went through requires incredible courage. That makes you a hero for millions of people. You inspire and give hope to all your fans who you call Family. So now it’s our turn to support you and fight for the truth. Stay strong and keep smiling!! We will always have your back. We loved you, love you and will love you forever!!
Dear Johnny! I love you so much! And no matter what, I will always do! This case was just a little fight but the battle isn’t over yet! I believe you! I follow a lot of fan pages, everyone supports you! You haven’t lost any fans! And I know that you won’t stop until you get justice. It’s not so important as this court case but you saved my life without even knowing! Thanks for giving so much joy to my life! I wish I could hug you! l will always be on your side, and I will always love you!
Dear Johnny, I feel very sorry for you that justice hasn’t been served but please don’t give up! We are here and we love and support you because we know the truth. You are an amazing person and a inspiration to me and I respect you a lot. You will never be alone in this fight because a whole army is here for You. I’m also proud of you for fighting like that, I know it’s not easy. I believe you.You deserve justice. With much love and respect. Anabel
hi johnny:) ive been watching you since i was a kid! big fan of yours and your work. i heard of what was happening about the case against her and i just wanna say that we believe you. we’ll be here behind your back supporting you every step of the way. lemme say this again, for i cannot stress this enough, we BELIEVE you. please do not let this whole situation bring you to a point where you’re invalidating yourself and your experience because you’ve lost the case. we’re here for you, and we hear you. we love you for who you are and your experiences will never make you less of a person to us. all the love:) you can get through this, just hold on:) you’ll get the justice you rightfully deserve in time. love you!
Dear Johnny, for me you are more than an actor, you are my idol, my lifestyle, my religion, thank you for everything you have done, for being an example to follow, maybe I have not followed you since you started your career but I will follow you to the end, I will always love you and I will be grateful to you, I love you, I know that you are the strongest, bravest, charismatic and handsome man. with love, Herlinda, xoxox.
Hi, Johnny. I want you to know that you and your team have our support, this is not going to end this way. You deserve justice. I’ve also been abused but I was abused by my mother the exact same way you were abused by… Well you know. So I feel very attached to you and your story and if you win the trial it would mean the world to me. We love you, never forget it. Sending positive vibes from Argentina.
Se fuerte johnny, nosotras sabemos la verdad . Te amamos incondicionalmente
Justice failed Johnny and all of us justice seekers and Dv victims. I have always believed and will continue to believe and support him. We got your back Johnny and we’ll help you vindicate this injustice because the TRUTH must prevail. Much love
My Dear Johnny, I believe in your innocence and I support you and love u so much, I hope you feel right and stay safe, I Love you So Much. And I will be there always for u
I will always be here to support you, Johnny. I know the truth and I will stand with you. You are so brave and strong and I am so proud of you for standing up for the truth. Keep fighting, you will get the justice you deserve. I love you Johnny! You are not alone, we are here with you!
Hello Johnny, my name is Consolación, I,m ver y sad about everything that is happening to you and I know that you are bad too,but you wil ser how everything will turn out well,a lot of courage Johnny
Dear Johnny, I’ve never had any doubts regarding your innocence. Stay strong, do what you feel is right to do, and be sure that you will never lose our support. You’re loved and appreciated by millions. This drama won’t last forever and justice certainly will be done. After all the truth is on your side. Stay happy and healthy To a living legend With love XOXO
Your courage, your integrity, your voice, all appreciated by me and my loved ones… my tribe. Thank you. Respectfully.
John eres un ser maravilloso, lleno de muchas sorpresas, yo te creo y siempre estaré apoyandote. Quiero que sigas siendo la persona noble y alegre, aquel que a través de sus personajes trae asombro… Te amo
Te apoyo con toda mi alma en la manos momentos y buenos momentos #justiceforjhonnydepp
Please stay strong, you have made my life so happy and you have given me motivation. I wish you the best of luck with everything goig on. I love you so much. I wish i could meet you to tell you this in person and give you the biggest hug.
Creemos en ti, y sabes, si llegas a perder todo tienes a tus fans ,millones de fama que creen en ti, sabesmos que tu no hiciste nada de lo que dicen,y todos nosotros siempre creeremos en ti.)):
Dear Johnny, I have been a fan since I was 15 years old. I met you in a chance meeting in Hollywood on Melrose Ave. When I was 19. I wrote five song lyrics about you in 2007. I had been waiting all these years for you to get social media so I could give them to you. I believe you. You are a great man. A wonderful soul loving and caring. I love you and always will. You will win this war. Love always Angel Schooley.
Dear Johnny, we will always love and support you. We will always fight for the truth. Greetings from Russia
Johnny I Love you!!! Estamos contigo!!! Desde chile!
Johnny, i love you so so much. Im so thankful that I got to grow up with your movies. Im with you. Much love <3
We all believe you and support you Johnny. You are innocent, we know that!! We are with you… love you sooo muchh!!! <3
Johnny, we know the truth, we will never leave you alone, we always be on your side
We are ALWAYS wit you Johhny. We love youuu
We love You and always will. No matter what happened. No matter what others think. Our hearts and souls with You forever. We believe in Your truth and we will fighting for that.
You did not deserve any of what was done to you. We believe in you. Never give up.
Hi Johnny! Please remember that I and all your other fans will always support you and help you i’m difficult situations, we will be on your side in all disputes because we all know that you are a wondeful, carnig, honest and unique person who Has a lot positive energy! We are with you Johnny!
Dear Johnny I believe and believe in you with all my heart. Regardless of all these consequences, we soldiers are always with you and we trust you. May our support always be with you and give you even more power in every case and battle. We are with you in this case as always. I would like to say that I am a Turkish girl who admires your movies and you very much, although I may never see you. I am grateful to you for contributing to us with your beautiful projects. Thanks for everything. Love you so much. ELİF İNCE
I love you so so so much Johnny.You are so strong an so perfect.I believe you.We believe you.You always give me a power.You are one of a my idols.You have a good heart and you’re right about it.Please don’t upset.We always with you.You are my hero and you are my world.I love you so much Johnny.
Truth always wins in the end. You’ve got this! Keep fighting your truth, and we will all be standing alongside you opposite the rapids. You have a legion of fans and supporters behind you and we will never stop fighting for the truth. Much love from the bottom of my heart, always and forever! X
Dear Johnny, everyone knows you are a gentleman. I am with you, for you, near you. Lots of love, respect and support from France.
Dear Johnny you’re my childhood hero, We are with you Johnny, we believe in you, we stand by you, no matter what, no matter when, you have us, and we will never leave your side
Never forget that the army will stay behind you. We love you so much and we won’t stop believing you. We keep fighting for the truth with you.
Siempre con johnny te amo desde hace mucho, espero que esto no te afecte y sigas trabajando, tan bien como siempre… te amo
Hi Mr. Depp, first of all I want to tell you that I am your biggest fan, I am crazy about you and I have seen all your movies ALL! congratulations for the artist you are I admire you very much, as well as being for me the most beautiful man in the world, well I want to tell you to rest assured because we will not leave you alone, I am Italian and I remember at There is mail for you when you said: if you have a family you have an army behind you well that’s it, your army is us fans, so don’t worry we are there for you and we believe in you, you are a wonderful man and I love you i am 33 years old so i can understand how you feel, we will love you forever, a big kiss from italy. Come on Captain Jack Sparrow!
We trust you, so don’t give up and believe in your self becouse you are wonderful
I will be always with you, Johnny. I love you so much. Don’t give up and stay strong. Everything will be. I am with you, like all your fans. I love you man!!!
I have seen the pain in you that I myself, know to well. I believe you 100% and stand with you. Never give up telling your truth. Lots of love to you.
baby, we love you, we support you and we’re always there for you. Don’t worry about anything, we’re proud of you as your family. I love you so much, I hope I’ll meet you one day and I’ll can tell you this face to face. greetings from Turkey and your family – Emine Nur
I wish I could protect you from everything wrong that happens in this life… from all those toxic people and situations… I love you and I would literally give my life just to see you happy and loved for the rest of time… I am quite disappointed of this life and many times I just want to give up … but you , you are the only one that motivates and keeps me going. I will stand by you forever and as long as I will live I will support you through thick and thin. If for me things can’t get better I pray with all my heart that they do for you as you deserve it. Wherever you are hope you sense all the love I send your way. And if I am to have any joy in this life I wish it could be given to you as through you I will feel it also. Thank you for existing and remember that you are loved and you mean a lot for lots of people. I love you Johnny, I hope one day I will be able to hug you and get lost on those beautiful eyes of yours. My heart belongs to you
Dear Johnny, we all love and believe in you, you are an amazing man with a kind and loving heart. You are one of my favourite actors and one of my biggest inspirations.we all know you can get throught this you are strong!! And you have us all on your side. We love you
We are with u
Johnny, all through lockdown since April, you’re the only one in my daily thoughts. I hope some of the affectionate vibes I feel for you get through! You’re much loved. Chin up and head high – toward a new horizon. JoJo
I’m grateful for you for all the art you create , you made sure we grew up with role models and good memories you have been more of a father to me than my own dad I swear not only you wiped my tears and put a smile on my face but you also gave me dreams and hopes so I only pray that you keep the people and things that are dear to your heart that you never lose your smile and that your music reaches more people than ever . Rock on man!!! you gonna be alright
I believe in you, Johnny. Truth will prevail!
Dear Mr. J, Thank you for being an inspiration to me, you’re one of the reasons why I am motivated to wake up and continue my life because I know that one day I will meet you and one day I can get a very very tight hug from you. You always inspire me to do more, to work more, and to improve myself, you are so brave Mr. J and I hope you know that. Your fight is also our fight, you always got our back and we will support you until the last day of our lives. This maybe cringe but, yes We love you very much Johnny. Mahal kita.
We will always love you,help us to have justice,(and us and you),the truth to prevail! We will be on your side, and of the truth! Respect, love and hugs!
Johnny we all believe in you and you are not alone in this you have a amazing and huge family please be strong love u so much
Dear Johnny, you were failed by the system. We are beyond shocked at this ludicrous ruling. Stay strong.
Hello Johnny! Here we are with you, you are the best, do not worry you have a great army behind you it is us, please I do not want to see you sad, I love you, you are my motivation, my example to follow, you are part of me and I want you to be happy, you are not alone, I BELIEVE IN YOU JOHNNY, I send you many kisses and a huge hug. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JOHNNY!!! I believe in you!!!
Dear Johnny, I hope you know just how much we all love and support you. You have inspired me and brought so, so much joy into my life, as well as the lives of millions of others. Sending you all of my love
Do not be sad. I’m always with you. Always with all your fans. I love you so much. Love from turkey
We believe in you. We are always with you. Do not give up your strong stance. Love you so much
johnny love we are here we are all the time in here dont forgot we are always support you you are right and all the other will see you are perfect we are love you and i believe you johnny dont be sad
Hi johnny! you have always been my hero, I saw you at the Lucca concert and it was the most beautiful evening ever. you are special and i believe in you
Dear Johnny, the earth says justice! justice will be served. Keep fighting. We’ll keep fighting for you. You are so brave, the world is so proud of you and your team. You’ve helped so many in ways you are not aware of. Please stay safe, we love you.
We believe in you, you are a great and courageous man, you will be able to overcome even this and we will never stop giving you our support. Thanks for everything
My beloved Johnny, you are THE TRUTH. You are a good person and with a big heart. I love you more than anything else and I will always support you, till when a golden man like you will get the justice, because you deserve it and because truth and love always win over everything and you, Johnny, are the love in person. I love you and never forget you have an army by your side that will accompany you forever. Your beautiful smile is our happiness and never stop smiling. Time solves everything. Come on boy, stay strong! We love you so much..
Dear Johnny, I know these are hard times for you and for all of us but we will keep fighting stronger than ever! Stay strong, we will stand with you till the end Sending so much love and positive vibes, love you
Dear Johnny, i have been a HUGE fan of you since my childhood. You are everything to me. You have always inspired me with your talent and your kind heart. This is why I and many others will not stop supporting you. There are so many obvious evidences and the whole world knows about them. We all know that you’re the innocent one. We all know what kind of a person you are. You are the strongest person I’ve ever known. The kindest. Simply the BEST. You’re a legend Johnny. I just want to say that please don’t be upset because all of us are here for you FOREVER. We are with you. We love you. We love you so so much.
You are NOT alone. Your pain, and abuse is opening many hearts, and minds. The Live, and Respect you show to anybody you interact with is the true measure of you, a GentleMan. You have the Soul of an Artist. Take it Easy, and don’t let the Feckers get you down.
You are an admirable man in every way, God will give you your reward, never let your guard down, I will always support you I love you
Dear Johnny, thank you for being so strong! Thank you for being the voice for so many domestic abuse survivors! We believe you and we will always stand behind you and support you in any way possible! You have helped so many people with your story! Justice will be served for you, for other victims, and for the rest of us! Thank you for being so strong!
Its not important what they’re saying.. You are innocent and people around can see that.. we believe you. Everyone in the world knows that you’re innocent, even the cruel judge and the people around Amber.. they all know that, and that’s what that matters.. You see the thing is.. even if this was the end (which its not) you will always have lots of lots of people being near you.. We’re your army.. We will always be by your side, and we will always love you. You have supporters all over the world who won’t let anyone talk trash about you. There is no such thing as JUSTICE in anywhere in this world. I hope believing in you and loving you would reduce the pain that you are having right now. Please take care of yourself. You really mean something to me.. to everyone in here. You are the idol for people like me.. You’re my hero, so please.. stay calm; stay safe.. I love you more than anything, and I’ll know forever that you were the one who should’ve win this case. Love Love Love xxx
Hi Johnny, we want you to know that you are so brave for what you did and for what you are fighting for. No matter what will ever happen we will always be with you and stand by you through everything in your life. You’re helping us and we’re helping you because we’re family. We love you, stay strong.
Ciao Johnny, sono una tua grandissima fan, ti scrivo questo messaggio perché ti voglio dare tutto il mio sostegno, amore e affetto che ho per te. Volevo dirti che fin dal primo momento ti ho sempre sostenuto e continuerò a farlo, perché la correttezza e l’uguaglianza sono stati ignorati .. per ora. Per me è stato molto travolgente venire a sapere che avevi perso difatti, mi sono messa a piangere come una fontana, perché la decisione che è stata presa la consideravo e tuttora la considero totalmente ingiusta. Noi fan comunque non smetteremo mai di sostenerti e ricordati che se hai bisogno di qualsiasi cosa noi siamo e saremo sempre al tuo fianco pronti a sostenerti. Ti voglio un mondo di bene baci, Alice
Thank you so much for being strong and fighting for whats right. We support you and we love you.
Today injustice has been done, but despite everything you have won because you have had the courage to tell the TRUTH about everything you have had to undergo during all this time. Always by your side. From Taranto, Italy #justiceforjohnnydepp. Love and respect
Hi. Dear Johnny. I am here, to showing you my support. We all love you and we believe you. You are the kindest man in the world and believe me, that your day for juistice will come. Be strong as you never was. You are the winer in public eyes, believe me. LOVE YOU.
Hola Johnny, I know you’re going through difficult times and maybe my words can’t be enough to cheer you up, but I hope all this will be fixed soon and for the better, by the way, I’ll take the opportunity to tell tou that I admire you very much as an actor and even though I don’t have the pleasure of meeting you in person I also admire you for the great human being you are.(disculpa mi inglés aún sigo practicando) saludos desde México te deseo lo mejor y todo el éxito que bien merecido lo tienes con cariño, respeto y admiración: Diana Rodríguez
We love you, believe you and stand with you.
Hello Johnny ! I’m Aurore, I made thé French Deppheads fan club with my friends ! I wanted to tell you we are with you and we’ll always be here to support you ! You are very strong and you are a good man so always stay the same We love you so much ! Hope i’ll see you some day to give you a big hug Big kiss ! Aurore Deppfan83
We’ve always believed you Mr. Depp, will always believe you and support you. Please understand how much you are loved and supported You’ve given the people a lot, you’ve been kind and generous to us, you’ve entertained us, you’ve educated us, and you’ve been an example of genuine kindness, people don’t create such fierce loyalties out of nothing. We are proud of you, and we thank you for setting an example to us to stand up for injustice and fight for it till the end. I leave you with an Arabic parable: “Once, a mosquito bit a horse. That hurt a bit; but after the hurt subsided, the mosquito remained merely a mosquito, and the horse: a thoroughbreed.” You are a thoroughbreed Mr. Depp, always will be. Love, M
Even if you don’t feel good, I want you to know that I believe in you and I know the magnitude of the heart you carry, I know that my words are of little value for what you are feeling but at least I want them to give you strength for this battle.
Hi Johnny, you’re a wonderful person, one of the kindest and gentle human beings that I’ve ever seen. Please don’t make a mistake by thinking that you’re alone, there are hundreds of people who believe in you, who trust you, people who know the truth, the real truth. Please keep fighting because you have an army behind you, keep fighting for the truth, for the real victims, but most of all for you, because you need justice, you deserve much better than this. I believe in you and in you truth, please stay strong and fight and don’t anyone let you down. We are with you Johnny!!
Dear Johnny, You are an inspiration to so many people. I can’t believe that some people would have the audacity to think that you would have such harmful intentions against someone. We are with you Mr. Depp. We all love and support you no matter what, and we will always stick by your side. We love you!
Thank you for be who you are Johnny, we know your real worth, we always have known that. We will be standing on the right side, yours. Go ahead, we’re always with you!
In the end we must remember that no amount of rules or their enforcement will defeat those who struggle with justice on their side. Don´t engage alone, we do this together!
Dear Johnny, you are a Great person and you cant give up. We are in this together and we will always suport you. All true fans will stay with you till the very end. I admire you and your work since i was a child. We will win the war.
Johnny tu es le meilleur je t’aime et je te soutiendrai
We will alwalys love you, no matter what! Tis was just a fight not the war! I will alwalys support you!
I know you won’t see this but I just want to say. Whatever happens, I will believe in you and continue to love you. I have believed in you so far and I will believe in you for the rest of my life. I will always fight for you and fight for justice. At the end of the day, we will be on the right side of the room. The truth is the truth even if no one believes it. And YOU ARE THE TRUTH. With my all heart and soul, I stand by you. From the beginning to forever. WE ARE UNBREAKABLE. Deppheads are here! Nobody can break us, nobody beat us! I LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. You are my first love, you are my last love. Stay safe. -Gülser Dağdelen
johnny, i love you to death. i’ve never seen such an amazing man in the industry. you’re beyond talented and such a kind soul. keep fighting for your justice. we know you’re innocent and i’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this. you’re so strong johnny we love you so much. don’t give up, the world knows your innocent.
Johnny, we’re with you! You have to be strong, we’re with you You lost a battle but not war! The filthy creature will burn in hell and you will come out victorious! Believe it! The world loves you!
Johnny, your fans are behind you all the way. You are an inspiration to so many. I truly admire your strength and courage. We love you & will always support you!
Do what you have to do for your your own happiness and peace Johnny. I will support you in every breath I take!
Dear Johnny, you’re not alone! We’re with you, we believe you and you can count on us forever! You’ve been so kind to people and your employers (I mean, with us your fans) as you like to say. It is our time to give you back all this love! You’re so pure! Your heart, gratitude, humility, it’s all so genuine, we can notice that! Don’t let anyone change your essence. People like you are rare on these days. We admire you not only because you’re such a talented guy, but also for who you are! Stay strong! We’re together. You’re above all of this, you’re an evolved person, and that’s what bother them, they can’t be like you, but they wanted to be. So people in this case usually says bad things about us, but they’re actually talking about themselves! We love you, and we know you. Even if through videos and interviews. We know you. You transparence good things when you speak. You have such a good spirit.
Hi Johnny. I’m Rainbow. I just want to say that no matter good times or bad, I would stand by you and support you, trust you.
Dear Johnny you will always have ny support, i beleive in you, all my love and a big kiss from Portugal
Sono sconvolta dal verdetto del giudice. La giustizia questa volta non ha funzionato, anche quando prove schiaccianti dimostrano il contrario. Noi continueremo a sostenerti perché la verità dovrà uscire fuori una volta per tutte. Con te fino alla fine
Hi dear Johnny! I just wanted to tell you that you are an amazing man. You fight as a king in this world and you deserve your place in haven. We are all behind you Johnny, we love you and we all know the truth! You are the winner in our hearts because you never stop fighting . Don’t stop being this amazing mal that makes me dream of a better place in this world… I love you. We love you! Take care of you and don’t let anyone to disturb you. You are our winner. Our MAN. OUR PIRATE !!
Creator gives it’s hardest challenges to the strongest warriors. Your strength and humility give me strength and humility. You are loved.
Dear Johnny, it doesn’t matter what happened today, the people stand with you! Your voice is finally being heard and that’s a force that can’t be stopped! Don’t ever lose hope because you have the truth by your side. We are here to help you write your story and share it to the world! Stay strong!
Sending so much love Johnny.
i am so sorry for the physical, mental and emotional abuse you suffered, today’s judgement is so wrong. You are a beautiful, kind, loving man and you are the victim, much love and support always xx
Dear Johnny: Do not despair. We are with you, always. Your quest for truth is important; it is your core value and a value you have passed on to us. Don’t ever forget that you have a fucking ARMY behind you. Keep fighting for truth and justice. You are so strong and so resilient, and we will always be with you. Take care of yourself on your journey for truth, though. Please.
I don’t know if you’ll see this but I have to say that I am so so proud of you for standing strong, having the courage and telling the truth. You really really encouraged many victims, especially male victims (including my own brother) to come forward. Thank you so much for speaking up. We want you to remain positive and confident. Please keep fighting for you, for us and for the truth. We are always with you Johnny, never lose hope
I stand with you. Do not despair, you are believed ~ overwhelmingly so <3
Dearest Johnny, Just letting you know that you have all the love and support from a person who looks up to you as an actor, musician, but most importantly, a human being. You’ve been absolutely amazing thus far and the truth will always prevail! Throughout all the madness, please stay strong and know that your justice will come, free and unashamed. Take care xx
Dear mister Depp, we are with you keeping fighting against injustice, false proofs. So stay strong as you are, be proud of who you are and the more important : take care of you !! We love you unconditionally !!
Mr Depp I always believe in your innocense…. I believe that the truth is always stronger that every corrupted system…. You are winner for all the people around the globe who love you…. Stay strong ang safe
I love you Johnny ! I wish I could meet you in person to say I’m sorry what you’ve been through ! You’re always in our hearts !
I don’t think that words can describe how we all feel, but we’re in this together and we won’t let this go until justice is served. Stay strong and keep fighting Johnny. And all of you reading this!
Dear Johnny! Thank you for being so strong, for standing up for yourself and many other victims and for never stop fighting. You’re an idol for so many people out there and we will never stop supporting you and will always stand by your side! I’m sad and disappointed with the result but I know you will get your justice soon! We all will stand with you on the right side to help you! Only love to you right now and all the best!!
Ignore the hate. You got this. Thanks for being you.
You know the truth and it is sad the court did not rule in your favor making the right decision. Do not let your psyche be destroyed by this as it is not the end. Keep fighting..Much love Johnny.
Dear Johnny, please stay strong. Like you always have. Please. We love you. We know your heart and we know your truth. We haven’t been standing by you all these years because of films Johnny, we’ve been standing here because of your heart. Every time you speak the pureness of your soul shines through and THAT is why we’re always here. It’s not your overwhelming talent that will forever go down as one of the most epic parts of cinema history. It’s YOU. Your kindness. Your humanity. Your humility. And your love, morals, and honesty. Please, keeping standing strong. Keep fighting. Please. Love Always- Sabah
Dear Johnny, it doesn’t matter what happened today, the people stand with you! Your voice is finally being heard and that’s a force that can’t be stopped! Don’t ever lose hope because you have the truth by your side. We are here to help you write your story and share it to the world! Stay strong!
I feel despair right now but I know YOU WILL get your justice. Please speak out if you can about the violence you endured. #abusehasnogender #beleivemen I am so sorry this is happening to you.
Men can also be victims of violence. Johnny, and all others who suffer from this, YOU’RE NOT ALONE. There are so many people who care about you, love you. And they wouldn’t have it any other way. Stay strong. Because you’re an amazing person.
We know the truth! We’ll always believe you! We’ll fight with you for justice! We’ll be by your side! No matter what! We are with you Johnny, forever!!! You always have our love and support!
We believe you Johnny. We are here for you. We stand with you on this rocky road that is justice. We send love your way. We send hope, faith and happiness you’re way. Stay strong. Continue fighting. We will fight with you. We know the truth. We will make our voices heard in support of you. Always. You have touched and warmed so many people and now its only fair we return this to you. We love our Johnny Depp
Hello i love you and I believe you and stand by your side, whatever happens
i was never going to say anything until now , because this case means so much to me !! Johnny is an incredible, splendid human being that loves to make everyone happy and greatful …. he cares too much about his relatives …. he loves deeply his family , his children and his friends …. So how can a person like that be accused of violence and some stupid stuff —— His lost this trail but he won our hearts agin and again —— they didn’t belive you but we and especially me will always do ….. i love you JOHNNY so fucking much that you can’t even imagine
Hi Johnny, You’re mi inspiration since I was a child. You have such a beautiful soul, and your strength is amazing. I’ll always support you, you’re the best person ever. we’ll fight together for the truth, stay strong!! Love you forever!
Johnny, you are valid. Your experience matters. I am so proud of your bravery, strength, and persistence of the truth. So many people adore you. Never back down in what you believe is right. I love you and thank you for all you’ve given.
Dear Johnny, all I want to write is this. Despite the show of injustice, that came from the British court, I would like to remind you that we, your fans and “relatives”, we know the truth and we are all united by your side. We know the truth, so keep moving. Sincerely, Nathalie.
Stay strong Johnny!!! We are with you!! Lots of love!!!!
I always be by your side, no matter what, no matter who. You are my hero. Never give up Cap. I’m so proud of you. I love you and I hug you from Italy I’m so proud of be a Depphead. Depphead is a promise
I have done so many recordings bmt the first one was the most genuine. We will rise from this. It was just a battle we will win the war. Be proud of what you achieved so far. We will prove the corruption. We will win.
Johnny we are all with you, justice must be on your side. You are a sweet and wonderful person and you deserve victory. Who tells the truth is not afraid. Stay strong
Johnny, you and your art has brought so much joy to so many people for so many years now and you should only get the same in return. We all adore you so much. Stay safe. Wishing you loads of love, justice and happiness for the future <3
I have some notion of how you feel, stay strong and don’t be shaken by mean comments from others, they never think about how we suffer. It’s very important to take care of your mental health at this time. Enjoy all your wonderful musical talent and use it to your advantage, maybe a new song? Music has helped me a lot in moments like this, I hope it helps you too. I trust in you, win this fight for all of us who suffer from violence.
I want to thank you, Johnny Depp for speaking out for many victims of domestic violence who are afraid to speak out. We love you so much. You are an inspiration to a lot of people. We BELIEVE you Johnny Depp .
Dear Johnny, I believe in truth and justice, but today I felt both failed. Yet, I have faith that everything’s gonna pay off. Stay as you are, who you are. You are kind, loving, humble, warm, caring, empathetic… and funny… You have a way with words in all situations. You are the one who puts smile on mine and many other’s face and it is worth living for. Stay strong, stay safe and take care of yourself. And remember, all your fans are living this together with you and supporting you all the way, always.
Hi Johnny. From Iran i just want to say that we love you so fucking much and we are standing by you cause you are our heroe
Johnny i love you we are all together with you…i’m so proud of you
Dear Johnny, always remember that you are not alone. We know your heart and we stand with you because we know where the truth is. Lots of love from Brazil
we will always be with you Johnny, no matter where or how, if there are still people who believe in justice, in the end, we will win the war
Dear Johnny, I honestly feel so bad for you and it kills me to think you are not getting justice. It’s truly unfair. But you are strong and I know you’ll keep on pushin’ on and will get justice in the end. I hope you and your loved ones are alright as you can be. You deserve so much better than this.
Dear Johnny, this is probably a very difficult time for you. Know that I, indeed, all of us are close to you, we support you and we will continue to do so, not only now but also after this war, forever. we love you more than anything else in this world and the only thing we want is to see you happy. once again, we love you. With love, Mar.
Hello Johnny, you need to know that we are all with you and stand by you. I know it’s hard, but keep fighting and the truth will come out. Just remember that there are many people that care about you and believe you. You must also know that just your existence and kindness helped many people including me and there is no way to thank you enough. Love you. Denxx
Dear Johnny, I firmly believe in justice and I know that one day justice will be served. Stay strong and never give up! Love, Marta
Johnny, you are my hero. In fact, you and my husband are the most important men in my life. I pray for you every single day. The verdict today as broken my heart. Please know that I will always love you and support you, no matter what. You did not deserve this. I am sending you every ounce of my love. Please stay strong and healthy! Keep going!
Dear Johnny , Je pense à toi I support you Be string We are all with you Love Bisous
Johnny we love u and we will support you no matter what! lies travel faster than truth but we know and we trust u no matter what……stay strong we are right behind you!
Standing right beside you…ALWAYS
Johnny, I’m always there for you. I believe in you with all my heart. I love you so much.
Ont et là pour toi et on te soutient
Dear Mr. Johnny Depp, we are grateful to be by our side at your most difficult time, just like you were there for us on our difficult times by sharing us your passionate acting & arts. We will stand by you and we believe you are innocent. The corrupt media and justice may have won today, but the whole world knows the truth behind your innocence. There will come a day that righteous justice will be served. Stay strong. Keep fighting. Stay safe. We are one. We will fight with you. You are our champ! You are loved. You are great.
I believe you. Stay strong
We always believed in you and we will keep fighting till you get your justice. Public has seen that you are the victim and that’s what matters the most! We will never give up, don’t you ever give up! We are with you.
I wish I could give you a hug and tell you that it will all be okay. You have gone through so much and I truly admire you for your bravery. Please be sure to take care of yourself. You have my utmost love and respect, and that will never change.
Sir, Johnny Depp, we are so proud of how strong and resilient you have been not only for yourself, but also for countless people who have suffered the same abuse as you. When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Please don’t give up! Whatever happens, we love you, we support you and we are by your side at all times.
Hi dear Johnny, I’m so sad about how it all ended up, I believe you, WE believe you. I hope you’ll have you’re justice and more job occasions as before. Love you forever
Dear Johnny, be sure I am still standing on the right side of the roaring rapids, right next to you I still believe you telling the truth. We, your relatives will never let you down. Please never forget, you are so much loved greetings from Germany
I promise you one day you will get the justice you deserve. we have your back king, you got this.
Always and forever with you Johnny
We’ll be by your side forever. We are with you Johnny❤💪🏻I love you so much
Sir, Johnny Depp, we are so proud of how strong and resilient you have been not only for yourself, but also for countless people who have suffered the same abuse as you. When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Please don’t give up! Whatever happens, we love you, we support you and we are by your side at all times.
No matter what they say we believe you we are here for you we are going to stay with you until you get justice you deserve it even if it means fight even harder we will help you overcome anything because to us your everything you matter to us and most of us grew up watching your movies you inspired us to become a better person and we love you forever and always.
dear john i know that you are innocent and that we all stand behind you and wish you a lot of strength. the media can write whatever they want, I don’t care. johnny depp i love you actually i would have gone to the concert in the summer to meet you but in germany all concerts have been canceled until august 31st and your concert is in august i hope it will be postponed to next year i love you i just couples up the vip ticket i am 16. and my dream is to exchange a bracelet
dear johnny, I’ve never been a really emotional or happy person, for my whole life I always felt like i was useless. My heart and mind were completely shattered before knowing you. From the moment i knew you, you made me smile so many times and cry only tears of joy. You’re absolutely the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen and you have the kindest soul, it’s so hard to see that there are some people that don’t believe in your beautiful being but i do. I love you so much thank you for making my life better everyday and please keep smiling. We all love you so much.but in germany all concerts have been canceled until august 31st and your concert is in august i hope it will be postponed to next year i love you i just couples up the vip ticket i am 16. and my dream is to exchange a bracelet
Johnny, people know the truth and who you are as a person. Please, stay strong and focused and don’t let them hurt you and get in your way. We support you and we love you! We can’t wait to see you on the big screen again. Don’t let anybody underestimate you. You’re valuable to us, the rest don’t count. Please take care of yourself. We want to see you happy. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Love you!!!!

I believe that you, Johnny, are the strongest person i have ever met, despite all the difficulties encountered in your life path, you are still here, strong as a rock and ready to smash more than before. no matter the result of a stupid sentence, for me it is for all your fans you will always be on the side of reason. I’m sure no one will be able to take down my hero Johnny Depp. keep it up captain

Dear Johnny, I know these times are being hard and I surely know that you don’t deserve this. However, I just wanted you to know that you’re loved and we are still here, on the right side, the side of truth, willing for justice. Please, remember it every single day: you are loved and we will ALWAYS be here for you. Thank you for making our lives so much better. We love you.

Johnny… Please be strong.. Most people know that you are INNOCENT. I’m so sorry that you have to go through this.. Never forget that you have an army of people behind you, supporting you and ready to fight with you! You will get the justice you deserve one way or another! I have faith! I’m so proud of you! I love you Angel ! Take care of yourself 

Your courage is inspiring. Today was not the victory we had hope for, but you are changing the world. By giving a voice to other victims that are silenced everyday. You are a shining light that some wish to dim, don’t Lillie them. We live and adore you. Keep going, don’t stop or lose hope.

You are doing the right thing king, just keep going. We are with you and we believe in you.

Dear johnny we love and believe you ,we’ll be with you forever

Dear Johnny, we will always be with you, no matter what happens. Keep on fighting, keep on believing. We love you always and forever❤

Hi, Johnny! I am a woman and I believe you since 2016, when we had little information about it. I’ve seen people close to me experience domestic abuse. So I know how this really like. You are a kind soul and the more I know your true self, the more I believe this is an injustice My toughts and prayers are with you. Don’t back down! Truth will prevail. I hope you’re well and safe. We love you!
We are here for you Johnny. Families never forget their “RELATIVES” and you are the most important part of this massive family. Everything is gonna be okay trust us. We love you #trustyourfamily
The world knows your truth. The world believes in you. Keep fighting!
I just want you to know that NONE OF US stopped believing in you, we are actually even doing more to show everyone the truth! We will never stop fighting for you. Like, ever! You are an amazing person with a heart of gold. You have no idea how much you helped me get through so many hard times in my life, especially this year is the hardest year of my life but you are helping me so much. And i’m trying my best to help you too. And you know what the best part is? I’m not the only one! There are soooo many people out there whom you helped but you have no idea about! This case even made me more proud to support someone like you, because you are not giving up. Can you imagine how much hope this is for so many male victims who are afraid to speak up? I am so glad that i grew up seeing someone like you as my role model. ( well, still growing up!! )Your Deppheads will never stop supporting you, we will always have your back!
Dear Mr Depp, I thank you for your films,your music, and your compassion to your fans. I had the pleasure of meeting you at the borgata and the kinds words you said to me as my world was crumbling around me. Those words have given me hope on many dark days with my divorce and post divorce nonsense. For what you said I will always support you in your endeavors. Fight on
Never lose faith. Never lose hope! The people know the truth and we will never stop voicing it. Stay healthy! Stay strong! We love you and your beautiful soul! No matter what happens, you have truth on your side! Never stop believing!
Dear Johnny, in this very difficult time we are all close to you. I’ve been following you since I was a teenager, my biggest dream is to meet you one day .. you have so much strength and so much courage and for this we will never abandon you, we know that you are a sweet and humble man. thank you for everything you do, and for your kindness. a kiss from Italy.
Dear, Mr. Depp i just wanted to take this time and let you know that I support you in everything that you do. You have helped me through depression, and dark times in my life just by existing and acting in movies that make me happy and bring joy and a smile to my face. Whenever I need words of encouragement or just need to feel happier, I listen to your words and watch all your interviews, movies, listen to your music etc. So the least I can do is tell you that my thoughts and prayers are going out to you. I know you are innocent and sometimes life isn’t fair but justice will be served against your transgressors. Don’t lose faith, dont be discouraged and never feel alone. Because you have a whole army of supporters and people who love you, me included. I hope you have an amazing day, and I hope to someday meet you and be able to shake your hand. That would be a dream come true. I love you Johnny, and will always back you up no matter what! I look up to your individuality and positive energy exudes your being, along with beauty that surpasses yet is entangled with your physical appearance. But more importantly is the beauty of your soul. Never give up, love your number one fan, Grecia.
Dear Johnny I hope you know that we’re always with you and are here for you I’m so proud to call you my idol. you’ve been so strong these past 4 years and I respect you so much for that Stay strong. You’ve helped me through so much in my life even though you don’t know it but I’ll always be by your side no matter what. Love you lots xx
Be strong! You have the support of all your fans around the world love you
Dear Johnny, i just want to send you all my love and all my support, you have to know that you will neve rbe alone, you don’t have to feel alone because you have an army that loves you and believe in you! Love and respect From Naples, (Italy)
We all know the truth. I love you johnny. we will never leave your side!
I am ashamed to be British today #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #ISmellAGustOfMusk…. Be strong Johnny US real abuse survivors know the truth.. we stand with you.
Dear Johnny, to say I admire you for your courage and strength is an understatement. You have been, and still are, an example of bravery and grace, handling this experience. I know that all the good you’ve put into the world through your art, and through your being, will eventually come back to you; and then you will be able to rest. Until then, keep fighting for the truth. Know that we love you and we stand with you, always. All the love, Ema Wolf
You are the best! Our hero
THank you for doing this for J!
O captain! My captain!
We are with you ! Know that we will always support you. #JusticeForJohhny
Johnny stay strong ! We love u and believe u
hi Im from iran i just wanna say here we all belive in u johnny u saved my life and only good person could do that no mather what u ar always a good person just wana say love u and i will support u till the end of the worldجانی و دلی ای دل و جانم همه تو
I will forever love you. I truly believe in you and will support you whatever happens. I’m praying for your justice
JD, Keep the strength, there’s a big army backing you up, no matter how this world treats you, we know the truth, true justice will come to you, keep fighting, for you and this dignity you earned from hard work. Always with you, no matter what, Mathu
I’m really speechless… I really don’t know what to say! Today justice has lost and you don’t deserve it! Despite this, never think that those who have seen your films believe you capable of the behavior they accuse you of. I’ll always be with you and you’ll have my love and support, even if from far away. None of us will stop fighting for justice. Come on Johnny! I love you so much
I love you Johnny. And I Believe with all my heart that you are innocent. And I know that my god is a god of justice and you will have justice in the blink of an eye. Lots of love
Support him forever
Dear Johnny, stay positive and stay strong. This is just one fight lost but the war is not over. We are all with you
I can only imagine how you feel about this surrealistic moment in your life, but, even though it’s not much, I want you to know something. I grew up with you, I feel attached to you as if you were one of my dearest friends and I cannot accept the idea of you giving up at this very moment, I just can’t. You gave me strenght when no one was there, you gave me hope, you comforted me, you taught me to dream and now it is my time to reciprocate. I’ll never stop defending you, I’ll never stop believing in you, and I’ll be here Johnny, always. You are brave, you are smart, you are loved and, most importantly, you are a genuine good, honest soul and all of these are rare qualities nowadays. You’re a rare gem and I won’t let you stop shining. Stay strong. Just keep moving forward. Justice will come. I love you, Sir, please, take care. – Lou
We stay with you Johnny, We believe in you, be very strong.

We all believe and support you…if justice on earth is mostly nonexistent wait for the divine justice…just be patient we’ll all wait and see…everything will be OK…Greetings from Alexandria..Egypt

Dear Johnny; please stay brave and strong. We believe you. We love you. Keep fighting. You’ve got this. xxxxx

Johnny we know the truth and are standing with you. You are so brave and this fight is so very important. Personally I am so very sorry about what has happened to you. Stay strong!

I believe in you with all my heart and I will always be by your side. I am proud of your struggle. I hope justice will be served.

Today’s verdict has brought to my mind words we all know from the brilliant saga – ‘Justice? Hardly.’ Though I still believe the truth certainly will come out. I just want Johnny to know that he’s got his army behind his back and I can say everyone I’ve talked to believes that she doesn’t have a shred of human decency so her words and this verdict is kinda nothing-burger for the society. Wish Johnny stay strong and calm. Much love and hugs from Russian community!

Johnny, though times are very hard and there are those (especially the media) who will try to feed off your situation, please know many of us know you are innocent. We see your warm and amazing soul. We see your generous heart. Please know you will continue to have our support. Our voices will rise alongside yours and ensure the truth wins out. You will come out of this as strong as ever with your head held high. Don’t let anyone use your coping mechanisms against you, don’t let them shame you for it. At the end of the day, you’re still here, you’re still fighting and you’re staying true to yourself. Its more than what those who critique you are doing. They always try to extinguish the brightest of lights but yours will continue to shine. I hope our love and sincerity reaches you.

No matter what they say, we will always believe in you. You’re are being so strong during this period, and this is really inspiring me. No matters what they say, because I will always be by your side, fighting with you for the justice you deserve. Stay strong Johnny, we will beat them all

I saw my first Johnny’s movie when I was four years old. Johnny, you are a kind, caring person; the man who in 2018 in Lucca saw me cry with joy and simply smiled at me. i know that you are innocent. i’m glad to picked you. I’m honored to have chosen you as my favorite actor. I will always be with you Johnny Your relatives will always fight with you. The truth will come out. Stay strong Johnny

Dear Johnny.. please remember that we are with you and support you no matter what.. we all know the truth and You are the winner in people eyes. we will fight for you and we’re not gonna give up until you get the justice you deserve..please be okay cause You are so important to us.. I love you so much with all my heart

Dear Johnny, we are with you and we’ll always be with you no matter what happens. You are a hero to me and you make me smile even in very bad times 🙂 it’s only a battle, the real war is not over yet…Hope you’re alright. Stay strong <3

Johnny, I’ll always be by your side. Stay strong and keep fighting

Cher Johnny, je suis de tout cœur avec toi. Tu as tout mon soutien, j’espère que justice te sera rendu. Je t’envoie plein de belles énergies positives. Amitiés. Johnny Steff.

Dear Johnny, I believe in you and support you forever. I believe that the truth will always win. Please do not give up. I will send love and hugs from Japan. Thank you for always loving your fans.

my dear Johnny, I have always believed in you. I have never doubted your innocence, goodness and sweetness. I am with you, and I will continue to support you. I hope you get our support and our hugs. Do not give up

I believe you Johnny! I’m devastated to learn the verdict and can’t imagine how you feel right now……please stay strong and remember we love you and always believe you! Love from Hong Kong

Im so sorry that you had to go trough everything you did, i support you a 100% and i always will no matter what any judge says. You always make me happy even in my saddest days. I really wish you the best and hope for all this to be over soon

I love you johnny..No matters what.. You helped me in my darkest times through your acting.. I love you for what as a person you are.. And for what as an actor you are.. I believe you completely

Johnny, I have and will always believe in you. We, your true fans, will always be by your side – always supporting you through all the BS! The problem with justice today is that people are corrupt, and the system is sometimes stacked against us. The truth has already been told by you, and that’s all that matters to us. We love you, always! I wish you many more years of a peaceful existence, and pray justice will be served to you know who!

Johnny, please don’t give up! You’re loved by millions. We believe you..we believe in you always. You’re a rare gem and will shine no matter what they throw at you. Much love A.

You’re such an inspiration to me! Hope one day I’ll have the fortune to work with you. With love, Marty.

Dear Johnny, Please at all times keep your head above the water. This is not the end merely the beginning. We walk beside you and behind you everyday and will catch you if you fall. I believe you x

Mr. Depp I’m truly heartbroken about today’s verdict but I know that you will prevail and get the justice YOU DESERVE! I love you Mr. Depp.

Hi Johnny! Know that you are loved and that we support you no matter what! You will get justice, you deserve it. Take care of yourself and don’t let people bring you down.

Dear Johnny, you must know that a lot of people respect you and support you, I know it’s not a good time for you, I will support you forever and despite everything and everyone. The world should open its eyes because it is clear that you are right and not Amber Heard. I hope with all my heart that this affair is resolved in the best possible way. -camy

My beloved Johnny, I have always been on your side, for the true and sincere man you are. Each of us will support your cause so that the truth can come out. Never give up, sincerely yours. MG

We all know that you are a good person and if you do good things in life, they will come back to you. You helped so many people! I hope that someday you will be able to see yourself from our perspective. And we see you as bright as Sun! We are here whenever you need us! I know you already know all this, but sometimes, everybody needs to hear that, and open their eyes again! If you need us, we are here, and we will help you, just like you helped us!

You’re happiness means everything for all of us…You helped me so much in many bad situations of my life. And so I do for you now. I just want to hug you so fucking hard right now. The truth will come out one day. And till that day I’ll be here, by your side, holding your hand. Love you Johnny, by Angelica.

I’m so furious and shocked !! We really love you Johnny and we support you forever and ever! You are INNOCENT, there is proof !!! The verdict is totally unfair and false !! But we will fight against that so we can be heroes !! I love you, WE love you, and you are not alone !! Full LOVE ♡

dear johnny, I don’t even know where to start. Please know that there are millions of people behind you – you are the strongest person I know and I know we will get through this because you are a good person and we deserve justice. We love you.

My story is I was in a dark place where I had quite bad anxiety and really did not like myself. Then this legendary man by the name of Johnny Depp became part of my life and in nearly three years I have never looked back. I have always been one to call people out in their wrongs and applaud those for their rights. I love and support Johnny and have done for a while. The following of him and the case has given me purpose and often times joy for this community. Johnny has made me realise what good humans look like as it is often hard to find examples now a days. I want to thank Johnny for all he has done for me and everyone especially survivors of assault. Johnny is the most loving loved humble talented caring passionate generous and admirable survivor there is. What more could you want to look up to? I wish Johnny all the love, happiness, success , justice and health in what I hope is a very long and happy life XX

Dear Johnny, I just wanted to say that I believe you and I hope you are OK. I was not even a fan but you are my hero now. I’m sure there are many people like me who feel they don’t fit in this world and then someone like you appears to give us hope and sustain us through life,. I feel I am a little less weird and inspired to do my best in this strange world. You make my life easier and better just by existing and with the gift of your work. You deserve all the best and I hope you feel loved and supported now. I wish I could give you a hug. I hope you feel it anyway. I love you. Be safe and strong.

Dear Johnny, i love you so much, my biggest dream is to met you, because you are amazing and i total belive you and support you, when i feel very bad i imagine that you are with me and i feel really better, you must know that i will always belive you, love you and support you, you deserves everything, you deserves justice , i hope one day you will get it, i love you so much, you make me feel so happy, thank you for all.

You don’t need to feel lost J, God is on side of honest and kind people, and honestly you are the kindest i God is with you and the God is above all.Be sure you are the winner at last & actually you already are the winner&king of milion hearts that will do anything for you without a doubt.Whatever happens we always support you &we go with you through this all,bc we are fucking in love with your beautiful, innocent soul and nothing else. It is deffinetly not over we will fight beside you, only for you honey, and it’s the world’s rule the truth will reveal at last,the victims are true winners.I’m fucking crying myself but i just wanne calm you down, i just wanne let you know that you should keep going and stand tall,we got your back my sweet creature you’ve got an army man. I know you won’t read it anyway or who the fuck i am to give you this advice i live in iran the country that you may not even heard and my i can not even watch your movies in theater so i don’t even dare to imagine meeting you some day, i know all these but i am a fan & a true lover so it’s my duty to say these even though i know no one will read them:) Stay strong my man.

I just saw a picture of the newspaper somewhere that said those lines. before that, I have been calming down and stopped crying because i thought it was gonna be ok that you filed an appeal. but when i saw that picture… i’m crying so hard right now. johnny I love you so much, please stay strong. we’re with you. we know that you’re innocent.

Johnny, i’m so sorry for this battle..but man, it’s a battle, in a war there’s a lot of battles, and WE, we are here, alive, and ready to fight, to fight with you, ALWAYS with you, stay strong man, all love and respect from Milan, Emanuele

We believe you. We believe in you. Stay strong Johnny it takes courage to do what you did to bare your soul to the world. We stand with you and we will never stop fighting for justice..

Johnny, you have my full support from here, from Chile 🇨🇱. You should know that you are much more than what that newspaper talks about, in reality you are worth much more, everything he says is nothing, you are a thousand times better than what they can say about you. I’m sure that soon the truth will come out and everyone will understand how wrong they were to think badly of you💗. The only thing I ask of you, please do not give up, do not fall into lies, do not stop emitting the happiness that you always emit. love you💗

All i want to say is thatJohnny Depp don’t deserve what happened today. He deserve only the best but whatever happened i will not stop fighting for him i believe in you Johnny don’t lose hope you the greatest, strongest, and bravest man I have known on earth i mean every single word i say you have stayed strong through all the odds you have you did a great job in the case, you tried all your best to make people happy and i believe very soon people will know the truth and they will appreciate you mooore than before like someone said 💎”ONE DAY PEOPLE WHO DID NOT BELIEVE IN YOU WILL TELL EVERYONE HOW THEY MET YOU”💎 don’t lose hope i will love, support, fight for you till eternity i will never let you down never ever you have no idea how much you mean to me i simply can’t explain how i love or express my feelings for you and i don’t love you because you are a celebrity …no. i love you because you are you, you are Johnny, you are such an angel and if we lost this case it doesn’t mean that we will not win the next on the contrary we will win and we will celebrate our victory and the whole world gonna know the truth so don’t worry and be happy because seeing you sad hurts me so much you a gorgeous man you are the king of angels i love you so and i hope i can meet you one day ❤ be safe and take very care of yourself i need you to be safe and happy you are so precious to me

Johnny, we believe in you. We believe in justice. Un abbraccio…

We are all behind you, always, do not give up, stay strong

I will always stand with you. In this f****d up world we need to fight or justice. I wish I could give you a big hug right now. Love you a lot and hopefully see you next year in Austria.

Keep moving, the truth will always come to the light, and those who have it will be blessed with it, don’t give up because you have our entire support, we truly love you, I send you lots of hugs and hope, you are my inspiration

Hello Johnny, I really hope you are having the most wonderful day, please don’t let the corrupt media and eye of the law get to you. Us people believe you and that’s what matters most. I love you as a person, all of your films and documentaries from A Nightmare on Elm Street to Crock of Gold – A Few Rounds with Shane McGowan. I know you will get the justice you deserve very soon. Love you so much and remember to have faith and keep fighting for the truth.

I will and we will absolutely stand by your side in of the way. You are worthy of love.

Dear Johnny, it’s with amazement that I became aware of the verdict in the trial against The Sun. It’s incomprehensible. I wish you good luck for the future as you appeal. I will always be there to support you, with all the #DeppHeads around the world. We love you with all our heart.

Johnny Depp ! My hero, I want to send all my love to you. We will keep on fighting along side you until justice is served ! For you and for all victims of abuse ! I’m so proud of you I wish I could put all my feelings in words, i hope you feel the love and warmth appricetion and that feeling that I can’t explain.. xx liel.

I still believe in you Johnny keep fighting warrior

Johnny, you’re truly the strongest person I know. Not only because of everything you’ve been through, but also because of the way you continue to stand strong in the face of everyone who’s constantly attempting to silence you and/or bring out the worst in you. You’ve showed them that nothing could shake you and let you stoop down to their level. Though I’ve never met you, I can honestly say I’ve never admired and looked up to anyone as much as you my whole life. You possess a rare gem inside of you, a pure heart, the light of which is capable of piercing through what is seemingly impenetrable darkness. You’ve showed us strength, taught us patience, and given us hope for the times ahead. I will forever be proud of you and everything that you represent, and even prouder to be supporting you at all times, and to stick by your side, on the right side of the roaring rapids. I am sending you all the love I have to offer, my heart is your haven. Take care, love, and remember: ‘All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.’ Love, Nis.

Johnny you are an inspiration for the change that is needed in this world. Through your courage you have shown that speaking your truth may not bring the legal result you were seeking, it has brought you something just as important, love and respect. So many people have rallied to your side to support you in proving your innocence and opposing those who would deny it. I love and respect you and join the millions of people that feel the same way. Let this love flow into your heart to sustain you as the next challenge begins. You have won just by speaking out for yourself.

Johnny, I really hope you’ll be able to read this message, as well as the other ones. We all stand by your side in this crazy ride that you’re going through right now. I wish I could hug you and tell you this by person but unfortunately this is not the best of the times. I just want you to feel fully loved and supported not only by me, but also by all of us. What is happening to you is something that cannot be explained, justice is something so expensive nowadays and I wonder if there will ever be equal justice for all of us. I will support you as I’ve always done, and I will defend you because you deserve better; you are such a wonderful human being, a beautiful person and a talented and brilliant artist. I want justice to be done for you and I won’t stop until I’ll see it done! Love you forever Johnny, stay safe and strong! We’re with you! ❤

Keep your head up Johnny and don’t worry because we (your fans) have got you. You’re going to be okay and will bounce back on top. We know the truth.

Dear Johnny! I hope you’re fine . We stand by your side, no matter what. We know that you are innocent .Stay the way you are because you are the bravest ,nicest and most loving person on this planet .Much love and respect!

I trust you and I will keep believing in you. Please stay strong, you have us in your side! The system may be corrupt but people know the truth. Please never give up! Love, kris.

To my heart, Johnny Depp I swear that I have many works that I have not been able to finish because of thinking about what happened to you on November 2, 2020, I hope to know how you feel, so that the Lord will testify that I am very worried about you, very sad and I want to stop time and rearrange everything, I love you so much Sincere angad

We are with you, we love you, and we will never stop supporting you

Heya Johnny. You’ve made me laugh, cry and cheer, but I will forever be most thankful for the fact that you made sure I never felt lonely. With every quirky, new interesting character – fun or dark – I found a little bit of myself and as the designated “weird kid”? That was invaluable. Today, though, you helped me feel less lonely in a different way…By being so candid with your struggles, I’ve found its been a little easier for me to face my own traumas and, moreover, I have now been able to find the strength to stand up and protect others. Thank you for that. I cannot express how much you’ve affected me. Just carry on being you and all shall be fine. See you whenever! Or most likely…never! – Immie : D

Heya Johnny. You’ve made me laugh, cry and cheer, but I will forever be most thankful for the fact that you made sure I never felt lonely. With every quirky, new interesting character – fun or dark – I found a little bit of myself and as the designated “weird kid”? That was invaluable. Today, though, you helped me feel less lonely in a different way…By being so candid with your struggles, I’ve found its been a little easier for me to face my own traumas and, moreover, I have now been able to find the strength to stand up and protect others. Thank you for that. I cannot express how much you’ve affected me. Just carry on being you and all shall be fine. See you whenever! Or most likely…never! – Immie : D

My father didn’t survive. You did. You are changing lives. You are showing the world that men have suffered DV, too. I’m so proud of you sweetheart. Keep fighting. Keep rocking on!

Stay strong & don’t let the them get to you. We know that you are a man of integrity,  my family & I support you. Much love

We know the truth, Johnny. The public knows. We stand with you and we always will. You are so strong and brave for speaking out and spreading the truth. Never lose hope, Johnny. We love you.

Dear Johnny Depp, I am so sorry , you deserve world but this world never deserved you, so sorry you were wronged again , but Hoping that the Justice will be served soon , I as depphead stand by you, trust in you and your truth. Loe you and respect irrespective of anything . Now world is seeing the truth , tides are changing , still more is change is needed I guess . But how much ever the tides changes , we deppheads are here for you.. Love you . Belicia from India

Please try to keep the faith and stay positive as i will never stop supporting you. I believe in you and that the truth will succeed, please do the same. Sending you my warmest thoughts and prayers, ❤you!

Hi Johnny it’s Kristen I just want to say that I love you so much and I want to let you know that I’m here for I hope everything works out and I hope the judge will understand your story you are an amazing man and person I love you Johnny so much praying for you and love you dearly

You are not alone. My love, I want you to know that I love you and that I always believed in your innocence. God is seeing all this, believe that justice will come soon. The war is not over yet. I’m here forever, I love you so much! your fan from Brazil, Mylla

ps .: I wanted to be there to hug you

Dear Johnny, I hope you’re doing well in these hard times. I just want to let you know that you’ve inspired me the most since my childhood. Because of you I learned how to be myself and stop trying to fit in. I feel like somehow you can always give me comfort with your incredible characters and personality. For me you’re one of those people who have the most beautiful soul in this world. When I look at you, all I can see is a very humble, gentle, caring, genuine man and an absolutely talented artist who stays true to himself since the very beginning of his career and whose heart is made of gold. Liars may have won this time but justice needs to be served and hopefully you’ll get it because that’s what you really deserve. Me and all the other deppheads (or your relatives as you’d say) will always support and fight alongside you, no matter what. Don’t give up king, we all are sending you lots of love, strength & positive energy to continue this battle. We are with you forever

I want to thank you for simply existing, I have grown up with your films, I’m a die-hard fan of you since I can remember. I live with the hope of one day meeting you in person, but even if that doesn’t happen, I would like you to know that you have always had my unconditional support and loyalty, no matter what. I’m faithful to you, I’ll be with you and for you forever. Never forget that you’re not and have never been alone. You are my biggest inspiration to keep going, and I hope to continue for you for many more years. Please stay strong, healthy and keep going.

Dear Johnny, today we cry with you in this battle. I believe you! I would very much like to see you happy, even if you wanted to, but believe me my friend the war you will win. I kindly ask that you be well, we are all here for you and make sure that justice will be done. Stay with God and may he bless you so much and window to you. I love you and Brazil Love you to

Johnny wants to let you know the full support I have for you even though we know what is happening to you is not fair, now we are here for you we will support you no matter what happens, we will follow you through the trials you will face, we will stand for you the truth will still prevail will still be known, do not forget johnny we are here for you, we are here to support you, we are here always, dont forget that we love you.

Johnny we stand with you, now and every single step of the way. We stand with the truth and we are more determined than ever to keep spreading that truth. You’re given us years of enjoyment through your incredible talent and now it’s time for us to return that favour. We love you so much x

Dear Johnny: I don’t have enough words to express my pride for you. We know all the truth. We’ll continue fighting by your side. Remember, you’re not alone. A big warm hug with love from Chile

Hello Johnny, I know today is not a very easy day for your fans as we will always be by your side no matter what happens you are everything to us and every day that passes every second that passes we love you bad and but you and our world our universe our baby lol you are strong and never forget we are your army I love you very much my love

I just want to say you are not alone!!!!! We still believe in you. Just be strong and don’t give up!!!!

Dear Johnny, I was heartbroken when I read the news and so worried about you. But I also knew that we shouldn’t lose faith and hope. We trust you and we stand by your side to support you. I send my love to you here from Hong Kong.

I’m with you! I believe in you! Stay strong! You are very ver important for many people who love you ! Gratitude 🙏🏻💙

Johnny, despite the fact that your case ended totally unfair, sincerely I will be by your side no matter what happens, because being with you is being next to justice, ILYSM 💖🥰🥰

I do believe in you ,u r in my prayers all the time. Let’s keep fighting for the truth together and never give up… I love you so much 💗

I hope you are taking care of yourself through this difficult times. I hope you know and this helps you know that people have seen the evidence and can see the truth. Know that I have never been someone to care about celebrities and that has nothing to do with me caring deeply about the injustice that has been done to you. It’s a shame we live in a world that cannot find the balance of finding truth and treating everyone with respect regardless of gender. Take care of yourself and keep spreading the truth

Being a victim of a FEMALE covert PN since 2014, I am with you and with all the victims of FEMALE abusers. This verdict I’ve foreseen, and it does not shock much, women are NOT recognized as Abusers nor PN’s in the Law or in the Medical field, that’s why it’s very hard for us the victims to fight for our rights, even with hard evidence at hand. Even the cops won’t bother to do something, if the Agressor don’t try to kill again or break some bones_and even then, the gaslighting, smearing and harcèlement won’t be enough to get justice, to be protected and to be finally free from the grip. This indeed is very hard subject to get on with, hopefully this will change one day, and that the justice will be done. Then again, Karma will always take care of bad people. Thank You for being strong and keeping up the fight. Don’t give up. We are with you and your Crew. May good things come and may the justice be done.

Mr. Depp your justice will prevail and you will get what you deserve you are the biggest bright light that had eve walked this earth and you are LOVED by so so so many, including myself. Thank you for everything that you have done in the film world and also having a voice for males who are too afraid to come forward. I love you Mr. Depp and your day will come! Justice will be served!

We will always support you and stay strong. Take care ❤

Johnny, we believe you and stand behind you! After reading and hearing all the facts, it is clear that your ex is a liar and was abusive. We are so sorry that as a man, you aren’t getting the justice you deserve. But the truth WILL continue to spread and your name will be cleared. You have shown over the years what kind of man you are – you are known for being compassionate and treat others well. The fact that you have employees who have been with you since the 1980s speaks volumes. You are a gem and deserve happiness and peace. Professionally, you will always be our favorite actor. You are one of the few actors who truly BECOMES the character. When Brad Pitt is in a movie, we see Brad Pitt. But with you, the character shines. We will always support your movies and are rooting for you in your personal life. Stay strong, Johnny. You’ve got A LOT of love and prayers coming your way.

Johnny much love and respect and what Shane said in his video is right. Love you and you will always be in my heart ❤. Your family love you always and forever.

Dear Johnny, you are my 1st and the only Hollywood superstar I’ve always love, Captain Jack Sparrow made my childhood and still make my day even in my darkest days. I love all your character from Glen Lantz from “Nightmare on Elm Street” to Edward Scissorhands, Gilbert Grape, Ed Wood, Dean Corso, Charlie, Mad Hatter, the iconic Captain Jack Sparrow and the list goes on. On real life you make me believe that one person can portray a lot character with so much grace and passion and not to mention your other gestures towards people around you off screen is also admirable. Every single person who worked with you have a sweet spot in their heart for you. You always kept others before you, I couldn’t imagine someone actually accuse you of domestic violence and that someone is your then wife Amber. I felt betrayed when someone  I loved do such thing, but you still are a calm person in this crisis which you are facing right now, you still care about other…and I love you for that johnny…I hope you get justice as soon as possible but no matter what happens I’ll always love you…you are my Johnny Depp the only superstar ❣❣

Johnny, you got this. I know you’ll do great. I know this won’t be easy, but I also know you’ve got what it takes to get through it. Sending you good thoughts—and hoping you believe in yourself just as much as I believe in you. I hope you don’t feel alone as you go through this time. We, “Deppheads” and your supporters all around the world, will always be by your side ♡

Johnny, I believe in you so much that in protest at this travesty of a verdict, I sat through the whole of Mortdecai which was fecking terrible. As long as you have fans like me willing to watch you in anything, you are far from over. I believe in you and I believe you were telling the truth. Stay STRONG and fight knowing we are right behind you. We love you Johnny.

My darling Johnny, I, and millions of others were shocked by the verdict handed down today. We Know And Believe Your Truth. Move forward and Appeal this decision. She totally manipulated him and he showed bias. He took her Pathelogical lies over evidence. You’re a Winner and we will continue believing in you and Justice Will Prevail. Love always Angel, Keep your head held high. 🙏💖

Johnny, please keep your head up and know in due time justice will be served! We Depphead’s are behind you no matter what. Love and respect always Angela B

I believe in you, in what you mean to me And what my life has become for you, I believe in your beautiful eyes, in your tender smile and in your song, in your projects and in your faith, I believe in you! In what you are and in what you can be, in the immense value you have, That no one can deny. Stay strong Johnny, you will always have my love and support 🙂

My dear Johnny Depp, I wish you good luck, I support you, You are simply the best, my love I wanted to support you personally but as it is not possible at the moment, I want you to know that I love and support you forever, I hope that one day I will be able to show you the drawings I make for you, as a form of affection simply love you my captain Jack Sparrow savvy ?? that justice is done #justicaparajohnnydepp

Your greatness lies in every moment you decided to never give up. One day you will realize that the hardest thing you passed through, was something great, As it saved you to make you stronger than ever before. Something great will happen to you and get you forget that pain , So patiently persevere: for verily the promise of god is true: nor let those shake thy firmness, who have (themselves) no certainty of truth . you went through, We love you, we believe in you and by your side forever…

Johnny – myself and my whole family are standing WITH you and BEHIND you. Keep pushing. Keep going strong man. We Love and Support you, and know which side to stand on … YOUR side. The side of TRUTH. Much Love to You. XO

Dear Johnny, if you are actually reading this let me tell you how proud I am of you for standing up with as a victim of domestic abuse. You are a light in the world of DV victims like myself for slowly collecting evidence and going after the people who trying to destroy you. You are strong and you ar loved by millions, no matter what the verdict says, continue fighting and never let that woman win. You an inspiration to many, you are an inspiration to me and other victims of DV. Keep going, Brother and stay Strong <3 – Anne Marie

My dear Johnny, I believe in you always!!! Please, stay strong!!! Everything will be fine!!! The truth will prevail!!! Please, always remember, we know the truth and you’re not alone, we’re here for you and we’re with you always!!! We truly stand with you, we truly support you and we truly believe you and in you!!! We have absolute faith in you!!! Always!!! I’m so proud of you, I admire you so much!!! You’re a good and wonderful person!!! You’re so good, so kind, so brave and courageous!!! You’re our knight in shimmering armor!!! You’re our hero!!! You inspire us and encourage us to always be a good person, like you are, and to always fight for the truth!!! We will continue to fight together!!! We will continue to spread the truth!!! Your fight is very important, you are very special!!! And we’ll win this fight together!!! You have all our love and support always!!! You can count on us always!!! You deserve only the best!!! You deserve to be very happy!!! We love you so much!!! I love you so much!!! I’m wishing you all the happiness, all the best!!! Take care!!! Don’t worry, my love, always have faith and hope, everything will be fine!!! I’m sending you good vibes, all my love and lots of warm and tight hugs and kisses!!! Muitos “abraços e beijinhos e carinhos sem ter fim”!!! Bless you!!! I absolutely love you my sweetheart!!! Eu te amo muito!!!

Hi sir Johnny Depp I’m from Philippines. Although everything isn’t going in the right way please stick to your stand. We all knew the truth and we are here to support you all the way. Keep being strong and brave. I love you so much

We all believe in you Johnny, despite what happened with the verdict. You are so courageous for speaking up about the truth and so strong through everything. Keep going and don’t give up, you deserve justice. We will continue to stand with you no matter what happens. Also, you are an inspiration to many other victims like me and I admire you so so much. I believe you and love you and always will.

Johnny, I’m with you, I believe in you and I know you’re innocent! I’m praying for you, God is with you and all the truth will be shown! The justice is coming! I love you!

Johnny Terá todo meu apoio, não vamos para de lutar pela justiça. Desde que você cruzou o meu caminho, o significado da palavra gratidão ganhou vida. Eu nunca tive ao meu lado uma pessoa tão generosa como você. Você me mostra, a cada dia, que existe esperança no mundo. Você é mais do que meu ídolo você é meu herói, minha grande inspiração.

We love you Johnny. We stand by you and will never leave your side, you are a courageous and brave man for not letting this abuse shame you, for fighting, for standing up to her. Please appeal this trash verdict. We love you.

Dear Johnny,i love you so much and i want you to know that I believe you strong

Sending much love and my continuing support. Unfortunately the truth has to fight harder than the lies. We are all behind you and will always love and support you. The truth will win!

Keep going, with the love & support of those who matter. We see you, we hear you, we believe you. I am so proud of you, having to remember & talk about painful incidents is difficult and you are so strong. We love you xxx

Johnny, I just wish to let you know that we won’t give up on you. You may have lost the case but in public’s eye we are aware of the truth, your truth. In many ways you saved my life during dark times and I really hope you will stay strong and happy. Don’t be sad, justice will come

Hello Johnny I just wanted to say that I know the truth, WE know the truth, you can always count on US and one day justice will be served! I’ll always be by your side, no matter what. Love you forever xx

We love you Johnny! We will always support youu justice for Johnny Depp

Hello Mr.Depp. I know this is a really difficult moment, were unfortunately, the lie survived. But, what I can tell you is that, the truth always will come out, in a day, a week, a month or even a couple of years, as in your case, but it will come. So, please, stay with your head up and NEVER give up for telling the truth! And also remember, we LOVE YOU and we support you, no matter what! We got your back buddy. Lots of love & respect genius! With love, one of your fans or “relatives” RP.

Dear Johnny, I know you might not see my Message. The news I heard today broke my heart , I woke up at 5am my time to keep my self updated every moment. When  I found out you lost I didn’t know what to think cause I knew it wasn’t true. I was honestly so upset and so disgusted from the judge. I couldn’t fall asleep so I stayed wake. I know you’re innocent YOU STILL ARE! iIfelt so sick to my stomach. All the deppheads and supporters will keep fighting! You mean the world to me ! You saved me! You’re the reason why who I am today. It’s amazing to see all the deppheads come together.  I haven’t been this upset about something for awhile. We all need each other right now. Support is one of the best things Dear Johnny get right now! You’re such an amazing,talented and nice person!! We might be back from the start but it will get better. I’ve officially lost hope in the justice system. I know you’re innocent 100%. We will keep fighting! We are a team. I was with my friends and all of them know you’re innocent and my family knows you’re also innocent especially my mom! You will get justice! Forever it be my dream to meet you! i’m so proud of you you’re so strong!

Dear Johnny, I saw your evidence and the transcripts. You are 100% innocent. There are many people including my mom and I who want you to have justice. We will continue to support you in your legal process and don’t believe anything AH has said and instead believe with real evidence that she is the abuser of you. We will continue until justice for you and other victims is served. We appreciate all you have done to help real victims. Thanks

I’ll always be behind you. Thank you for being my inspiration for 30 years. Love you always. K

Johnny, today and always you’ll count on me. God will make positive things happen to you and this will soon become a nightmare you’ll be able to forget. Send you all my love and positive energy and vibes. May justice become real. Pray for that with all my heart.

The sympathy for you has never been greater. There was never more love, understanding and compassion for you. The internet is raging, not with bots, with some deppheads though, but mostly with people who see: An injustice is happening here. Again. You fought back and that will be rewarded. Maybe not by a court and not by a judge, but by people with eyes, brains and hearts. A thousand, a million invisible hands will help you. Always. We’re here. Never forget that we love you very much and even more important, believe you. You don’t deserve this, but you will overcome it and we’ll help you through it

We lost a battle, but not the war, this is not the end, you are a very brave warrior, it takes guts to do what you did, we trust you completely and blindly, this world does not deserve you, calm down, justice will be done. We love you Johnny.

Bonjour mon cher Johnny, je te soutiendrai pour toujours je suis avec toi je t’aime fort de tout mon cœur ❤❤❤ Je t’adore 😍 #TeamDepp

Dear Johnny. I don’t know if you’re really going to read this. But I’m proud of you for standing up to your assailant at trial. It is a shame what has happened, I know you are innocent, I believe your word, and at some point you will surely have the justice you deserve. “The night is darkest before dawn”, do not forget, you are not alone in all this. I love you, I admire you as the great human being that you are, and I admire your acting career. Do not give up! I send you a big hug from Mexico.

Mi querido y amado Johnny, mexico esta contigo, nos consta que injusticia es algo que nunca terminará, no estas solo, tu fandom sabe quien realmente eres, NOSOTROS SI TE CREEMOS, Heard y The Sun podrán hacer sus desastres pero nunca ¡Nunca podrán tener el amor que tu tienes! *Te amo*

You’re not alone, México are with you!!!!!

Stay strong! We love you! ❤

Hi Johnny. I want you to know that we believe in you, no matter what happened. We know you’re a sweet, kind and generous man and we don’t care what they say about you. You have saved and inspired many lives including mine and I will always be grateful for it. I am on your side, always have been and always will be. One day you will have justice. So much love for you❤

Don’t worry Johnny we all are with you. Stay strong and show them who they have messed with him. Lots of load and support to you from all us Deppheads 💓👑🌍

ohnny you are going through a difficult time where you feel that nobody believes you but let me tell you that I do believe you, that violence has no gender and justice will be done, I send you a big kiss and hug from Mexico, I really love your movies, you are my Favorite actor since I was a child and I have seen the vast majority, you will always have my support, I love you sincerely, Sheky

Dear Johnny, u are and will always be an inspiration. not just for me but for all the people who love you for what u’re doing. since i’m a little kid i watch all ur movies. i’m sure i watched potc a hundred times haha. so thank you for everything, thank you for being my idol. we know the truth. we stand by you. now until the end

Hi Johnny.👋How are you now? ❤I just wanted you to know that I will always support you no matter what happens ✊🏻🥺💔I love you with my whole heart! And I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now.. 😢But remember that I will always be with you and be there for u✊🏻I will always stand for the truth!! You’re strong Johnny! 💗We will keep fighting with you 💙😌 love u lots!

Dear Johnny, thank you to have given voice to survivor of domestic violence. I’ll forever support you, sending you love n light from Italy

Hey Johnny! I’m from Turkey soo if i write something wrong just ignore it. I wish we were friends ’cause I would like to call you for these days. At least we have social media, I just want you to know that I am sorry and I believe you and I’ll support you no matter what. I know you’re 57 but I love u like you’re baby.

Head up and deep breath and remember who you are. Sending love and support from the U.K. x

Dear Johnny, we support you and we love you. Please, fight for the justice. We. All know that you are kind, awesome and a gentleman. We love you to the moon and back. Be strong honey

Dear John ❤ We’ve always been by your side and will always be. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks because we’re the ones standing on the right side of the roaring rapids. We’re fighting along your side and we will never stop. You’re my favourite person out there and I love you more than you could possibly imagine. Just continue being the brave, compassionate and amazing human being you already are. Sending my absolute love and support from Egypt. ❤❤

Be strong , know that we are out here to support you and believe that you are standing up for the truth.

Hello Johnny, I want you to know that you are a great person, a real treasure with a big heart and we all know that. You deserve to be happy and everyone should see what a beautiful soul you have. I will always support you and send you all my good vibes. I love you ❤. Jenny

Dear Johnny, if you read this, know that you always have a huge army behind you. We will never leave you and will always know who is the liar and abuser here. We still have everything ahead of us. With love and respect. Your relatives

I belive in you Johnny with all my heart. We support you, we are always with you!

Johnny, I have always supported and will continue to support you since the beginning of this litigation process. When I learned that you lost the case yesterday, I was very upset. I don’t really think this is fair. You should know that you are not alone, most people trust and believe in you. Please don’t give up. Love you so much. I admire your beautiful heart. Pay close attention to yourself. We are always with you.

Dear Johnny, you are always surrounded by your loyal fans, you have countless people who support you and that can be a great reason for happiness. You made my childhood happy and I don’t want you to ever be sad, the truth will come out. I wish I had a magic wand and changed the situation.

Hi Johnny, I hope you know how beautiful you are inside and out. You don’t deserve all of these injustices, we all know you are great and deserve the best in this world. We all support you and we will never give up on you. I send you lots of kisses and good vibrations. I love you very much ❤. Sonia

Dear Johnny, you and I have some things in common, but I will never have your strength. So I think you’re going to come out of this situation with your head held high.

Dear Johnny, I stand with you and I support you!!! This too shall pass, but until then, I hope you’re ok. With so much love and respect to you, from Faye, Brisbane, Australia xx

Dear Johnny I wanna send you all our love 1000 of hugs , kisses and strength stay strong I know you can’t See us but we are all behind you and support you you’re such a great human being !keep fighting !all our love and respect❤❤❤

Dear Johnny, I just want you to know how loved you are by your fans. We believe you, We stand by you, always will. You are our hero! Forever and ever.

We believe you Johnny! Please stay strong .We will fight by you’re side everyday till justice is served. You deserve the world , we love you ❤

Johnny! hope you are doing fine . You are our hero . I can’t describe how much i love you! We are shocked and confused by this injustice! But we’re happy that you’re continuing to fight this injustice, I’m here to say that everyone believes you Johnny Depp. People know that something is wrong with this verdict and they started to showing that they support you on Twitter and everywhere. We all knows the truth we all know that you’re innocent , No one believes that newspaper,that women and that verdict! Please don’t give up and fight till the truth is out and justice is served. The truth always comes out in the end , no matter how hard anyone tries to hide iAt or stop it, and don’t forget that we love you, no matter what happens we’re always here to support you ,we believe in you and we will always fight for you, WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU Sending so much love and so many prayers to you ! We will always stand by the truth and stand by you. We are always by your side. I wish I could take your pain away. The world knows that you are INNOCENT, Please stay strong,healthy!! We adore you Johnny! Love you more than everything in this world! -Pantea

Lies run sprints,truth runs mathorns. I just want to say how sorry I am that you lost your case but I am glad to hear you are going to appeal.Please keep fighting to clear your good name,we the true Deppheads know you are innocent.I have always stood by you and fought for you and I will continue to do so.I love you Johnny stay strong,keep fighting and make us all proud of you.Your the best Charmaine.

Dear Johnny, you may have lost this process but that is not the end. We will keep fighting. We know you are innocent, you always have been and you always will be no matter what this judge says. Please don’t give up, we are all with you, we always believe you. You showed that men can also be victims of domestic violence. Abuse has no gender. So I’ll say it again, please don’t give up! We won’t stop fighting!

JD…from hanging at “Vipe” with SaL and you many moons ago and always being in awe of your got this and you are adored. Proud of you brother for speaker your truth. Justice will prevail

Hi, dear Johnny. I want to say, that we love you more, than you can ever imagine. We believe in you and we’ll always be with you, no matter what. People know the truth. They know you’re innocent. You are one of the strongest people in the world. You are the sweetest and kindest man that I’ve ever known. I want you to know, that you’re incredible. Never forget that. And never forget, that I and other Deppheads will always stand right behind you. So never give up and fight till the end for YOUR truth. You will always have our love and support. We adore you. And it’ll never change. The verdict doesn’t mean anything to us. You’ll always have an army by your side. So we’ll fight for justice with you and for you, our Inspiration, our Hero, our Warrior♡ [Ani, Armenia]

I stand with the truth, you are innocent and the victim. I hope justice is served and I love you so much Johnny.

dear Johnny you have been and will always be a point of reference for me I have been following you for so many years, you have always shown us love with all our heart and now we will do the same for you, you are very brave, and you never gave up, you fought, and keep fighting. We are here to support you, we will not leave u. YOU ARE TRUTH, I belive in u! You are my captain, you are THE captain, show it! Love u, Ludo

Dear Johnny… I’m disappointed, angry, distraught for what happened. I BELIEVE IN YOU, ALWAYS.. I WILL SUPPORT YOU ALWAYS.. YOU DESERVE ALL OUR LOVE.. stay strong and remember RES IPSA LOQUITUR. with love Daniela

Dear Johnny, you know you are not alone on all this. We, Deppheads, are always with you, we know the truth, we believe in justice!! We’ll fight for you till the end! WE HAVE YOUR BACK!

Please don’t be sad and don’t forget that we are with you❤❤✊🏻✊🏻

Dear Johnny. No one has the right to take away your justice. Your truth is out there, and your people are fighting for it. Dozens of passionate men and women, who have read all the evidence, and DV survivors who seem themselves in you because they went through the same unjust process. It may take months or years, but you will receive your justice when it's over. Your fight is our fight. Your justice is our justice. We won't back down until the wrong is right.

We are with you, Johnny. Stay strong. Love you 🖤

Dear Johnny we all believe in you and soon or later the truth will come out. İ know or at least I can imagine how tired you can be but everything is going to be okay dont give up

Dear Johnny, I’m shocked by this verdict and I’m so sorry for you. Please stay strong, keep fighting and never forget you are not alone. We know the truth and at the end of the day truth will prevail. I’m sending this message with all my love and respect for you.

I love you very much, johnny you are my favorite actor, Your fans love you and we know that you are innocent, God bless you, I hope one day I will know you for you. I want to be an actress, a hug from Mexico. You have the affection of your fans we love you 🙏🏻

Dear Johnny, I’m shocked by this verdict and I’m so sorry for you. Please stay strong, keep fighting and never forget you are not alone. We know the truth and at the end of the day truth will prevail. I’m sending this message with all my love and respect for you.

We are all here for you love❤


Johnny, we are all beside you 100%. We know you are speaking the truth. Thank you for being strong telling your story. You have given all domestic violence victims a voice, especially my brother. Thank you for fighting and giving my brother and everyone hope.

Thank you for being brave to seek justice! Thank you for showing us what a good person looks like. They cannot fool all of us, we stand with you forever! With love from a fan of 15 years!

Hi Johnny, we know you’ve been going through a difficult time for a while. No matter what happens in this process, we are always with you. We believe in you and we’ll always believe. I hope all these problems come to an end as soon as possible. Always be happy because that’s all we want. I don’t know what unites us with you. I hope we never lose whatever that thing is. We are far from each other but our souls eliminate this distance with love. Our soul and heart are with you. I love you soooo much… PS- Please share your beautiful smile with us. Because we want to see you with a big smile on your face and thats more beautiful than anything else

I’m so sorry Johnny. I’m sorry all of this had to happen, and that after all you’ve been through this is the result. This is not justice, and we will not stand for it. I want you to continue fighting, along with all of your allies and supporters, because I believe that we can do this. You’ve helped me so much more than you could ever know, and now is our time to help you. I wish you all the best, and please don’t ever give up.

Hey Johnny love you! I have a huge respect for you. You are so sweet I wish I could meet you and I want to I want to hug you and talk to you. You are just so nice, love you.

Dear Johnny, I’m so proud of you and your bravery. In my eyes YOU WON AND YOU KEEP WINNING every single day. Keep moving forward

Johnny, I will see you and I will give you a massive hug. Everything is gonna be okay. We love you forever ❤

The love will always be stronger than hate❤

We believe you and love you so much Johnny. We will support you always and forever. Stay strong, you are not in this alone, we can beat them♥♥

We love you so much Johnny. Never give up. Please be careful and stay strong. We will always support you. Your family

I have so much respect, adoration and awe for you and your talents. The truth will prevail, but until then- know your supporters are passionate for your cause. Much Love

Dear Johnny, words cannot describe how you must feel about this outcome. With everything you’ve gone through, so many people have your back and will fight for you to finally get you the justice you deserve. I’ve grown up watching your work and gaining comfort from watching your work, I cannot thank you enough for being a significant role in my life. I wish you all the best and hope you get justice<3

Johnny we know you are right. We are always with you. You deserve to justice.

Johnny, warrior stay strong!! Don’t lose faith!! Truth prevails!! I’m still behind you. I believe in you. If I was with you right now I would be holding you. Sending hugs and love.💖🤗

Hola yo sé que jamás leerás esto pero aunque no lo leas todos estamos contigo eres un gran ser humano y nos has entregado mucho de ti, no mereces lo que te está sucediendo y te admiro demasiado,admiro tu fuerza , tu humildad, tu trabajo wow eres increíble,me encantaría conocerte pero aunque no se me de la oportunidad sólo quería decirte que eres maravilloso y la justicia llegará siempre llega todos estamos contigo, todos sabemos que eres inocente. Te amo johnny ❤

El bien siempre vence al mal, Dios hará justicia contigo, eres un gran actor y una gran persona por tener el valor de no callar y enfrentar la violencia que no sólo las mujeres sufrimos! Desde Venezuela estamos contigo!

Acredito plenamente em sua inocência, e espero que a justiça seja feita #justiceforjohnnydepp o Brasil acredita em voce.

Estamos contigo, y el Dios viviente estará para extender justicia divina. Ánimo te llevaré en mis oraciones.

Aunque el juicio haya fallado en tu contra tus fans creemos en ti y eso no va a cambiar te amamos Johnny

ohnny Depp apesar de todo lo que está pasando quiero que sepas que te amo y que siempre confiaré en ti, siempre has sido una excelente pero,un ser maravilloso, con un corazón lleno de bondad y un gran guerrero, no dejes que nadie diga lo contrario, recuerda que para millones de personas tu eres el amor de nuestras vidas. #JusticeForJohnnyDeep

Todo el amor y bendiciones para ti, gran ser que llevas a límite tu interpretación para poder hacernos vibrar, te espero ver pronto en una gran producción y sabes que todas tus fans te apoyamos y creemos en ti mi querida Depp

Johnny, la justicia es ciega y hoy no cumplió su función, no importa pues ha quedado demostrado tu inocencia en TODOS los sentidos. Has enfrentado a tus demonios, a tus miedos para demostrar que todo lo que se dijo de ti es mentira. Demostraste con HECHOS lo que en realidad pasó, lo que aguántate por amor y eso sólo un alma noble puede hacer. CREO EN TI como lo he hecho por más de 30 años y me siento orgullosa de formar parte de una familia de Deepras que siempre estamos para apoyarte en buenas, en malas pero siempre a tu lado. Adelante Johnny que esto no te detenga, tienes aún mucho que dar y sobretodo cuentas con una GRAN familia que siempre te respalda. Te amo y lo seguiré haciendo hasta mi último aliento.

Johnny,mein Sonnenschein 🌞,gib nicht auf.Wir lieben dich alle❤❤❤Wir kennen dein wunderbares Herz,du bist und bleibst unser Held.Gib nie auf ,mein Sonnenschein 🌞 wir sind bei dir .Einer für alle,alle für einen😉❤

Fuerza Johnny yo cre en ti como muchas personas tu eres inocente, ánimo que dios te bendiga y siempre te lleve de la mano porque nadie puede contra dios yo se que esto va pasar y tu nombre quedará limpio #FuerzaJonny #JusticiaParaJohnny

Te sigo desde que tenia 9 años hoy en dia soy una mujer de 40 años y en todo ese tiempo jamas escuche o leei alguna mala noticia tuya eres el hombre perfecto te admiro eres mi actor favorito y estoy contigo siempre apoyándote te amo con todo mi ser yo creo en ti

I love Johnny and I will always support him because he is a very noble person with a great heart.

Holaaa mi Johnny, Ánimo mi Johnny nosotras ante mano sabemos que tipo de persona eres….Eres un ser de luz ,Eres un ser maravilloso,Eres todo caballero, Eres un ser muy especial..No te me dejes caer ❤te amamos y siempre estaremos contigo…Deppras asta la muerte te amos nunca lo olvides y TODO PA DELANTE como decimos en el rancho . ÁNIMO ÁNIMO

Life is like a Hall of Mirrors: many may try to distort your reflection obscuring the truth. Keep looking; don’t give up: from every angle the real reflection of a true soul, pure of heart is absolute. It always was and always will be. Never lose sight of your true self. Your fans won’t. Johnny – you remain forever in my heart. FP

Como fan tú ya te brindo mi Apollo y te digo la justicia humana te falló pero la justicia divina note fallara por q hay un ser llamado Dios y que más testigo q Dios que todo lo ve y escucha te fe fortalécete y note dejes caer por q Dios mole pone cargas a nadie q no pueda llevar tú era grande y maravilloso y podrás brillar de nueva necesitamos a jack sparrow de vuelta y les pido a Dios justicia para ti por creo en ti y queremos verte brillar de nuevo tú eres grande Johnny te queremos tus fan de siempre Dios te bendiga y brinde muchas bendiciones.

I just want to say that no matter what happens, I will always support you, you taught me so much, that it would be very bad of me not to be with you in these difficult times, millions of fans are with you, Johnny, this is just the beginning because we will continue fighting until we show the truth, show your innocence, the real Johnny Depp, I love you like nobody else, take care.💜

Hello Johnny, well I have a lot of not writing to you but this day I know it has been hard for everyone, especially for you who have fought a lot against injustice, maybe my words are simple but they are with a lot of love towards you I want to tell you that you will ALWAYS have my support and Above all my love, I believe in you and the verdict that the judge gave this day is unfair but the truth always prevails and I know that you will be victorious, a strong hug to where I find you my chameleon man I love you immensely and I will always be there for you, Kisses.

Johnny Depp te sigo desde que era una niña, te admiro y creo en ti te mando los mejores de eos para que todo salga bien.

Quiero dejar mi msj de apoyo a Johnny en este mal fallo de ayer , decirle que creo en él , él es la única víctima en todo esto y lo seguiré siempre , estoy de su lado y me entristecí mucho ayer con ese veredicto mentiroso , pero me alegré cuando me enteré que van Apelar , no todo está perdido y se puede dar vuelta la situación , te Amo Muchísimo y Siempre seré Tu Fan , Fuerzas Johnny !!! Yo sé que podés salir exitoso de este mal trago !!! Muchas Bendiciones y seguiremos Pidiendo Justicia Hasta que se Realice

Dear Johnny, if you ever read that, I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for your love for us, thank you for your kindness and thank you so much for being strong and standing for the truth, never giving up even when it gets harder. We believe you, we love you, we are with you now and always ! You are not alone in this battle even when it feels like it, it’s only a feeling. I hope you keep fighting and that you will be okay and keep smiling because your smile is a real relief for all of us. Of course sometimes you will feel low and tired of all of this and it’s okay too ! Be sad, rest, eat something you like, play some music on your guitar and then, Head high and shine ! Whatever happens, you can count on me, on us all ! Much love and support to you love !

All my love and support forever. Bless your heart.

Johnny we know how lovable you are no lies will make me not believe you i will always be here supporting you, we love you so much we are with you always.

Te apoyamos y te mandamos todo nuestro amor , siempre estaremos a tu lado , sé que sos inocente y tenés muchas pruebas de ello , estuve muy triste ayer con este falso y corrupto fallo pero todo puede darse vuelta en la Apelación , Fuerzas Johnny !!! Beso enorme para vos desde Argentina …

A pesar de la evidencia presentada este fallo en tu contra fue completamente injusto, y Miles de personas lo saben!!! JOHNNY TE APOYAMOS HOY Y SIEMPRE!!!

Eres la persona más genial y como actor ni que decir soy tu fan desde el joven manos de tijera,amo al sombrerero y así muchas muchas; pero hay algo muy importante Dios es justicia para quienes lo buscan de verdad y es amor y es consuelo y es paz en medio de la tormenta.

Ánimo, mucha fuerza y fortaleza para ti sabes que tienes a muchas personas que te apoyan y no te dejaremos solo te creemos a ti y sabemos que tarde o temprano habrá justicia para ti mi amado Johnny.

I can’t even begin to express how much you mean to me nad all the people that support you… Johnny… Thank you for existing, keep fighting, we will always be by your side fighting along. Stay strong, I believe you, we all do. Love you forever.

Eres un ser humano con un gran corazón, por todo tu trabajo altruista y creemos en ti. Te queremos JD.

Dear gentleman I believe that the truth will always win we trust you and support you… Love, humility and positive people around you… You have a good heart Johnny.

If you read this just know there are still millions of people on your side, sticking with you through out all this. I was devastated by the verdict but I’m so proud of you not giving up. I care for you so much to see this happen to you hurts me so much but you are so strong. Justice will be served.

Johnny, es muy difícil lo que estas viviendo, pero creemos en ti y tu inocencia. Te queremos! Así que fuerza que esto aún no termina.

Estamos contigo Johnny. Justicia para ti.

Hello Johnny Depp, my love now more than anything you must be strong, you have the support of people who love and appreciate you very much, and of us your fans who would give our lives for you. WE BELIEVE YOU. Te quiero y te amo, con cariño Ixchel.

We believe in you, Johnny. We need to stay together in this difficult times

My Dear Johnny, I have followed you since I was 9 years old.,I have followed you forever. Now that I am 25 years old, I have no doubt that over the years you have always been a man of integrity, kind to your fan, charitable to people, always making people smile at the worst of times is love. We Will always be by your side, unconditionally, we know the truth And that os the most importante thing. With much love from Chile

Johnny I believe you, all my support in this moment. The justice sometims is blind but your fans not. Receive my hugs in the distance 🙂

To dearest Johnny Depp, I will support you always! I will love you for eternity. I will believe in you forever. From Lou Hillier (and probably about half the population of the free world) ~x~x~

I trust in you. Your eyes don’t lie. All my love and support for you… Thanks for be who you are John Christopher Depp II.

I hope you are ok I really feel bad for you! Be yourself, you are a good person with a loving soul. It’s gonna be okay honey, karma will keep haunting her. She will get what she deserves. Even if it takes years. You mean a lot to me, I’ve been through a lot in my life but watching your movies and listening to your music and your humor kept me going. I will always be with you no matter what !! I will always stand up for you! I love you forever Johnny! ❤ Love Monique

Mr. Depp you are a true inspiration for all of us. No matter what the judgement was we know the truth. There are tons of evidence which has been neglected. We are with you until the end. No matter how many obstacles come, the truth will come out. I have prayed for you, I will continue to do so in the future until you get the proper justice you deserve. Stay strong you will win at last it’s my belief. Lots of love we all love you.

I love you, Johnny♡ We’ll always be here for you. We know he’s innocent. The whole world is with you, don’t worry. Take care, stay strong♡

Dear, do not be discouraged thousands of us love you and we are with you in many ways, receive good vibes and affection from this stranger who has great faith in divine and cosmic Justice, I love you and I admire you. VADA TREMO.

Hi, beautiful. I just wanted to tell you that we’re with you all your fans. Don’t let’t let go of your fight because there’s justice, keep a strong affection that I know you’re very strong. This is just another role that you have to play another movie that you always have to shoot with your straightness, strength and claw for It.❤❤

No words what you mean to me! You made me find my way!! I love you sonmuch and I always will🤍

I grew up watching your movies, I admire you a lot, we are all with you you are a great human being and you have given us a lot of yourself, you do not deserve what is happening to you and I admire you too much, I admire your strength, your humility, your work wow you are incredible, You are a wonderful human being, I would love to meet you but even though I was not given the opportunity, I just wanted to tell you that you are wonderful and justice will always come, we are all with you, we all know that you are innocent. I love you Johnny ❤

Love you Johnny forever in my heart

Dear Johnny, you are the most kind-hearted, loving person that can put a smile on anyone’s face. You always put a smile on my face whenever I watch your talent in acting and see how much love you give to your fans. It breaks my heart to see what you’re going through and what the verdict had decided. But I wanted to let you know that we are all here for you and we believe in you. Be strong and never give up. Even though I’ve never met you in person and I hope that one day will come, I know that you’re a very brave, caring, loving, beautiful person inside and out. Keep that smile on your face and always know that you have those fans out there that are supporting you every single moment of the day. Sending all my love to you. ❤ -Bailey

Hey Johnny. My name is Baysu, but I go by Bay. I’m 18 years old. I was 5 when I watched Pirates for the first time, after that it was rings, long hair, and bracelets for me. My point being, you’ve been my inspiration and idol for 13 years. You’ve inspired me to become a musician, and to be unapologetically true. And I owe a great deal to you for that. I want you to know that I stuck by you since 2016, and the hoax began, and throughout it all. I was there outside the courtroom in London too, back during the case. My heart sank so low on Monday. We were ready to celebrate your victory, and then the bullshit verdict came out. I’m so sorry. I cannot imagine what you must be feeling. You’ve taught me a great many lessons sir, and if I could, please let me tell you one in return. You’re going to win. This isn’t wishful thinking, or me trying to console you. You are going to win. In fact, this injustice that was carried out on Monday can make their loss even more pitiful for them. They’ll think they have the upper hand, and then you’ll bring it crashing down on all of them. So keep on keeping on, as you once so elegantly put it. My eternal love & respect always, Baysu Kurt.

You are a shinong star, even in a cloudly sky, you will be follow for the people that love you. Keep fighting, keep being extraordinaire.

Johnny…. I feel your pain and your anger and right now I just want justice to be served. You did nothing wrong! We all know that. You will get through this. Please stay strong and we will stay strong behind you. I wish I could hug you and wipe your tears away. You’re an inspiration and the sooner you get your justice the sooner you can move on. Look forward to seeing you live next year and You’re in my heart and my thoughts. I love you keep fighting

I got out of my abusive home recently Johnny, and I owe all my strength to you. I know you’ll get through this, though my heart felt like it snapped into two when we found out. I’m sending all my love your way

Johnny, sending you all my love and support. I’m sorry for what you are going through but please know you aren’t alone. Please keep your head up, we are all here with you. Every step of the way and forever. We know how amazing you are, we know the truth and we will keep fighting by your side. We are all with you and stand with you. Thank you for making so many people so happy, thank you for everything! All my love, always xx

Total apoyo para Johnny. Amor incondicional

Te amamos …te adoramos y estamos contigo…eres y siempre serás el mejor ….te amamos ánimo

Dear Johnny: You will always have my support, I have loved you for 30 years and no judge or newspaper is going to make me change my mind. You are a being of light, your love radiates. Stay strong that all this will pass and it will be a bad memory. I love you for and forever. From La Pampa, Argentina. 😘🙌

Hi Johnny. There are no words that can alleviate what you feel right now. I don’t think you did anything they say. Although justice was not in your favor, think that only what you think of yourself matters. I don’t know you, but I have the certainty that this is just a stone in your way and that you are going to overcome it, that the mud will slip you, do not let it get you dirty. A hug.

For Johnny. No matter what the outcome was, we will continue to love and support you and all your decisions to clear your name. We will continue to watch your projects and find new ways to fall in love with you. You are loved by many and always will be.

Estamos con tigo se fuerte despues de la tormenta siempre sale el sol.

I will always be on your side despite everything, but especially this time because I want to be on the side of truth, of humility, of kindness. What happened makes us understand how much the world is falling apart, how in reality they are the first to make a difference between man and woman, when in reality there is not, as a woman can be fragile even a man is but doesn’t prove it, A man is afraid to say such a thing because he already knows that it will not be believed, while a woman is enough to say it, without proof to be believed, just because she is a woman. The truth will win, we know, I will always be by your side whatever happens. You are the strongest person in the world. it was always you who made us happy especially in the worst moments, so I hope that now with these little messages we can get a little smile from you. everything will be fine. Love You so much.

I love Johnny, desde México tienes el apoyo de tus seguidores, eres un actor magnífico, y todos queremos que tengas justicia, queremos muchas películas para poder verte. Pero sobre todo queremos justicia para ti

Johnny te admiro como artista y como persona,la verdad prevalecerá y siempre contarás con las personas que te queremos,adelante Valiente!💖

Creo en ti y en tu inocencia desde el primer día. Te amo, eres una persona maravillosa, no estás solo

Dear Johnny, I believe there’s great injustice in this world and this was one of them but we know the truth. You should know that you have a lot of people from all around the world with you, supporting you in this fight, me included. I hope real justice is made, I’ve always supported you since childhood, I’m still supporting you and I always will. We are with you, Johnny. I hope you’re doing well, protect yourself in this difficult time. Justice will be made With Love, Catarina

We’ve heard you, we’ve been listening and we believe you. I believe you, I still believe you and I’m so so so incredibly sorry that the justice system let you down. You’ve won our hearts and your bravery and strength for speaking out can never be taken away from you, you’re a beacon for DV victims everywhere, especially men. I hope you’re ok and that you know you are so admired and loved. Sending you love from Australia <3 <3

Dear Johnny, you have given life to my life, since I discovered that you existed and knowing you have given joy to this heart, I want you to know from the depths of my being I am here, from a very distant place I carry your hand, I kiss your forehead and I hug you saying be strong you are a great person justice is blind, I am here, now and I will always be, thank you for always being yourself

Johnny, from México, We are with you. The truth will come out

Johnny, from México, We are with you. The truth will come out

You are in our prayers and we declare that the truth will come to light, we love you Johnny, a hug from Costa Rica

Hola mi Johnny Ánimo mi Johnny nosotras antemano sabemos que tipo de persona eres ….Eres un ser de luz, Eres un ser maravilloso, Eres todo caballero,Eres un ser especial.No te dejes caer te amamos y siempre estaremos contigo…Deppras asta la muerte te amamos nunca lo olvides y todo pa delante como decimos en el rancho ÁNIMO SE PERDIÓ UNA BATALLA PERO NO LA GUERRA AMIMO

We believe you and love you. The public is on your side. It’s not over, stay strong!

Dear Johnny, yesterday (Monday) was very stressful but we’ll get through this! You’ve been such an inspiration to me and our wonderful community. Keep fighting and stay strong! (Keep smiling too!)

Hello dear Johnny maybe you don’t know me but I do know you maybe not enough but still I can see that you are a great man, kind, loving, supportive and very humble I want you to know that all the fans that you have around of the world we are supporting you despite the injustice that has just been done to you, we will support you through thick and thin, just like you this news impacted us too much since we all yearned for the victory you deserved and it was denied you, let this down, keep going, do not lose faith, many people love you too many and we want to see you well, fight for your justice and we will support you unconditionally in everything, I hope you receive my humble message, it would be a huge honor I love your work really I send you a kiss and a hug from Mexico Atte: Melina Recendis

I love you so much

My dear Captain Sparrow. You don’t know how much I love you, you are a being of light that illuminates us with each movie where we see you act marvelously. You are a being of light, never let them make you feel otherwise, I believe in you, you are a great man. You know, if I had known you in your time, I would have been in charge of conquering you and making you the happiest man in the world. Perhaps it is not the most beautiful in this world but if I had given you all my love and pamper you. now I have the illusion of meeting you. I wish you the best in this world everything will turn out my dear and sweet Gilbert. I love you, I love you

Sabemos que eres un buen hombre, somos muchas las que creemos en ti, hay muchas pruebas que eres inocente debe haber justicia para Johnny Depp

Dear Johnny, I hope you are doing well. I am so sorry that you lost trial but as you might see that is exactly what you/we needed because the whole world now sees that you are innocent. I love you with all my heart and stay strong but if you need help there are millions of deppheads to have your back. Deppheads will always be there for you

Dont worry Johnny. The truth and justice will be revealed at the right time. Until that keep on spreading positivity and love. Love you Johnny. God is with you. #justiceforjohnnydepp

Mis mejores deseos desde México, estoy contigo al igual que todos tus fans, yo creo en ti y se que eres inocente, te mando un abrazo y en beso, te quiero y admiro porque el gran corazón de oro que tienes espero que las cosas mejoren pronto y puedas recuperar tu vida, porque no te mereces todo lo que te está pasando, así que ánimo no estás solo estamos contigo apoyándote pase lo que pase

Strength and courage my dear Johnny, all our support from Jujuy, Argentina … we love you !!! we believe you and we trust that justice will be done … You are a humble and very talented man who deserves the best in the world !!!! not to decline and to move forward that we, your fans, will continue to support you despite the distance … we love you Johnny !!! I send you a big hug … P / D: you are my platonic love

Justicia por Johnny Depp

Hi Johnny, My heart and soul are with you so much right now. I cannot and will not stop rooting for you. You are a survivor! I want to help you so much. I will do everything I can to make it to Virginia!!!!! Please don’t give up. I will not silence my support for you either! Stay strong. All I can offer in support. Love and light. -Ally

Eres una excelente persona y un magnífico actor, me encantas

Querido Johnny estoy contigo en estos momentos y siempre mi apoyo incondicional, las pruebas estan a la vista y la verdad saldra por fin a la luz, tranquilidad y mucho amor en estos momentos, no te sientas solo porque no lo estas, creo en ti y en lo especial y maravilloso que eres los debiles son ellos, mantente fuerte johnny te amo.

Hello JD, I hope and you win this trial, I don’t know if the day has already passed haha ​​but I was aware of a GREAT actor like you, especially in pirates of the Caribbean, that role is magnificent, you hit the protagonist, it makes you laugh and Also interested in knowing the character you play, as well as other films, the lone ranger, Charley and the chocolate factory, the young scissorhands also seem to me spectacular movies, I have been your fan since I was 8 years old when I saw Charlie and the factory of chocolate and Alice in Wonderland, you are the best, and I hope you win and you can go back to the movies since you are one of the best, for me you are hahaha

Beloved Johnny I want to tell you that I believed in your innocence, I’ve always admired you as a star and as a person, so please don’t stop fighting. Johnny keep your head up because you are a warrior and a wonderful human being who fights for justice, you are the voice of many men who have suffered violence and have not been able to raise their voices out of fear and shame to a square society that does not understand that a woman can be extremely violent towards her partner. Be strong Johnny, we will all support you, we will love you and we will be by your side in spirit. With love Ailyn.

Johnny te amo creo en ti eres y seguirás siendo un excelente actor, musico y un padre y ser humano de buen corazón las cosas caen por propio peso. Eres el mejor y eres mi amor platónico te amo hombre hermoso

Hey Johnny… I just wanted to say that it doesn’t matter il you lost this part of the trial, out there there are millions of people who believe in you (and always will). This is the most important thing: to have people who love you and who you love!

Always with You Johnny,i believe in You ..

Mi queridisimo amor, creemos en ti siempre te estearemos apoyando, eres un ser humano unico, maravilloso

You are my first crush, idol and much more. I have always loved and believed you, we have always had. You are strong. You know that, we know that. So I don’t need to say that but like you always say “Keep going forward.” We are with you, we believe you♡

Johnny yo creo en ti

Hey ma boy, just wanted to say, you remember when you said you’ll never stop fighting and they’ll have to fucking shoot you? Well we’ll never stop supporting you, and we’ll never stop loving you, they’re gonna have to fucking shoot us too. Just don’t give up this ain’t over yet. Love you so much

Querido johnny, eres el mejor actor que conozco y que tiene ésa peculiar forma de actuar me encanta, sabes yo creo en ti y se que algún día de hará justicia y que el bien triunfará sobre el mal, yo sé que eres una buena persona y que no pondrías una mano encima a una mujer y qué es un ser de bondad que merece ser respetado y no maltratado. Te amo y creo fielmente en ti

Her zaman senin yanındayım aşkım seni çok seviyorum asla ümidini kaybetme gözünden bir damla yaş gelmesin senin o güzel kalbini gülüşüne kurban olurum seni çok seviyorum boncuk dünyanın en güzel pamuk şekeri

Yo conozco ese lugar donde revientan las estrellas, Yo conozco la escalera en espiral hacia la cúpula. Los rayos X no penetran Los oscuros vidrios de una limousine. Te rescataré, te rescataré. Los guardianes pierden el honor mientras desfilan. Hay tanto fraude a nuestro alrededor (comprenderás) Es amor lo que sangra desde el cielo en la cúpula. Es amor lo que sangra sobre el techo en la cúpula. Yo conozco ese lugar donde todos se la creen, Yo conozco la salida de emergencia que nos salvará. Cruje tu nombre en las paredes Si sé que esperas no podré dormir. Te rescataré, te rescataré. Los guardianes pierden el honor, aprovechemos. Hay tanta cama a nuestro alrededor. Abrazos desde Argentina

It’s unbelievable! Everyone could see the truth. Hugs to you and please keep in mind – You deserve the love you get. You’re worth it. Don’t give up! We’ll be by your side.

I believe in you, I know you’re innocent, your fans love you…. And we will always support you

Dear Mr. Depp, Pease choose to stay strong. Your enemies may be laughing now, but that does not mean they can do so forever at your expense. The pain that you’ve been going through will come to pass. We just need to be patient and have faith that the truth will prevail in the end. Take care, sir. I pray for your victory, safety, good health, and prosperity. Sincerely, Leann

I just want to say you that I’m so proud of you! No matter what happened with the judgment I believe you. So sorry for all you have been through. My heart is with you now and forever. Big hug dear Johnny and keep moving forward. Love and respect from Chile

We believe you

Johnny you are strong and brave to speak out! We believe in you and your story. #justiceforjohnnydepp

Love always for you!!! Blessings dear Johnny

Dear Johnny, its heartbreaking what has happened. But you are a fighter. Whatever may come we your relatives stand by you. You will get this right. Stay safe

Hi Johnny, I just wanted to say we believe in you, we are with you forever, be strong. Do not be afraid at all, you are not alone. You have us. We love you, we support you and we are with you forever. Please be strong and take care of yourself my love

Dear Johnny Ihope you are ok I really feel bad for you! Be yourself, you are a good person with a loving soul. It’s gonna be okay honey, karma will keep haunting her. She will get what she deserves. Even if it takes years. You mean a lot to me, I’ve been through a lot in my life but watching your movies and listening to your music and your humor kept me going. I will always be with you no matter what !! I will always stand up for you! I love you forever Johnny! Love Monique

Siempre contigo, amo lo que eres abrazos y besos a la distancia desde chile

Vamos Johnny creo en ti, y vas a salir mas fuerte de todo ésto. No bajes jamas los.brazos que hay mucho por lo que luchar. Te amo desde siempre y para siempre

Fuerza Johnny! Sabemos que la tuya es la verdad! Apoyándote hasta el final! Te amo!! Se hará justicia

Creo en ti Johnny, te admiro profundamente y te amo. Mi apoyo es incondicional, pido justicia. Te amo!

Hey dear Mr. Johnny Depp: I love you very much and you are my favorite actor. I am proud of you and I believe in you. I just want to say I’m with you, we’re with you. Tell me man, who wouldn’t be with you?

Dear Johnny, beautiful man and dad, we are all here to support you. when I was going through one of the darkest periods of my life you were there to help me, thanks to your work. Nothing can change the special person you are. Please, don’t stop. I luv u.

Johnny, we believe in you, we love you and support you. Stay strong. Lots of love

Dearest Johnny, however you go you will never be alone because we will always be by your side. Nothing can change you and nothing will take away your smile. Fight for the truth!

How many things have happened in your life, good and bad, but you are there with that smile despite everything, that smile that fills the soul of all those who follow you. I am with you despite everything because I know that you are innocent, what an honor of the one who gets to know you and have you close, I love you so much and I appreciate you too much. Better days will come … #Justiceforjohnny

Fuerza mi Johnny no te dejes vencer por nadie eres mejor que ella tus fans te apoyamos en todo te adoroooooooooo muchisimooooo

Lovely Johnny!! Im from india and im supporting you from when i was 16years only and now im 22 you say we are family!! In my words family never stops supporting each other ..i will support you till me death !! Stay strong !! We all are with you!!

Dear Johnny, We as Deppheads are still behind you and fighting for your justice head on. We believed you when you gave us your heart in Edward Scissorhands and continuously to touch our hearts. Such a gentle soul that don’t deserve this and thank you for giving back. Keep your head up Johnny boy, while we fight and do the best we can to show the world that you are an sweet man. The Horizon is near Johnny and we will sail to the Horizon with justice and victory. I love you Johnny and thank you for being my all time childhood Hero.

Que que Dios es tu justicia. Porque lamentablemente en esta Yierra estamps de prestado. Pero si sabemos que hay un Dios que es Justicia y tambien es venganza. Quozas noblo ves ahora… pero Dios hará justicia en su debido tiempo. Todoel apoyo y el amor…una de tus fans.

Dear Johnny: first of all I’ve always believed in you, we (all your fans) believe in you even though I don’t know you personally, I know in my heart that you are such a kind, lovely and a good men I have to say that Im so proud of you! For stay strong… never give up, because nothing is in vain. Thank you for just existing and showing us that everything is possible, for making us smile every day, is a gift justo stay strong Johnny!!! We are always with you. Sending you all the good vibes in the world, and all my love, yours sincerely, Valentina.

He who owes nothing, fears nothing. You’re a great man, Johnny, I know you’re strong, you’ll get out of this soon. It’s unfair that all this is happening to you, but I want you to remember that after the storm comes the rainbow

Hi Johnny, I know these times might seem dark, and that there’s still a long way to go but please never give up!! Cause at the end the truth always comes out and you’re the one with it. Please never forget that you’re loved and supported by many, not only because you’re one of the greatest actores of a generation but also because you’re an outstanding, kind, and amazing human being. I will always stand with you!! All the love, support and praise from México. México will always stand with you!!❤

Hola Johnny! Solo quiero que sepas que siempre te apoyaré sin importar nada eres un gran hombre en toda la extensión de la palabra,te admiro,te amo,te respeto y te apoyo, todo esto pasará la justicia llegará para ti y el karma llegará a quien lo está invocando…recibe un gran abrazo y todo mi apoyo de tu humilde admiradora desde México! “WE ARE WITH YOU JHONNY DEPP”

I love you so so much much forever Johnny ❤

Johnny we love you and will always support you, people from all the world believe in you and hope that the truth will come out. Love from Chile

Caro Johnny, io credo nella tua buon anima, continuerò sempre a sostenerti. Conoscerti è sempre stato il mio sogno nel cassetto, spero davvero di riuscire a realizzare questo mio sogno. Sempre al tuo fianco. Love u🖤

Johnny, we already know you are innocent. And I want you to know that this decision, which was taken completely wrong and wrong, has no provision for us. We love you very much, we believe in you, support you and we are by your side to the end. Please don’t feel alone. You have touched the hearts of so many people, conquered their hearts, you do not know. Be strong. Stand upright. We are all with you. Truth is always real. No matter how much you try to bury it under the ground, it will come back to the surface someday. Justice is blind, lame, but it reaches its destination sooner or later. Lots of love … Merve

I believe in you. I believe in your art and in your heart. I believe in justice! Stay strong, keep fighting, because you have the truth.

All the potterheads support you. We know that she says falsehoods. #JusticeForJohhnyDepp

We will be with you until the end, we believe in you and we always will, we have made our impotence and sadness notice through the networks, because we do not agree at all with what they have done to you, we ask for justice for you, because you have only told the truth and they preferred to listen to someone who did not even have the courage to stop all this problem, do not give up Johnny, we are with you at all times, in our hearts, we love you very much❤

Dear Johnny, I’m Irene, I’m 15 and I’m from Rome, in Italy. I wanna say something that YOU NEED TO REMEBER, ALWAYS. Even in the darkest moments, even if everything seems lost, you always need to stay strong and don’t let life’s adversities defeat you, never. even if this time no justice was done, you know the truth, we all know the truth, and sooner or later it will come out, be sure about that. I know it’s hard, but you always have to remember that here’s an army fighting for you, and, for us, you have already won. And SMILE… smile for the people who love you, but most of all for yourself. Remember, we believe you, millions of people believe you. I know you’ll never give up. I wish you the best, with all the love, Irene #justiceforjohnnydepp

Hi Johnny. I feel so bad for you. Very bad. How they’re talking about you makes me sad because I know it’s not true, but they don’t understand that you don’t deserve this. Keep in mind that once all of this is done you’ll come out of it stronger and I hope that is gonna happen soon. Stay strong!! There are a lot of people that still support you! All love, from the Netherlands (hope i’d be able to meet you some day)

Nadie podrá hacer el papel de Grindelwald como Johnny Depp… Creo que es muy diferente pasar de ser un rumor a ser una realidad. ¿Recuerdan que les mencioné que cuando Warner y Disney estaban involucrados, siempre sacaban a todo aquel que les daba mala publicidad? Pues así fue. Amo mucho a JK Rowling pero se me hace una ridiculez enorme lo que esta haciendo Warner… Me sumo a las personas que no verán Animales Fantásticos 3, sé que somos pocos pero es mi manera de demostrar mi inconformidad. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp –

Lamento mucho lo que le está pasando, en México cuenta con el apoyo de muchos que lo admiran, apoyan y quieren. Espero y se haga justicia, ya que usted no merece todo lo que le está sucediendo. Le quiero y admiro demasiado. Confio en usted y tiene todo mi sincero apoyo. 💜

Olá querido, venho expressar meu total apoio ao senhor, nunca duvidei de seu caráter pois o senhor sempre foi sincero. Todos os dias penso no senhor e no momento tão difícil que está passando. Mas continue firme, pois as dificuldades vem para nos fortalecer como pessoas, para nos tornar seres humanos melhores. Use tudo isso como crescimento pessoal. Nunca abaixe a cabeça para o mal, pois eles se alimentam da covardia. Eu oro sempre a Deus pra que ele te dê força, coragem e sabedoria para que o senhor consiga ultrapassar essas dificuldades. Tenha paciência e persistência. Continue forte! Eu estarei daqui do Brasil te apoiando hoje e sempre. Eu te amo.

Las cosas parecen ser tan difíciles pero lo que realmente importa es quien está a tu lado incondicionalmente ánimo a continuar con la vida es tan corta y a veces complicada perdemos cual es realmente el sentido de seguir

I love you and support you Johnny, you are not alone, we believe you!

Oi Johnny, só quero dizer pra vc não desistir de nada, assim como eu não desisto de você. Já briguei em grupo, fui expulsa, me xingaram um monte nas redes sociais, me mandaram me tratar e outras coisas, tudo isso pq eu defendi vc, mas não liguei muito pra isso e ainda pretendo fazer uma tatuagem com o seu rosto, ainda não sei o lugar mas eu sei que eu vou fazer e ainda vou te marcar. Com muito amor, sua futura esposa.

Johnny eu sinto muito por tudo que tem acontecido, mas quero que saiba que você tem muitas pessoas que te apoiam no Brasil, pessoas que te admiram pela pessoa que você é, espero que tudo dê certo. I love tou♥

Probably the verdict of the court surprised you and disappointed you 😕 I hope you are holding on somehow ✌ Me and other people are with you wholeheartedly. Do not forget! 🤍

Es muy importante que sepas que soy una gran fan de ti de tu carrera artística johnny yo creo en ti y te apoyare en todo momento debes saber que, esto no se acaba hoy y que tu luz brilla en todas y todos tu fans que te estamos apoyando con mucho amor y respeto deceo que se te haga justicia. apoyamos

Dear Johnny, I hope read my message, I am from mexico dont speak english que sera dificil me leas tengo 40 años te he admirado siempre , eres unico no pierdas la fe en ti, se que eres un gran ser humano y se hara justicia , tu trabajo pesa mas que esto, tu familia tu hija te aman y tienes a miles de personas que no conoces como yo pero que te apoya te quiere te tiene presente en oraciones … Eres grande Johnny uno de mis sueños sera conocerte pero ver tu trabajo me hace sentir que se algo de usted Dios lo bendiga con amor Alis de merida yucatan mexixo

Hi Johnny, my dear Hero, I’m terribly pissed off about this news, as a fan and as a woman. So it’s very important that you know and never forget that, like me, there are millions of fans by your side who want to get justice. Johnny, I believe you and I love you. Never give up!

Johnny, estamos contigo, la verdad siempre triunfa, y tú saldrás victorioso eres una persona maravillosa y el mejor actor que hay animo fuerza, un abrazo inmenso.

Johnny ~ I believe you, support you, and admire you! Please draw strength from the love of your fans; we stand with you.

Johnny ~ I believe you, support you, and admire you! Please draw strength from the love of your fans; we stand with you.

Você vencerá essa Johnny pois estar arrudeado de sentenas de fã, sempre me espirei em vc, o teu sorriso sempre no rosto te ajudara a superar mas isso tudo tamos vivendo em mundo cruel sem justiça, mas a maior justiça é Deus, você vencerá e quem te humilhou vai pagar Deus tarda mas não falha tamos com você ❤

Johnny, i am from Brasil, I want you to know that you are amazing! There are millions of people by your side, and I am one of them. you are wonderful in everything you do! know that I will always support you, you are my favorite singer and actor! I love you and the biggest dream of my life is one day to look at you personally, to see your beauty, you are a wonderful Person outside and inside! I wanted to be your mirror to reflect your beauty every day! you are too beautiful, my angel I love you so much

No importa las adversidades que se presenten en su vida, ni las difamaciones en su contra,sabemos que son puras mentiras y siempre tendra el apoyo de la personas que creemos y sabemos de su inocencia,siempre contará con el apoyo de sus fans que sólo muchas y vendran mejores tiempos, siempre llevo la frente en alto como el gran hombre que sabemos que es…mil besos y millones de bendiciones…Johnny por siempre y para siempre

No importa las adversidades que se presenten en su vida, ni las difamaciones en su contra,sabemos que son puras mentiras y siempre tendra el apoyo de la personas que creemos y sabemos de su inocencia,siempre contará con el apoyo de sus fans que sólo muchas y vendran mejores tiempos, siempre llevo la frente en alto como el gran hombre que sabemos que es…mil besos y millones de bendiciones…Johnny por siempre y para siempre

Oi, Johnny tudo vai ficar bem. Você tem milhões de pessoas de te apoiando no mundo tudo. Logo tudo vai passar. Acredito em você. Sou muito sua fã.

Estamos contigo hasta el infinito, creemos en tí, te apoyamos y cuentas con nuestra total lealtad. No estás solo, todos caminamos a tu lado sin importar nada.

Johnny, tu eres grande, eres el ave Fénix de todos nosotros, esto no ha terminado, eres el mejor renacerás y seguirás para adelante. Te amamos y estamos contigo!! .

My beautiful Mr. Depp. We believe in you, I love you since I was nine and it hurts my heart to know your going through this. But, as I said, we believe in you and justice will be found.

Hello Johnny! My name is Tawanne, I’m Brazilian … My love, you have a great impact on my life, my first film was Edward scissorhands I was only 5 years old, until today when I watch the film I have the same feeling as when I was child. I really wanted you to know, you are important, I admire you, you are incredible … I would give anything to be able to hug you, I wish I could protect you from all this. But I know, you are a very strong man, I admire your strength. We are facing everything together, I believe you. I learned that in life good people need to go through difficult trials, to be born wiser … The difficult times will pass … We are fighting for justice together! .. take care, I’m here taking care of you from afar kisses my love stays with God!

Dear Johnny Depp, I would like to let you know that I believe in you. I pray that you will continue to fight for the truth. I pray that justice will come very soon. I love you Johnny. Stay safe. Rita

Olá meu querido , quero que saiba que sempre estarei apoiando você, você é incrível e sinto muito orgulho de ser sua fã, sonho com o dia em que eu possa te conhecer pessoalmente. Te amo muito e sempre estarei aqui por você.❤

Hello dear Johnny, I am writing to you because I want you to know that you will never be alone, you have each of us and that thanks to that we form a great family. I don’t have many words to say to you, but, I send you a big hug my dear Johnny. #JUSTIFIAPARAJOHNNYDEPP #JOHNNYDEPPIsINNOCENT

Everything is temporary try not to worry too much or you will get sick too much, you must look for temporary solutions, do the things you like and have strength and resistance fight for what is yours … you are wonderful and I admire you a lot I hope someday I can talk to you or know

Ey Johnny you are not alone We love you very much Ey Johnny Saiba que você não está sozinho Sou do Brasil E saiba que amamos muito you I love you ❤ Acreditamos em você ! Eu sou do Brasil e eu te amo muito. Vai ficar tudo bem 🙏 vai dar tudo certo para você
I don’t know what to tell you Johnny… I believe that four words are enough: I am with you! We are with you from the beginning and will be there until the last moment! We know the truth, we know justice and we know you. You are the most kind, gentle, adorable, beautiful and extremely strong person I know! I sincerely wish that everyone in the world could have a little of your kindness and kindness! I believe that we would have a much more beautiful and charming world! Anyway, I know that truth and justice are side by side and have reached you soon! Everything will be fine for all of us and especially for you! I can’t promise you anything, but I can promise you something very special: we will be with you forever. never forget that! Thank you for staying strong and for fighting for truth and justice! That is admirable! I love you and I know you love us all the same! Thank you for absolutely EVERYTHING! Everything will be alright! I believe! Be alright Johnny, we’re here! ❤🙏🏼✨ And obviously, justice for Johnny Depp! We love you forever!
Johnny eu sinto muito por tudo que tem acontecido, mas quero que saiba que você tem muitas pessoas que te apoiam no Brasil, pessoas que te admiram por quem você é, espero que tudo se resolva logo e que você seja muito feliz nós estaremos sempre aqui pro que precisar, obrigado por tudo que fez e faz pelos seus fãs grande abraço Carol. I love tou♥
Johnny eu sinto muito por tudo que tem acontecido, mas quero que saiba que você tem muitas pessoas que te apoiam no Brasil, pessoas que te admiram por quem você é, espero que tudo se resolva logo e que você seja muito feliz nós estaremos sempre aqui pro que precisar, obrigado por tudo que fez e faz pelos seus fãs grande abraço Carol. I love tou♥
I have been with you for over 30 years, falling in love with your wonderful characters and delighted by your respect and affection for those around you and who admire you like me. An injustice will not define your future. The truth will make you stronger and it won’t be long. I continue to support you, because I consider you unique in every way. Trust the truth and your conscience, it will prevail.
Johnny est un véritable heros, il a toujours fait preuve de bonté et s’est dévoué a de nombreuses cause, que ce soit l’aide à la vie sauvage, le retour de terres sacrées et l’aide aux Amérindiens, et autres peuples…Il nous a guidé et offert différentes magies au travers des rôles qu’il a joué. Il a fondé une famille, une famille qui le soutient. Il est tombé sous le charme d’une manipulatrice, ça arrive, comme nous, il fait des erreurs. Comme nous il montre qu’il est vivant et de relève, se bats toujours pour ce qu’il pense être juste.. On peut ne pas tout savoir de l’histoire. Cependant, pardonnons au mal, et donnons de l’amour, c’est ainsi que nous pourrons offrir un meilleur monde a ceux qui nous entourent. Sache Johnny que je soutiens dans ton combat, car tu es l’un de ceux qui m’a inspiré et guidé. Et je remercie tout ceux qui te soutiennent. Et j’espère que l’on fera de notre mieux pour aider nos proches. Redevenons Humains.
Dear Johnny, you deserve so much better. I hope you know that your fans love you, and that we will always stand by you. You brought and still bring joy to our lives, and as for me, it’s been decades already. If with your acting, your music, or to see you bringing smiles and laughter to sick children and their parents. You are a golden child, and nothing, NOTHING should ever break your spirit. I love you with all my heart in so many ways. And so do millions of others. Thank you for being you. Never lose your beautiful smile. We believe in you and your innocent. Sending a warm hug your way. Yours truly – Lizzie.
Johnny, you are loved by so many and you have a whole army backing you! The decision is totally wrong, biased and corrupt! By design to silence male victims!! Love you! Will always support you!
Dear Johnny, We are all behind you, & believe & LOVE you. We know you are who you say you are! We’ll keep saying the truth & supporting you to the end. We love you. I LOVE YOU! You will get proper justice.
As you said… if we’re your relatives we stand by you as we always did.. And one day after all the thunder you’ll be on the right side of the room..and us too. You thought us to never give up..we won’t give you up
Best Wishes…stay strong!!
Don’t be sad johnny we belive you and don’t forget justice will be served
I know the truth. I’m always there for you. Be strong and good. I believe in you with all my heart, and I will continue to believe forever. My heart is with you. I love you so much, Johnny.
We do know what you’ve suffered, and public opinion owns popular culture, and aside from her few crazed stans, you have her on opoularity by a country mile, as it were. Every bathroom, whether luxurious or utilitarian, is essentially the same, and always makes for a rough, cold bed, no matter how many towels are available. From beyond the door come threats and insults, systematic bellows and furious rhythmic strikes. It’s the seventh bathroom I’ve inhabited for sanctuary in the last few months. It is the place of closings and openings, a place of return and end, tension and release. The toilet becomes a nightstand, the bath a nest, while the shower curtain rod, long and impossibly heavy, a last-ditch defense weapon. Fluorescence intensifies the effects of reflection in the ever-present mirror. Sometimes I must surrender a towel to cover it, like a wake, for psychic relief. But who is dead? I only know I cannot see my face.” Excerpt from a cognitive exercise. You have the world, she has few friends and bad cheek implants. Love, truly..
Dear Johnny, I believe you. You’re a survivor. The truth, your truth, will come out one way or another. And I hope you know you how much love and support you have behind you every step of the way. Always.
Dear Johnny. I just wanted to say that I am really sorry for what you had to go through and you still have to to this day. I am sorry you have lost the UK trial against The Sun and I am even more sorry about the way you were treated by the judge. He clearly ignored all the evidence. I say clearly, because it is clear to us, to the people around the world who love you, support you and most importantly, who believe you and will always stand by you. It is not just me. It is an army rallied behind you and we won’t ever stop fighting as I am sure neither will you. I send you tons of love and strenght from the Czech Republic. I believe the truth will eventually win and you will finally find peace and justice in all of this. Stay strong and take care of you! With all my heart, Annika.

We love you Johnny, and will continue to stand by you. Stay strong for just a little longer. The truth has a way of always coming out. You won’t be suffocated by her lies forever. We have faith in you and will continue to rally with and support you as much as we have to to show them the truth. Don’t be disheartened.

Siempre contigo! Te apoyare siempre!
Dear Johnny, you’ve been my favorite actor ever since I was a child. I grew up with your movies, when times were rough I turned to captain Jack Sparrow to make me laugh, and when times were good I watched your movies to make me even happier. I know the truth, everyone knows the truth. You may have lost the case but you have won the people. We believe you, and you deserve every single ounce of justice you can get. I share evidence with anyone I possibly can, I make sure to let the people know, that you Johnny Depp, are a survivor, and not an abuser, and that you deserve justice and love. You were my favorite actor as a kid, you are my favorite actor now, and you will be my favorite actor forever, and I will make sure that when I grow older, my children will know Johnny Depp, the kind, genuine, inspiring man, who gave love to the world and fought for justice. May you finally reach the peace you have been fighting for. I give you all love and support from me, forever and always. Stay strong Mr. Depp, you still gotta lot of living to do(: Sincerely, a supporter of yours always
we will always be with you we know that the truth is in you and at some point it will come to light we love you
Johnny, I just want to tell you that a lot of people love you. All your fans we will be there for you whenever you want and for whatever you want, but especially in these difficult times. That’s why I’m proud you Johnny, because you smile like you’ve never been hurt in your life. You are the most incredible and beautiful person I am dying to hug, many of my best smiles belong to you. If the world is against you, we will be against the world. Love u
Dear Johnny, you may not read this message, but if you are reading it, I want to tell you that you are always in my prayers, I always ask God to give you a lot of strength and wisdom to know what to do, stay strong, I am with you, I always I will be with you, even if I do not know you, I always carry you in my heart and in my thoughts, I love you and I send you all the hugs that I would like to give you, God bless you my beloved Johnny
Dear Johnny I’m speechless with this verdict. I believe your truth will prevail lies and I’ll never stop fighting for you, with you for justice and truth. All my love to you and your loved ones. Keep moving forward.
Mr. Johnny, you don’t know how sorry I am, my heart has been broken by the injustice that you live. We are with you always.
Dear Johnny, i love you soooooooooooooo much and i believe in you plz, don’t give up we are stand by your side
I Love You Johnny
It is implied that you were the one in the position of power and influence, that you manipulated your power, bought the loyalty of others. The reality… You are the David against the Goliath of a corrupt machine that cares nothing for the truth. The judgement, perfectly, though shamefully, reflects everything that is wrong in this world. Those that weild the power or those that know how to manipulate the power of the machine are free of accountability and face no repercussions for the suffering they so freely inflict on others. They couldn’t let you win, but the world knows, the world has seen your truth and it is you, not them, that has the support of the people and your truth will prevail and we will stand by you all the way
Dear Johnny.. The people who believe in care for you is overwhelming and I want you to know that so many people are siding with you we all know you’re innocent and evidence of points to you being Innocent and I want you to know that everybody or at least most people believe and trust you love you and want you to know that you are loved and we believe you and I will continue to believe you
Te quiero mucho Johnny! Por favor sigue adelante, sigue luchando por la verdad. Soy tu fan desde desde que tengo memoria y se que eres inocente, hace años cuando empezaron las acusaciones en tu contra te defendí sin pensarlo dos veces, sin tener pruebas y ahora con más razón te defiendo y creo en ti. Siempre estaremos aquí para todas tus fans apoyándote y queriéndote. Sigue brillando tan lindo como siempre
Don’t want you to stop doing!just remember you have all of our love and all of my love! Yea people think your just an idol to be but really your something no one wants to let go of! As I asaid again I love you and I really hope I get to see your beautiful face one day! But Johnny keep smiling and remember you not just an idol to people your more than that to them……..-Jessy Ayoub I love youHi johnny!! I wanted to say that say thank you for what you done to all of us I had a really rough childhood but when I heard of you it turned to light.I dont know what I could’ve done without you I love you… you have inspired me into acting it’s been my dream but I was scared but you showed me showed us to be strong and not care what people say! Please do us a favor and never stop smiling
Johnny i can’t imagine how tough and horrible this all is for you. Amber does not deserve the justice. You deserve it all, you deserve all the love, all the support, everything!! DV is something that should never be ignored. When I heard that you’re going to be appealing I was so glad, this is an amazing way to get the awareness of it out there. We are all here to support you and send as much love as possible! And we won’t stop! Love you so much Johnny, I can’t explain how important you are to me and so many people, please remember that we’re right here. Love you with all our hearts. Stay strong, Johnny
Hi Johnny, i’ve loved you for so many years and i just want you to know how much you really mean to me you’ve changed my life so much and you’ve kept me happy through all my bad times in life you’re so handsome and you’re a legend in my eyes and i pray for you to get justice after all of this bc you’re innocent and you deserve peace i love you so much!!!!
Amount of evidence showing that Johnny is innocent is overwhelming yet they still chose her which I feel is absolutely ridiculous I will stand by Johnny until I meet death
Johnny, dear, the truth will always be on your side, beyond everything, remember that everything has a solution millions of people believe you and we are with you With infinite love, your fans of the world We love you johnny
Dear Johnny, I don’t even know where to begin but I want to start with how damn proud I am of you for being so strong and brave to come forward like you did. It takes courage and it takes strength to do that and you have done it. In my eyes and in all of your supporters eyes, you have already won. Nothing can change our minds about you because you are the best man we have ever known and all of us can agree on that. Stay strong, you will win this, you are so important and so valued and so valid that no matter what you will get your justice!!
Fuerza mi hermoso,no te rindas, tú sólo confía y mi Dios te hará justicia.Te quiero y te admiro
you are the most beautiful man in the world and the justice of God will work on your life. I admire you with my soul
Hi Johnny! You have to continue to be strong, we all know that you are innocent and we will always be there supporting you, until the end, whatever the cost, we will be there by your side giving you our strength, always. Stay strong Johnny!!! You are innocent, remember that!!! We love you!!!
Dear Johnny, I love you so much and i will love you and support you forever no matter heart is with you
Dear Johnny, remember you are not alone. We believe in you and we believe you. We thank you for giving a voice to many that could not, you are an amazing human being. We stand with you!
Ever since I saw a movie of yours you have been a source of infinite inspiration. Whatever happens remember that all your fans will be faithful to you and we will be on your side supporting you with all the love we have to give you, soon the universe will bring you the justice you deserve.
Lucha por la verdad, no te rindas,muchas te apoyamos hasta el final
Always by your side so that the whole truth comes out. Be strong and patient, your victory will come. love and respect
Eres un ser maravilloso con un alma bella muy pocos como tú Johnny Depp te Amo hermoso hombre bendiciones
Yo te creo Johnny, pedimos justicia por ti, te mando mis mejores vibras desde Oaxaca México
Dear Johnny, everything I stand for today is because of you. I see myself in you so much; a shy, introverted person who strives to bring out the good in others. You’ve helped me learn to love myself and for that I owe you an endless amount of debt. We will never stop fighting for justice, even when the world turns against us, because you are simply extraordinary and a gem. Thank you for all you do, and we can assure you; you can’t keep a good man down!!
Hi JD . I want to be more like you as a person, your kindness, courage and genius talent is exemplary . A big hug and all my love _ From a real native bérbère of North Africa .you were right about bérbère and Touareg putting Kohol . I’m going to put on some eyeliner just like JackSparrow for effect . See you sweet young man
Dear Johnny, please know you’re loved, please know we believe you we know you’re innocent. Your truth will be heard. Stay strong, stay positive because we’re here praying for you, wishing you the best and fighting for you. You will win the truth will be known. You are innocent.
Te mando un gran abrazo y todo mi apoyo incondicional ten fe la justicia llega tarde o temprano si ko por lo legal la justicia divina es segura
Dear Johnny, we believe you! Please don’t forget that millions of people are with you because we believe the truth will prevail. Stay strong and keep fighting. You will get justice and oh, how sweet it is going to be. We love you and won’t give up! Joanne x
Dear Johnny, we believe in you and we all know that you’re innocent. You deserve justice and we’re sure you’ll get it. You’ll win, and don’t forget that we stand with you Johnny. Stay strong and brave ! We love you
That ugly part of your story you’re living through right now is gonna be one of the most powerful parts of your testimony. The truth is out, everyone knows it and no lie can hide it!
Dear Johnny, I want to tell you everything that goes through my heart but it takes years. To summarize briefly, I love you more than anything. I trust you more than anyone else. You are my first and last love and you will always stay that way. Depphead is always with you. You are innocent and we know that, we believe in you. We will win this case, we will never give up. Stay healthy, stay strong. Quote by you: “Breathe. It’s only a bad day, not a bad life.” Savvy?
Desde Chile sé de todo mi corazón que eres inocente y eres el mejor… Te adoro!
Hello, I just want you to know that I LOVE all your characters, that I admire you very much and that I am sure that you were carved by the very angels of heaven I know that you are innocent Johnny, I adore you !!!!! I will never stop being your fan, I love you I love you I love you !!!!! And if Hollywood doesn’t make movies with you, I’ll never see a fucking movie again …#JusticeForJohnnyDepp
Te apoyo mi Johnny se que estas pasando un momento muy muy dificil pero yo confio en tu inosencia y se que todo saldra bien ya veras que si mi Johnny te amo mushoooo .
Creemos en ti Johnny
I love youuuu
Johnny, hello from Russia! I want to say that I will trust you and support you, no matter what! You are a kind, bright person, you give people light, joy and hope for the best. Let all this be with you! Not all judges are corrupt, truth and justice must prevail! And I am ready to do everything in my power!
Dear Johnny, all of us here know by the very difficult moment you are going through, I just want you to NEVER GIVE UP, we are all here to support you, just have faith that everything will work out well, and all this that you are reaping at some point in the future will bear good fruit for you. WE LOVE YOU. Do not give up
Sometimes it’s hard to still believe in justice, the true one, the authentic one, but we are here for this! We will always support you Johnny because we know how unique you are, rare, full of love. We have always maintained your innocence and it will always be! Never give up Johnny! You’re not alone … we love you so much! An immense hug
johnny u have saved my life. thank you so much for being here even if times are hard sometimes. the deppheads believe you,we know your innocent. you are such an inspiration. you are not a “wife beater” at all and amber doesn’t know what she’s talking about. thank you for being here and when times get hard remember you have lots of supporters with you
Dear Mr Depp, we are always with you. Should you feel down in this madness, know this, there is love and support for you all over this world. A major fraction of this world believes in you, whatever you have been through, and the evidences you provided. We have faith that whatever happened, is just a retreat before the mighty pounce. Be strong, and dont be hard on yourself ever.
Todos estamos contigo Johnny, todos te apoyamos, no estás solo, te queremos y queremos que se haga justicia. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp
Dear Johnny, I am writing from Argentina, a fan of millions, but I really hope at some point you can read these words. I believe you, and I never doubted you, strength and a lot of courage! because the world is still macho, they laugh if a man claims to be a victim of domestic abuse, they laugh because they believe that because he is a man this cannot happen. They are ignorant, they are accomplices and provocateurs of hate. It is not an easy struggle and I cannot imagine what you are feeling, but I want to give you all my support, all the love I have for you. I know that you are an excellent person, besides being an excellent actor, we love you Johnny, each one of your fans, each one of us who believe and support you in the face of the injustice that you are living, we give you support and love so that you do not forget that you are not alone. Pardon my bad English, thank you for being a great person and for how you make our days happy through your work, I hope that with these letters we can make yours happy as well.
Dear Johnny, I believe you, I love you, I will always be by your side!
Johnny, I’ve been your fan, or I should say your relative, for over 16 years and will be for many many more. For infinity and beyond, as Buzz Lightyear would say. No matter how turbulent the waters get, I will not abandon ship. I send you a warm polar bear hug and you got this Captain. Please stay strong! We are right behind you. I hope to meet you again soon. I love you so much, my hero.
Justice is created by humans, that’s why it is not always fair, go ahead Johnny, many try to silence your pain but with you we are many to help you scream louder
Tu sigue con la cabeza en alto que nada y ni nadie te haga sentir menos, recuerda que todo se paga en esta vida y que el karma si existe así que todo el mal que te hicieron se les devolverá al triple o quieras venganza que solo les va a llegar el mal.
Johnny, we believe you, stay strong, we are with you!!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart, good luck. You are the best actor I have ever seen in my life, I know You are innocent, we all know that. I’m not that good at texting, so good luck and take care of yourself. How the saying goes:Fairy dreams never disappear because hope never dies. Despite the difficulties and how dark the world may be,people retain hope until the day that justice comes true
Dear Johnny, we love you so much for the person you are! This moment is hard, but you have many people by your side, including me, to support you! The truth shows that you are innocent and we all know the truth, only those who create garbage to feed themselves with this are the ones who try to manipulate the truth! You are a fighter and have gone through many difficult moments and managed to get out of them all! This moment is one more, it’s just a matter of time for you to be well and have justice!Stay strong!!! We love you so much!!!
I believe in you Johnny. Because you are a kind person. You are innocent and I and everyone Else believe that. WE WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU #justiceforjohnnydepp
Never give up. Never stop smiling. We need you. Stay strong. We love you Johnny. We are with you. Always.
La vida sigue y nada debe opacar tu felicidad. Eres un gran ser humano.Te quiero y te apoyo.
Mi querido Johnny , este momento es para decir que te quiero con todo mi corazón y aunque tenemos momentos malos siempre vendran buenos momentoa , te amo Johnny y un gran abrazo
My dearest Johnny. We know that you are full of love and kindness. Please don’t lose your pure heart. Please be yourself. Please keep fighting. I know that isn’t easy. But We are always with please stay with us forever.
Dear Johnny, you are not alone, the world is as shocked as you at this outcome. Clearly it is erroneous and I hope you keep fighting to clear your name in court. For many, if not most people, you already have. Rae x
Love and blessings from Uruguay!
Creo en ti, creo en tu inocencia y en el ser humano tan hermoso que eres. Que nada ni nadie cambie tu esencia y el amor que le brindas a quienes lo necesitan. Te abrazo a la distancia con todo mi corazón, estoy contigo y jamás dudaría de ti, el tiempo les dará su lección a quien te están difamando y lastimando. Animo corazón mío…
My dear and beautiful Johnny, today more than ever I want to tell you how much I love and admire you, my childhood was with you, watching your beautiful movies, and I am very proud to be your fan, today I tell you May you be strong and have a lot of faith, because justice will be done and you will clear your name, I love you and we love you all your fans and we want to see you shine, I love you Johnny! From Argentina supporting you
Dear Johnny, i know times are probably tough and horrible for you right now, and i can’t think of the pain you must be going through but i just want you to know that there are so many people out there who support and love you and who always will. We will stand by you till the very end and never leave. With this outcome on the verdict, it has given me no faith in society i really can’t believe what happened. You’ve been a big part of so many peoples lives and you are loved by so many. All is deppheads are grieving for you and want you to know how much support we are trying to give you. You may not know this but you’ve saved so many peoples lives including mine and i’m so thankful for that. You are an idol to so many and i hate to see you feeling this way. You deserve this justice and i know it seems like you’ve lost, but in my eyes your still a winner and always will be. There is so many people out there who have seen the news and believed it because that’s what they usually do but they haven’t spent the time to do any research on this case. I love you so so so much and i really want to give you a massive hug right now. Thank you for everything you have done for me, done for us i love you with all my heart. YOU ARE INNOCENT 🙂 JUSTICEFORJOHNNYDEPP
Dear love, I believe you ever you’re the better person in the world, mi love, I believe you.
No te des por vencido, millones y millones creemos en ti, en tu inocencia, y próximamente esa esitorial quedara en banca rota por haberle dado la razón a alguien que no no la tiene.. ánimo tequeremos y te apreciamos tus fans
Johnny estamos contigo, eres un hombre maravilloso,guapo,bondadoso,humilde y por eso y mas razones te apoyamos porque sabemos q eres inocente… Tienes todos mi apoyo y cariño. Te amo y saldremos vencedores de esta…#justiceforjohnnydepp❤❤tienes todo nuestro apoyo estamos contigo te quiero y te amo…espero todo salga bien, y para limpiar su nombre e imagen.. Te ama:jazz
Johnny, je crois en toi, je sais que la justice de la common law est compliquée mais elle ne doit pas être injuste, je crois en toi et je suis avec toi jusqu’au bout. Je sais que vous êtes un excellent homme et que vous allez traverser cette épreuve avec tout mon soutien. Salut du mexique
Dear Johnny, know that I am with you with all my heart, we support you and that to the end! We know what you deserve, happiness. What happens to you saddens me enormously and you know how unhappy breaks my heart. Never forget that we are with you and that it will be proven that you deserve to win justice. I love you so much Johnny!
Creo firmemente en la justicia y creo que Amber tiene un merecido final, se que no es la situación que quisieras estar pasando, vamos a hacer justos para Johnny deep, creo firmemente en tus actos buscaste ayuda y nadie te escucho pero aquí estamos nosotros para apoyarte te amo Johnny
Johnny, thank you for coming forward with your story. Your supporters have always and will always know the truth regardless of verdict, and we will continue to be with you all the way! Keep fighting. Stay strong. You’ve got this! Lots of love from Kentucky.
mucha fuerza JD somos mas los que creemos en la verdadera justicia y creemos en ti. Mi amor y mi admiración hacia ti es muy fuerte y se hace aun mas con el paso de los años, tus admiradores lamentamos mucho que hayas tenido que pasar por todo esto, pero creemos en ti y en esa fortaleza que tienes. Sigue buscando esa justicia que mereces que nosotros siempre estaremos contigo.
Te amamos Johnny aquí estamos contigo, nosotros si creemos en ti te mando un abrazo y mis mejores deseos de que todo va a salir bien #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnyisinocent Ánimo Cariño mío!!!!!
We live in a world where my justice is what we deserve, but Johnny is a person who only transmits peace and love, many people are against him, but also many people are on his side and that is what matters! Johnny is and she will be for us the best person to care what a resentful woman with a self-esteem says! We love you johnny
Dear Johnny be strong, never lose hope,keep your head up we believe in you and love you.
stay strong, standing with you always. You are a precious soul
We love you John, we support you all the time
Never stop believing in yourself, there’s a lot of people in the world that would fight for you even you don’t know us. And if someday you’re feeling you can’t anymore I’ll be your strenght, good people should help each other. Wish you the best today and always thanks for your work.
I believe you, and I stand behind you now and always. I’m so proud of you for being so, so brave. Love you so much.
You are beautiful in any way.I know you’re telling the truth and justice will prevail.I have always loved you and believed in you <3Please. Take care of yourself. You are important.
Hay justicia para las personas que hacen las cosas bien, estamos contigo y todo lo malo sale a luz para reivindicarte Dioste enviará la justicia y quedarás limpio y bendecido yo estoy pasando algo parecido y aquel que aventó la piedra y se esconde y me culpa por su cobardía la justicia lo alcanzará e igualmente a quien , mi querido te acusa injustamente te admiro
I hope your doing well Johnny and your strong and you have made me be that to I just want to say your this wonderful person that I look up too and can happily call you my idol whenever I see one of your films on tv I’d put it on just to see you doing an amazing job but I love you so so much I can’t describe it I just want you to know I’m here and the deppheads are and we have your back I love you stay safe Johnny
We believe you and we will always be with you , forever ♡
Dear Johnny, A special soul like you deserves only the best. I’ll be Always by your side.
Dear Johnny , I just want you to know that we will stand by your side until the real justice shows up . It has been a difficult year for all of us but just know that we will only believe you and we all know that you are innocent. You have all of our support till the end
Dear Johnny, I can only imagine how you feel right now. Yesterday’s news was a beating in the head… Even if you lost, I didn’t stop believing in you, because I know you’re a very good person and you wouldn’t hurt anyone, I admire you for how you are and for what you do. I hope you can get our support with these messages. I love you Johnny, you are the most important person in my life and you have helped me, indirectly, a lot of times. Now I’d like to be the one to help you… Be as strong as you can, remember that in the end everything passes. Love you man xxx
Hey, I just wanted to say we are all with you. We love and support so so so much and I only hope you’re doing well in these troubling times. You have helped me through so many dark times I might not be here without you and I know that’s goes for so many other. Which is why I stand by through anything they throw because you mean so much to me. I hope you’re doing well, love you always. xxx
Dear JD im 15 and i am a DV victim and i hardy know what u’re going through, im so sorry that they shut u down just becaus you are a man its verey wrong to put a mark on the gender of the victims, i have loved you since i was eight you gaved me hope and you made strong you saved my life at lest what i can do to pay you back is to show you love and my support and believe me i will never be able to pay you back becaus what you did saved my life many and many times, we love you and support you Johnny no matter what stay strong we can do this. Al the love in the world David (p.s im a girl)
My dear,my love and my heart please be happy dont sad we know you are true and we know the truth everytime win, god is do this god love true and hate lie we see whos win we wait because level for level
Keep your chin up Johnny, we all know that judge ruling is garbage, we all believe in you, you will get your justice. Keep on keeping on, much love to you xxxxx
Keep moving forward Johnny. We all know you are innocent. Justice will be made
Dear Johnny, you will always have my back no matter what. Beside all the people around me telling me how bad of a person you are (in 2016) I never gave up on you. Although I never met you in person I can say that you are one of the kindest human beings in this world. When you wrote me a letter (I waited at the Berlinale 2020 and we didn’t get the chance to say hello) I just knew I was right and that giving up on you would have never been an option…and will never be! Stay strong and always remind yourself…doesn’t matter what the judge/media say, there will always be millions of deppheads supporting you. All my Love from Germany, Johanna Elsen
Dear Johnny, ever since this whole mess started, I have believed in you. I will always believe in you. You are such an amazing person and we will see justice for what has happened to you. Lots of love, -Dees
I belive you, Johnny. Thank you for standing up to your abuser and accuser!!
Hi Johnny, hope you’re still in shape after this difficult week-end. I just want you to know that no matter what justice said about you, nothing change for me. First i honestly think that you are innocent in this affair, but most of all you are still the guy who keep influence me every day in my life. So, don’t change, keep doing you, you’re perfect. Take care, love and Respect
It’s terrible what they’re doing to you Johnny, a sweet and sensitive man like you who wouldn’t hurt a fly. I have always supported you and now more than ever I am on your side, we will be able to win out of this bad period because justice must win. That ugly person will get to go to jail and you will be free little angel. I know. Justice MUST win.
I just want to say, I hope you still stronger because everybody believes you and your are innocent so, really want you can stay good yourself
Dear Johnny, we love you and we believe you. You deserve justice and you will get it. Take care of yourself and never forget that we will always fight with and for you!
Dear Johnny, we can only imagine thru what stuff your going right now. But we ,I can’t thank you enough for staying strong, I really look up to you and it reminds me to be strong! And of course thank you for all your films we can watch and fotget the drama and be sucked in another world for a while! I guess I just wanna say that we’re still here and we got your back! Just take care and keep strong this was just a fight but the war isn’t over yet 🙂 xx Luca Warnier from the Netherlands
Dear Johnny, you are the reason I believe in kindness . Send love from Romania
Things willget better for you, this is just a set back. You just need to keep fighting. Justice will come to you. I believe in you you’re my hero
Dear Johnny the greatest heroes didn’t win a battle but a war. Keep fighting everything’s will be alright. We are with you always we know the truth and she’s not gonna win ever.
I have always believed you and believed in you. You are fighting the good fight. You deserve love. Remember that most of all. Love and a happy life.
It’s unbelievable! Everyone could see the Truth. Don’t give up, don’t stop fighting for justice. We’ll be by your side.
Johnny, we believe in you. Know only this and always remember this. We will always be with you. To end.
Dear Johnny, no matter what was said today, we all know the truth. We believe you…. We will always believe you. Do not lose faith, because together we’ll continue to fight for justice. Stay strong and keep smiling! We love you and we will always be there for you!
Dear Johnny, I’m so sorry for all the pain you have the go through. Please know that we will always stand by your side, we believe in you and please remember that justice will be served. Much love from Holland
I believe you Johnny. I believe you’re innocent and you were a victim of domestic violence. I support you and even though you didn’t win, you won to us. Because we know the truth and we will always support you
Estamos con tigo yo creo en ti, no te conozco pero se que eres un ser humano creíble, Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre TE AMO Y ÁNIMO SABEMOS LA VERDAD
Johnny my love, I feel so sad and angry but you are the real winner! ❤ We are standing behind you all the time and we will fight with you till the end, no matter how long it will take! Keep your head up and please remember that so many people love you so much! Stay strong, Hero❤
johnny. i’m so heartbroken that u didn’t win, u deserve justice and you will get it. i’m so sorry they let you down, we all know you are telling the truth. we (deppheads) will love and support you forever, and we won’t stop defending and standing by you. i’m so proud your gonna appeal, thays what a true fighter would do. thankyou for always cheering me up and getting me through some shit in my life, I’ll forever be grateful. I love you 
Dear Johnny, we are all devastated and speechless after hearing the judge’s verdict today. The judgement is ridiculous and perverse considering the amount of real evidence on your side. This is not justice. Please know that there are many people supporting and believing you: not only fans, but also people who are unprejudiced, people who suffered abuse themselves and many more. You are not alone in this. We’ve got your back. Please stay strong and fight the fight many of us were afraid to take on. Take care. Lots of LOVE ❤
Hi johhny, I’m from Philippines, I want to say to you is good luck I will always support you and my family we still believe in you I love you, I’m sorry if my English is wrong I’m not professional in English haha you can also achieve justice I will always pray for you.
Yo creo en ti, admiro mucho tu trabajo y sobre todo te admiro como personal, TE AMO, fan tuya hasta la tumba, fuerza! No estás solo. ♥
Johnny love…we all love so much …we stand by u and we fight for u. We will get justice.stay strong J . U r the strongest man I have ever seen . We love you. U inspire me s lot . Just know that u r not alone we are here with you though u r far apart u r always in my heart… Love u J
Do not let yourself drop into the abyss. We love you and believe you, truth will prevail. The strength you have shown has been so important to so many ❣❣
Hey Johnny, please please please stay strong. This is war, we will stop at absolutely nothing to make sure you get the justice you deserve. Keep fighting for the truth, you still have an army behind you.
Johnny, you are the only one who makes me happy. My parents beat me very hard if I talk about you . You should get justice
Dear Johnny! We believe you! Be strong! You’re such an awesome man
I believe you, everything is so hard right now but we are with you
Dear Johnny, I hope you’re doing ok. There are a lot of things that I wish to tell you but I don’t know where to start, and probably this writing space is not enough for this purpose. So I’ll just tell you that my love for you and your work has grown stronger through the years. I know what you are going through right now, it’s not easy. I wish I could do something useful to help you but the only thing I can do right now is sending you all of my support and a huge hug! Remember you’re not alone, and me and a great bunch of other people around the world will always have your back. You thaught me to keep on expressing my creativity. Infact, I like to draw and a lot of other things, even if I’m not so good at it. More or less like Ed Wood with movies, but I keep on practicing.. By the way, sorry for the digression. Keep on fighting, I’ll always be by your side because you’re a wonderful person, one of my heroes and my Captain for ever. Love you
Keep fighting the good fight JD! We are with you no matter what. We have the truth.
Dear Johnny, what happened today is shameful. You are having a hard time on this journey we call life, but remember that things can be for the best. Always. Even when it would be easier to give up, don’t do it, you don’t have to give up. NEVER. Fight for the truth, we are fighting with you .. your name will never really be tainted! You are a much loved man .. and we are so many who love you that you will have a voice to cry out your innocence, we will be your echo; I’ve been following you for almost 20 years. In all these years I’ve always seen a humble and sweet man; I’ve always seen a matchless actor; I’ve always seen an exceptional guitarist; I’ve always seen a loving father; I’ve always seen a kind and respected workmate; I’ve always seen a man who loves the woman next to him; You have immense light. Small, futureless and envious people want to shut you down .. Don’t allow them to do that. Victory is yours. Sanja.
Dear johnny, Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people. We love and support you forever.stay strong, my dear we are all with you till the end.Justice for you
Through all the good and all of the bad, your fans will always be by your side. We can see your sincerity, your humbleness and your heart. You are a good man and truth will prevail. We are going through this storm with you and we will hold you up every step of the way. Truth wins and this storm will not last forever. You’ve got this and we’ve got you. Blessings!
Johnny, I believe in you. I hope the justice will be done. Please, be strong, we’re with you. Love from Brazil.
Dear Johnny, I was devastated when I discovered that you lost the case, but I still have faith and will always be ready to support you through fire and high waters. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your loved ones; I hope you will get a never ending strength to fight for what is right. We all know who you really are and will be standing by your side. With love and devotion, Sofia x
I know your innocent and so many of us have so much love and respect for you and we support you. I will always stand by you darlin. With so much love and respect JD
I am as committed to you todsy as i was yesterday. I dtand with. Determined to fight for justice for you. All love. You are in my heart
Dear Johnny You are so wonderful, so strong and warm, I support you and I always will, please never stop shining because you are my whole life♡
Dear Johnny, I’m a DV survivor myself and I’ve always looked up to you for strength and inspiration. I’ve always loved you and I love you even more when you showed your strength and bravery. Pls stay strong, people now know the truth despite what the media fakes. I will always stand with you. I will always find strength in you. Love you so much!
My dearest brother, Johnny. I am so sorry for this misdemeanor that has been falsely placed upon you. We know the truth about the matter and know where the right side of justice stands. We stand with you, man. My family and I are actually in a lawsuit as well. It began when I was in the 8th Grade and I am now a Freshman in college. The crooked court system will never break, but we know the truth. My prayers are with you, brother. Much love and respect. – JP
You’ve got a huge army man they can nt shut us down, we got your back honey♡
After today I don’t believe in justice, I don’t believe in humanity. No more! I hope truth will come out soon! JOHNNY STAY STRONG!
You are the most strongest and beautiful man in this world. I will forever stand with you no matter the case, and always support you.I won’t stop fighting until you get the justice you deserve. Much love
Dear sweet Johnny. I am so sorry for all the hardship you are going through. You truly are an angel in my eyes and my heart goes to you. And I wanted you to know that we are still with you, by your side, forever. We already know the truth and we believe in you. Nothing could ever change that! Writing this for you, is the least I can do but I wish I could do more for you, to ease your pain. I will always love you Johnny! ALWAYS! No matter what. Stay strong King! With so much love from a million miles away.
Dear Johnny, as John Lennon once said; “everything will be ok in the end, so if it’s not ok now, it’s not the end”. Until that day comes, always remember that you are believed, loved and have friends and family (including us) who will always stand beside you. Stay strong and don’t let the bastards grind you down.
Dear Johnny, I’ve spent many years following your amazing career and you’ve been a huge part of my life. I will continue to support you no matter what. Things can be very unfair but the people who love you will stay strong by your side. Your loved ones, your fans and you know the truth. Love you from Argentina
my dear Johnny, in this world there are bad people who hurt a lot but there are also people like you, with a good soul, and I believe in you Johnny. Never lose hope and keep fighting, we will stand by you, I believe in you. If you ever read this message I just want to tell you not to break down, I know you are a strong man. Come on Johnny, I love you.
Can’t believe that obvious things are not clear for someone. It seems like a bad game started from above. But court is not just inside a courtroom – it’s people. People see the real things. Stay strong, Johnny

the sun is a paper full of liars. Remember that the truth will always come out. Be strong, be brave. We will always support you, and that’s what really matters. Hope to see you soon and stay safe from the virus. Love you, Veronica.

Dear Johnny… I love you so much, you’re part of me in the sense of being my idol. I’ve been your fan for many many years. Right from the start of when the abuse allegations and stuff surrounding it came out a few years ago, I never once doubted that you may or may not have done something serious like that. I’ve been supporting you and being right by your side. I believe in you and love you so so much words cannot describe the love and respect I have for you. I respect you for coming forward and being brave. Yes shockingly to my surprise you lost this libel case… but we are here for you Johnny and we won’t stop until you get the justice that you deserve! You probably won’t get this message, but one day I would love to meet you and give you the biggest hug and tell you I love you and that everything will be okay. Please stay strong as best as you can, don’t give up!
Hey Johnny, I have absolutely no idea if you’ll ever be reading this, but I wanted to let you know I love you so much. You’re my idol, my inspiration and aspiration!! You’ve changed my life completely even though you don’t know it, and I would like to think I’m your biggest fan. I care about you deeply, ever since I first got to know about you in 2015. It’s been my dream to meet you for ages now, but I live in Israel and I’m too young to travel to one of your concerts overseas.. which is why when this whole pandemic ends you musttttt come to Israel!! I beg of you I can promise you have many fans here who would be thrilled to meet you! Anyways, forget about me. I found out today that you’ve lost your libel case, and I wanted to let you know just how much it INFURIATES and ENRAGES me!!! I feel frustrated and confused and my biggest wish is for you to just get the justice and recognition you deserve god damn it!! But, you’re appealing the conviction and I am so happy and PROUD of you for not giving up!! Please KEEP FIGHTING!! Us deppheads are always with you and will stand with you always and believe you. I never doubted you for a second. Anyways, I guess I just wanted to send you big big hug and tell you to stay strong, I love you so so much and hope you are doing okay and as happy as you can be under the circumstances… love you lots!! Abby, from Israel
We will always stand beside you no matter how unfair and cruel things or people are! We will continue to support you every step of the way. And I will support and love you until the day I die #justiceforjohnnydepp #Istandwithjohnnydepp
Words cannot begin to describe the heartache I’ve felt today. I have never met you Johnny, but you have touched my soul in ways that nobody ever has. You have been a constant presence in my life since I was little, when it felt like I did not belong anywhere and the world seemed bent on proving me I was worthless. Throughout my whole life, I have found comfort in your art in all of its forms and have found myself in you many times. I never met you, but watching your films, listening to your music, reading your words, always felt like coming home. You do not deserve any of this, and my heart breaks a little every time I think of it. Nobody deserves this, really, but you especially do not. Please know that no matter what happens, we are there for you. We love you, and we know the truth. This is not the end. You have our support, now and always. Thank you.
No matter the weather. We can do it, together. You and us together. Forever and ever.
Dear Johnny, please stay strong, we believe in you, this sentence is crazy and everyone knows it. I would love to hug you and I hope that the affection of all of us will reach you, we will always be by your side, always. never give up!
Dear Johnny, no matter what was said today, we all know the truth. We believe you…. We will always believe you. Do not lose faith, because together we’ll continue to fight for justice. Stay strong and keep smiling! We love you and we will always be there for you!
My dearest Johnny if i can say anything to you at the moment i would tell you that i love you,uncoditionaly,i simply love you.I don’t know did you know that you have the most precious smile,never stop smiling,you happiness means peace and joy to me.All of us,every single one of us,the people,your people are with you,we will never leave,i will never leave your side.Never.You are reason why im smiling every day,you are reason i keep moving forward.You made me laugh when i wasn’t even in a mood to smile.You are inspiration to me,my role model.You have no idea how many joyfull faces you created.You feel like home to me.A living angel that is who you are.I truly honestly love and admire you.I dedicated my first shooting star to you.My dream is to meet you in person and to hug you soo hard.You aren’t aware how much you helped me.Im forever gratefull for you existence,with live Grace
Dear Johnny For many years I have admired your work you are a lovely person and I am sure of your innocence! Much love from Mexico! * Nayeli
Dear Johnny, I love you more than words can say. I have a disability, and I love how you stand up for those that are looked down on in the world, and you have always had faith in us. I have faith in YOU! You are beautiful inside and out. Keep the faith! The right will prevail. I love with all of my heart
dear Johnny, I don’t even know where to start … when I first saw the Pirates of the Caribbean there was something caught in your character, something special, I felt that this man playing this amazing character must be a special person. I looked after you to see who play the famous Captain Jack Sparrow, when I first saw you I thought right away, i thought that how can be good for him since he is famous, and now that I have known you for so long I know how much you go through, what terribly bad and terrible things. I know how big your soul and heart have you. You’re a huge talent and I can’t tell you how much I love and respect you. Me and a lot of people know exactly know that how good person you are. We know that you are innocent and also how much suffering you are beyond. Thanks to you, I learned to never but never give up, I can thank you for being persistent. All the evidence suggests that you are innocent! You deserve love and freedom! Keep your happens, we will always hold your hand whatever happens and never and never let go! I love you very, very much Johnny, I am very proud of you, never give up, I will always be here for you. I hope one day my dream comes true that I can meet you. We’ll always be here for you Johnny whatever happen. p.s.: i am so so sorry for my English, i’m stil learn the English so yeah
Web believe you and love
Dear Johnny: I’ve admired you for as long as I can remember. When I was very little I saw “Edward Scissorhands” and I loved that movie with all my might. Since then, I’ve been there to see whatever you’ve done. I am very sad with the news but this is just another stone on the road to the truth. You’re not alone. Most of the people out there support you and I am not telling you because yes, I am telling you because I have seen it and I have felt it that way. And we (your fans) are going to continue fighting alongside you and for you. You also have a lot of people near you who love you. Never be separated from your friends and your family. You are free and lucky. I send you from the bottom of my heart a lot of bear hugs and my apologies for my shitty English because I’m from Spain (In Spain we love you a lot). Stay strong and don’t stop smiling, please. I will continue to smiling for you. Love you very much
Dear John. Today was overwhelming for you and all those around you and fighting every day defending your truth. But we would like you to know that regardless of the unfair outcome, we will remain here as we have always been, supporting you and fighting for you. We know that you are strong and will rise soon, because you have the truth. Right now I would love to be able to hold you tight, but as I can’t, I wish you days of peace and happiness. Remember that the truth always prevails, sooner or later. I love you, pirate! With love, your Anne.
Johnny depp has truly touched my heart since I first watched the pirates of the Caribbean at 8 years old . From I watched all your movies and your interviews about your life story. You truly amaze me Johnny. I know today was not the way it wanted it to be but just know your fans are here standing by your side and sending love to you and your family. Thank you for time if you get a chance to read this and I still hope to meet in you person one day .
Dear Johnny, it’s been years since your work as helped me through difficult times in my life and the least I can do today, is share all my support, not only for the artist that you are, but for the humble human being that you are. I want to thank you for fighting for the truth. And you will always have not only mine, but millions of people’s support through these times. I leave you with a small quote from your dear friend Keith Richards: “you have the sun, you have the moon, you have the air you breathe”. And you also have our love and support. With all my respect, Filipe Silva
Dear Johnny, words couldnt explain how angry and sad i am about the gross injustice you have suffered. But I hope you wont give up. Please stay strong and keep fighting. We’re with you. We know the truth. The people are on your side. We love and appreciate you so much. I have so much respect for you. You make the world a better place. You really do, you have give smiles to millions of people all over the world, have helped so many people. It is not for nothing. You matter so much. Thank you for being you. Never give up. Take care of yourself, you will get through this. ♡
Dear Johnny, I feel so sorry for you and just know the world now knows the truth. We stand with you. Always.
I believe in you. Stay strong. You are loved by so many people and we all wish nothing but the best for you. With love, Beatriz
Dear Johny, we love you and we will be there for you till you get your justice. Please don’t give up because this case has proven beyond only injustice that was done to you, it represents so many other injustices that were done the same way to people who are not in a position to prove to the world they are innocent. Always remember we are here for you anyone who dug just a bit deeper in this case, can see that you have been framed and that someone has worked very hard to make your life miserable. But we won’t allow it to happen, we are here for you always. You have given the world so much and that we shall never forget. Love from Serbia
Know your worth, live your truth. Know we are all standing behind you. Don’t let that horrible woman and a few accomplices ruin your kind, attentive self. Take time to be angry and shocked and sad by this decision. But make sure you come out the other side with more determination than ever.
I love you Johnny don’t forgot, you’re not lonely…you have us. I will always believe in you.
Don’t stop fighting for the truth!!!! I am on your side, now more than ever!! Much love from Italy
Dear Johnny, I support you, I believe you and I’ll continue to stand by you. Myself and the thousands of others believe in your innocence and will continue fighting alongside you. All my love, Michelle B – from the UK xxx
Hello my beautiful dearest Johnny, I want you to know how much I love, cherish and respect you with all my heart! You are an incredible man and I will always fight for you until you receive the justice you deserve!! You are completely innocent and deeply loved don’t ever forget how much we all love you!!! I wish you all the best in appealing this appalling decision from the judge. Keep fighting Johnny never EVER give up on justice!!! We will always fight for you and always stand beside you on the right side of the roaring rapids!!!! Bless you dear Johnny the TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!!!!!!! LIES RUN SPRINTS BUT THE TRUTH RUNS MARATHONS!!!! Love you !!!
Johnny, I will love you always and so many people love you aswell.. you can do this and we will always stick by you because we all believe that you are telling the truth.. the truth will always come out and I know that you will get justice soon.. you deserve all the justice in the world.. please stay strong and know that millions of people still love you and believe in your truth.. I love you
Hi Johnny, so sorry that justice was not served today, as we all wished. But you have proved to be a strong man. So I am sure you will keep in fighting. Just remember you may have lost a battle, but there is a war still to be fought. Truth will prevail in the long run. Wishing you the very best
Hi Johnny, I just want to say that I love you and I appreciatie you so so much. I’ve been a fan of yours since I can remember and I love that I grew up watching all of your movies!
I just want you to feel good ♡ ♡ ♡
You are the one who taught me everything. You are the one who changed my view on life,who intoduced me to some great ( Keith Richards, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson etc). You gave me strength and courage to fight with bad,to be polite,kind,EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE. You are the best actor in our time,you belong in the same area as Marlon Brando,Al Pacino… There aren’t enough words to describe what I feel about you, I love you! You are everything to me,friend,mentor,favourite artist. All these things will come around and yes,we will stand on the right side! We believe in you,people are woken! Please,stay safe,healthy,and spend your time with your kids and loved ones! I WOULD DIE FOR YOU!!
Hi Johnny! I want to start by saying that you have had a huge impact on me and many others. When I was 12 I suffered from bullying and I found in you, your movies, your art my way out of that suffering. Now I’m 21 and my love for you has done nothing but to grow. All I want to say is that I’m very proud and happy to be part of the Depphead family because that’s what we have become, family, with the same patriarch that we all love, cherish and support through the good and the bad times.
Dear Johnny, we are with you! We will always support and love you. Be strong!
I’m with you Johnny always and forever
Dear Johnny, don’t give up!! Never! We will always stand by the truth and stand by you. We are always by your side. Stay strong, justice will be served at the end
Johnny, just wanted to let you know that we are with you. Don’t let anything bring you down because we know the truth and we’ll be, by your side, fighting for it. You have a whole army behind you. Every step of the way you can count on us. Keep moving forward, we love you
Johnny, we are with you and we always support you even if justice is not on your side. Be strong, we always love you
Johnny didn’t do anything wrong. Why do Johnny have to go through this hard time? I’m very painful and sad, but The hardest painful to do right now is Johnny. I will support him forever from Japan.
Dear Johnny, I am so awfully sorry about what has happened to you and the injustice. I know I am not alone when I say I wish I could take your pain away. I believe you. I stand by you. You have a strong army around you and we will fight by your side. In this crazy, messed up world I want to thank you for the inspiration in my life and for being a friend to a young girl who went through the worst time of my life. You were my friend when I had none. Please know that you are not alone. We will be with you and we do not accept this verdict. We know and understand not your truth but THE truth. Stay safe. You are so loved.
Johnny I love you and I believe in you. Please, don’t give up. Staying Strong. You’re always with you, and because You’re innocent. I will pray for your life. Jesus loves you and so do I.
Johnny Depp is incredibly powerful for sharing his truth. He gave courage to survivors to stand with him and their stories. We the public know the truth and we will stand with him until he gets his justice. I want him to know that there are thousands standing by his side. We love you Johnny!
Hey Johnny, how are you? Come on … I’m a huge fan, I love everything that exists in you, thank you for being the best idol I chose to love until the end of my life I love you a billion, I love you so much Mr.JD
There’s proof beyond doubt that Johnny Depp is innocent. Anyone willing to indulge the idea can find the evidence with a quick Google search. It’s society that decided he’s guilty because of misandry and gender stereotypes, as a man is never allowed to be a victim. But there are so many who know the truth and won’t be silenced. Johnny, I stand with you.
Johnny we love you.stay strong man.we’ve got your back and never let you be alone.keep your head up.we know you’re innocent and we know the’re a gift from God.I give my life for you.Iranian people love you so much.
I know that it’s been dark for you but your loyal “army” is always there for you. People know the truth and that’s the most important part. We love how strong and brave you are. The world knows that you are INNOCENT. It’s so impressive how you handle this situation and keep fighting. We are fighting with you, we are ALWAYS standing by your side. I hope that you know how incredible, kind, caring and loving you are. And so do we. I’m heartbroken and angry that this trial ended like this. But that doesn’t mean that we stop fighting. Our voice gets louder and we speak more. You should loose faith and I hope you never will. Dear Johnny, we are with you. Always care about you, think about you, take an example from your strength and fight with you. Never forget how much we love you. I love you.
Johnny is not worth a judgment of one person to change what you are, a pure, humble and kind soul. You deserve justice. Always and anyway on your side, you’re not alone.
We always be behind.lots of love
Dear Johnny, I have admired you since I was so little, your marvelous movies and the amazing characters you brought us got many of us through hard periods. You are a roll model and an inspiration, we believe in you. I send you a big big hug from Mexico.
I’m still standing with you, I still believe you, and I still love you. I will forever be on the right side of the rapids with. Stay strong love. You’re not alone x
Johnny I love you and will always support you. Stay strong beautiful man. We are with you xxx
Angel we LOVE YOU and wholeheartedly trust you, don’t worry about anything. People know the truth and this fucking injustice changes nothing for us. You just keep doing you and fuck them all. We fucking adore you Johnny!!!❤❤

Noi crediamo in te, ti siamo vicini e non smetteremo mai di darti il nostro supporto.Grazie di tutto!

Dear our beloved Johnny, things didn’t go as planned, but we know the truth and we are standing on the right side, the good side, your side. We will never leave you, no matter what. We will never stop loving and supporting you, cause as you said we are you army and We will fight next to you and FOR you forever. You are our hero and we love you so much. You’re not alone JD, stay strong baby
Dear Johnny thank you for making me smile and giving me strength, I love you always you are a true Angel
You have shown us your pure heart theough the years and we will stand with you. You have given this world so much love, and you deserve all the love we can give back. Thank you for your courage, you are not alone <3
Dear Johnny, We are so proud of how brave you are to continue to fight for your truth to prevail. All today shows is you still have many miles left to go. Though you lost this battle, (for now) you have not lost the war. You have all of us, your fans following right behind. We love you Johnny and we will always stand with you!♥ #justiceforjohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp
Hi Johnny. I only wanted to tell you that you are loved. I’m sorry for what’s going on about the process and judgment against your ex-wife. But I also want to say that “lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons” and the truth will always win… sooner or later. In the meantime, you are loved and think always that you are gonna win this battle. A fan from Italy ❤🇮🇹 P.s sorry for my english ✌🏻
We believe in you Johnny, you are very courageous for coming out with your story. You are innocent and we believe you, justice will be served! Thank you for everything!

Dear Johnny, sometimes life is a long road full of pitfalls and it’s so hard to find the way out. Through these last years you prove your strength and courage. Your journey is now a true inspiration to many victims. Be proud of it. You’re not alone in this battle, and you’re loved. Keep fighting. ❤

Hey Johnny, love, I wanna say how proud I am of you. The verdict does t change much. All of us . Still love u and support you and will always do! Nothing can ever harm u again cuz we all are here standing tall like a wall before you❤.you are an immensely honest, compassionate, talented and respectful soul. I love you will all I have. And u inspire me so so much. Thanks for being the best idol and inspiration I can ask for❤ love from a 18 year old Debolina Bose from India ❤ keep fighting love.

You are and forever will be the light of my day xx fc

Hi Johnny, I know that today didn’t work out well but you still have the appeal! Stay true to yourself as always we have your back 👊❤

Dear Johnny! I am very sad about today’s news. The verdict is illegal, and now a lot of people know this. I am stand with you and I wish you a lot of patience. I think that we will win! – With love and regards –

Stay strong JD We believe you We stand by you We your “family” are here for you Keep fighting for the justice you deserve

Dear Johnny: You are so strong. You are a warrior. Keep fighting. Justice will come. We always are going to be with you. You are our hero, our inspiration. We love you so much ❤
Dear Johnny, I’ve always been your supporter and a truly fan. I believe in you, I believe you’re a good man and i believe in justice. You deserve the best from your life and I’ll always support you . Love you so so much.
Dear Johnny, I hope this message finds you well. Always remember the love and support you have from your close friends, family and fans. We are standing behind you always, even when it doesn’t feel like it. We love you Johnny!!!
Hello Johnny ♥ I send you this message for let you know, we all love you and we will all always support you, defend you and be by your side. Today was hard but we didn’t said our last word ! The truth can still come one day, everyone know it now and more people believe in you, we will win, I promise you ♥ Thank you for everything you make for us, you are our soldier and we love you so much ! Kisses from France ♥
We’ve seen the truth in your eyes, you’ve always been true, to us, to you. Thank you for that. We stand with you.
Even knowing that you’re not going to see this as just wanted to tell you that the veredict doesn’t mean anything to all your fans, because we believe in you we stand by you no matter what and we are here forever, I will never leave an answer that the best of the deppheads are agree with me. You deserve justice you serve happiness and it will come, you’re so strong Johnny, I’m so proud of everything what you’ve overcome, so please, never give up, never stop smiling, because you don’t have an idea of how much your smile means to all of us. We love you Johnny, we love you so much, we believe in your innocence, we will never stop holding your hand whenever you need us, whenever you need someone, remember that you’ll never be alone, because at least me, I will never leave. You’re so amazing, brave, strong and admirable, never forget that, and in case you do, I’ll be the one who will be right here writing to you, to remind you how you truly are. I know I can’t change the veredict, but do you know what I know and I have always known? That I’ll support you no matter what comes. So yeah, I’m here, and even if I know I can’t do anything, but I just wanted to show you my love and my support that you’ll always have
Remember Johnny not for losing a battle means war is lost. We always stay with you. The head high always captain. All my admiration, love and respect. Kiss from Spain.
Caro Johnny, grazie alla tua arte ci hai fatto avvicinare a te per farci anche piacevolmente scoprire che sei anche un grande uomo di generosità e bontà infinita. Ti stimerò per sempre per quanto ci hai dato e per quello che sei. Abbiamo fiducia che la giustizia si farà strada a tuo favore. La partita non è ancora finita. Coraggio. Con affetto, uno dei tuoi tantissimi ammiratori. Luigi
Hi Johnny, I am thinking of you and I won’t stop fighting for your justice.
Dear Johnny, no matter what a judge says, we know that you are innocent, we believe in you, you are the kindest person in the world, we will always be by your side always supporting you, we love you
Dear Johnny, you’re my world. Please don’t be sad not even for a moment
Dear Johnny, I believe in you and trust you fully. I thought the verdict is completely obvious by now and for me it is. We all stand with you and man there’s a lot of us. Just love and respect for you, Johnny. Don’t give up.
Dear Johnny. Thank you for being an amazing inspiring person, who is my cinematical company for more than 20 years. You are a true fighter. I strongly believe that one day you will sing ‘Who’s laughing now’ at the top of your lungs(if you know what I mean). Justice awaits. Greetings from Poland!
we are with you Johnny ! It’s not over ! We love you !

Hey Johnny! Everything will be all right – as Bob Marley used to sing! You are trusted and you are loved! This will come to itsvend eventually. Keep strong, art and love will save us all!

My dearest Johnny! I want you to know that we are with you 100%. We love you and know you are innocent. Please be strong sweetie. Your kindness to others and your humanity worked it’s way into my heart and will never let go. We are with you! I love you and may God give you peace.
An unfair, ill-argued verdict, incomprehensible and biased. Stay strong and clear headed, and keep fighting. You have massive support and the right on your side. You are a good person. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.
Dear Johnny, people are not giving up, people are now more determined to fight for the truth, for you, than ever before. You have encouraged so many victims to fight for their justice, so please now keep fighting for yours. Not for us. You have already won our hearts, but because you’re the kindest and greatest man in the world who deserves the justice. We stand by you and we always will.
Dear Johnny, I believe you. I always believed you and will always stand with you. You deserve justice and you will get it. Stay safe & strong!
From a Spanish girl: Johnny, you are a wonderful person and you don’t deserve anything that you are going through. We are here to support you and we believe in you not only because you are our idol but because we know enough to defend your innocence. You have always been attentive and kind to your fans and, although I doubt you will read these words, we are with you forever to raise your voice a little more
Dear Johnny, I want to thank you for being an inspiration and a source of happiness in my life. I met you twice in the last two years and you’ve been the nicest and most humble person ever. You took your time with everyone and that speaks for itself. I know justice hasn’t been served for you but it’s ok. Everybody knows that you’re the best and so many people support and love you. I send you all my love and respect.
Hi Johnny, life is hard and justice will be there for you ay the correct time. Sending you tons of hugs from Mexico City, I am a huge fan since 2003
Dear Johnny, remember that we are always with you. We love you so much
I have followed Johnny’s work for 17 years and will continue to do so. This isn’t about me being a fan and just standing by him because of that, this is because I followed this case and could see plain as day who the abuser was. The public, who after seeing the clear evidence sided with Johnny because they realised he was the victim. Then to have a Judge totally ignore the clear evidence in front of him, to just use the word of a woman and ignore that evidence, was absolutely heartbreaking. This was an major opportunity to show for once justice could be served, but instead chose to go with the stigma. I sincerely hope Johnny knows that we know the truth. He will never lose those that believe in him. And that we are proud of him for fighting. We love you Johnny.
Dear Johnny, This is almost certainly a difficult time for you … you have trusted a Justice that has proved unreliable and corrupt. This verdict not in any way affect the trust I have in you. I’ve always believed you and always will believe you. It pains me that you have been subjected to so much physical and psychological violence, that you have faced hell and that, despite this, the judicial system has not done you justice. You are a survivor full of courage because you had the strength to denounce all the bad things you suffered. You are a good man with a wonderful soul. Don’t let injustice stop you. I am with you and always will be. You have given me countless smiles in moments of great pain and I hope that this message makes you understand that you are not alone. Don’t lose hope. The truth will come out. I love you from the bottom of my heart.
I believe in you Johnny, keep fighting and don’t lose hope. I will fight with you, we will fight with you.
Johnny, we believe you! we support you! The truth will be on your side and you will be on the side of the truth. And we will be with you! Behind you is a huge army of people who love you! I can’t imagine how you feel right now. But I believe that you will find the strength to fight on. We will do everything we can to help you with this.
Dearest Johnny, you have our full and complete support! You are so strong, courageous, and brave! My love and best wishes are yours forever. -Gabriela

You mighy not have won over the judge, But you won over the people <3. Anyone with common sense supports you. And we all are rooting for you and for justice to be served.

It doesn’t matter what happened today! We believe in you and are always by your side! Stay strong and proud!

I love you

I will always and forever be by your side Johnny and I believe you deserve justice more than anything in this case!! I will always love and support you, you have shown me how to stand up for what’s right and that kindness really does help not only ourselves but others! I know you deserved to win and you WILL get your justice!! I love you forever and always!!

Hi Johnny… I just wanted you to know that I’m with you always and forever. For me you have always been and always will be the kindest and most wonderful person I have ever followed along the road, my point of reference. You have always been my strength, a thank you will never be enough so I do my part by always being on your side. You are strong,see you down the road,Greta.

I wish I could put into words all the feelings I felt today. Anger. Disbelief. Sadness. Anger again. I’m not a master in justice, but this situation just isn’t right. You see, good souls are the ones who get hurt the most. It’s easy to take advantage of someone kind and good, it’s a very coward way to live. It’s the most putrid and vile behaviour. It takes resilience to go on, and you have all of it. You have resilience, you have strength, you have honesty. You deserve the world. You deserve all the kindness, all the love, all the good that you spread into this world every day of your life to all the people that surround you, even to those you don’t even know. Your smile, the positivity that shines from you no matter what happens makes me feel proud of you. The courage you have to stand up every single time gives me strength. Thank you for speaking up, for always taking a stand in human rights, for fighting for what’s right, for being you. You are the most lovable person. Please, keep focusing on the support you’ll have for ever from me and all of the other fans. We’re here for you. We believe in you. Have a great day, night, week, life, whatever. X

I side with Mr Depp . We are with you till the end .

Johnny: Contaste tu historia, expusiste el abuso que sufriste. Te mostraste tal cual eres, con todos tus demonios en busca de la verdad. Ganaste en el corazón y la mente de muchos, los que sabemos la verdad. Sin dudas esto es triste e indignante. Pero seguimos del lado correcto, sosteniendote. Te quiero.

I just heard you lost the case against the Sun. I am so sad and speechless for what you are experiencing! I have been your fan since 2010 and I tell you that not even meeting you live did I immediately realize what a sweet, caring and loving person you are. You don’t deserve this, you deserve to be happy and I want the person who pushed me to play guitar and listen to ROCK to keep doing it and not stop fighting and smiling. For me you are and will always be my hatter who still guides me towards a world made up of crazy (funny) things and a world made of love towards you. I hope you like me to be your Alice. I conclude by saying that you have no idea how important you are in my life, I continue to laugh, fall in love with your characters and fall in love with the person you are. Smile Johnny you have us !! a kiss from Neasa from Italy

Hi Johnny, every time I’m sad and I’m down, my morale goes up again just looking a picture of you. Thank you for everything Johnny, we love you, Depphead forever

Hey mr. depp I know you’re going through a lot right now but justice will be served. Keep your head up we all are with u till the end. You always have our support and the world will one day see what it true and what it the lie.

Dear Johnny, the truth will come out, be strong, we are with you till the end. We love you

Dear Johnny, don’t let them win. You are better than this and them and we are here to prove this. I followed the whole process. You were true and honest and this is the most important thing. Don’t let them destroy you. We won’t let this happen. I love you, great human being.

Stay strong don’t give up we will be on the other side of the roaring rapids we’re truth prevails

Dear Johnny, I know how important it for you to clear your name in the public yet I can assure you we, the people, know the truth and, after all, this is what matters! To me, you are still the same inspiring, loving and pure person I have seen for so many years, I will always adore and remember you, even when I’m 90 🙂 Thank you for everything you have given us, we love and support you, always!

Johnny you deserve everything, you deserve justice and I hope you have it, and you will #JusticeForJohnny, you’re the best men

Dear Johnny, I want you to know that I’m by your side and I’ll always be, no matter what anybody says. I still belive you and I know you tell the truth. The thought that you’re sad breaks my heart, so please stay strong and fight for the justice. I would love to take it away from you with a single hug. I love you so much and thank you for making this cruel world a better place even if this world don’t deserve you. I’m sending you my whole love and tons of hugs and kisses, stay strong and remember you’re not alone.

I know times must be hard for you, but you need to know that you are not alone, we will always stand beside you against everything and everyone. We know the truth and we believe you with all of our hearts. Please remember you are loved, you are important, and you are needed. You matter. We will never shut up about this. And you will get the justice you deserve, one way or another. You can always reach out to us when things get tough, we will be there to help and support you. You’re amazing, and you’ve saved MILLIONS lives and more, you make people want to live, you make us smile and without you we would be lost. I love you. We all love you. Times are hard but it will get better with time, I promise. We got you baby!!! Stay safe!

Johnny had the courage to speak up the truth, telling the world his story about the physical and mental abuses he’d been getting through.He showed evidence to the court but the latter preferred to transform him into the monster he’s not. He may have lost the battle, but not the war. Keep fighting Johnny, we know WHO YOU ARE. We know how pure his heart and soul are. Always by his side

Johnny I Love You and always will. I have never doubted you. I believe you. You are innocent and I am proud of you. Stay strong I am no with you Baby

Johnny, your fans and all the people believe in you. Thats the most important thing

Please stay strong your a beautiful person

We love you and we are here with you. Stay strong

A hard day. Unfair and vile verdict. But it’s only a one hard day and words of one person. The main court has already taken place in the society, and its verdict doesn’t coincide with the opinion of judge Niсol. We are support, beleive and love you, and not believe any biased judges or slandered media. Road to justice is a long, but you aren’t alone on this way, you have support. All will be good, early or later, because because such a kind, bright and noble person must have everything well. Heaven bless you!

Pick yourself up and Live your best life Johnny! I believe you x

The microphone was broken when you wanted to speak. The sun blinded your eyes when you wanted to see. The melody paused when you wanted to hear. Everything left was the taste of your salted tear. Troubles might be bad and hard to take but your hope won’t fade away. When the moon shines bright and the stars will lighten up the sky, you gonna know everything will be alright. Stay strong Johnny We believe in you

I believe you & believe in you with every fiber of my being. No one & nothing will ever change that. Much love I send to you

You are not alone We love you and we will always support you! You are a wonderful man and deserve all the happiness in the world!

Keep the faith. If you find you are having a hard time keeping the faith I will hold it for you until you’re ready to pick it up again!

I have been a life long fan of yours and have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for you. I feel like this is not the end keep fighting for your truth. Love and support always, T

I just wanted to say that I believe in you, and I know that this battle is not lost … You are strong and you are the truth Johnny. I am with you and I wish you strength and happiness !!! With much love your fan from brazil Bia Rebelo

Dear Mr Depp I been praying for you a lot you’re a strong person whos always carring about us please dont give up i belive in you Mr Depp so please be strong and dont give up i belive in you sir.

Dear Mr. Johnny Depp, Thank you! Thank you for what you and your team of JUSTICE are fighting for! Just wanted to let you know that we got y’all’s backs! We’re rooting for y’all and will never ever stop having your back! Sending you love from here in Hawaii!

We’ve always believed you and always will

Oh Johnny, my heart is saddened, but Truth lives on regardless of the blindness of the disbelievers. Look forward towards all the things yet to be done to unveil Truth around the world for those who haven’t a voice. You are free and you are loved. Never forget it!

Dear Johnny, I want to thank you for your bravery and standing up to tell the truth. Sometimes the truth takes a longer path to arrive but it always does. You’re a kind, humble, gentle man and I believe you, we believe you and justice shall be done. Hang tight, compadre; we’ve got your back. Lots of love from Mexico.

We believe in you and will stand by you to the end, stand tall and we can win this all together, you are an amazing and strong person so please don’t give up the fight for justice and for all the male domestic abuse survivors

Sweet and Beloved Johnny, Heartbroken day, but we are fighting for justice with you. We will not be silent. Feel our love, affection and respect. Take care! A Strong and affectionate hugs! I love you! Kisses Thais Laguna (São Paulo, Brazil)

Dear J, I wish u from the bottom of my heart all the best. I know there’s something great waiting for u and I know it’s hard to believe if you’re going through hell. But u run this s**t! You are great! Lots of love, Steven Stanko

It is only in the most trying times that we find our greatest gifts. Not to dwell on the shallow moment that falls to death ears and a fabble hearts… This is also the reason victoms (male & female) are afraid to speak out. Patients dear one is the greatest gift given to some survivors. Never forget.. BIG hugs. ♡♡♡

I’m proud of you Johnny. Thank you for your courage, not everyone is brave enough to take a stand. Your example has inspired a lot of victims to tell their truth. Don’t give up, we won’t. Your relatives cover your back and we will continue fighting with you. I hope you know how much we love you and that you are not alone.

Dear Johnny, Never give up and never doubt yourself. We are so proud of you! Your strength and your courage are so inspiring! You have so much on your side! You have a lot of evidence and the truth, but more than that you have an army behind your back! We will be with you no matter what, your relatives will never let you down, NEVER! You bring happiness to so many people all around the world, and these people are what matter! We love you, Johnny, and we believe you! Standing on the right side of the roaring rapids!

Hi Johnny,it is just another(i wont say fan because i hate the word)person of your big family that loves you so much. I cant say how much you inspire me to do all things in life even the smallest ones. I want you to know that we are all with you and i feel like i know what kind of person you are even though i have never met you. I know there is a side of you that nobody knows but i am sure that it is not the one the media says. I look forward to your upcoming projects and the European tour. Love from Bulgaria and stay save!

Hello Johnny. I know you’re sorry. We are very sad too. But we try to stay strong. For you. We believe in you. Whatever the outcome is, not just as your fan, you are a victim and I’m here because I believe in you. I’m with you. Please stay strong. I love you 💙

Johnny, stay strong. We are all with you, fighting for your justice which one day will come, we will all be fighting with you for that moment. We know you are innocent and believe in you. Thank you for standing up and speaking out about such an important issue. Love always ♥

Can’t imagine how you must be feeling, please stay strong and know that you are loved so much all over the world! Love & prayers ❤🙏❤

Hello dear Johnny, I don’t even know where to start. I would have many things to tell you but I don’t want to demoralize you. So I only focus on positive messages 😊. Of all this bad day, the only positive thing was reading that you will appeal the judge’s decision. I saw in this gesture the sign that the time has not yet come to surrender. Continue to be strong. I believe in you. People who love you, appreciate you, support you, admire you, believe in you: they have and always will. You are innocent and you will be able to prove it. We are all with you. Please do not give up. You have already suffered more than you should and you did not deserve it. You are a beautiful person and therefore you deserve only beautiful things, you deserve all the love of this world. I am proud of you. #JusticeforJohnny now and forever.

The verdict will not, nor will it ever sway my support for Johnny Depp. The injustice that we have seen will only inspire us to fight harder and longer for him, and though it is heartbreaking to see such a flawed and biased system of law, we have not lost this war! JUSTICE FOR JOHNNY DEPP

You are here for all of us and we are here for you. In some magical way you are part of my life. You always will be.

Dear Johnny, I’m so sorry that justice has not prevailed yet!! But don’t worry it will, until then know that you have the love and support of millions. We, my family and I, stand with you today and everyday.

We are with you Johnny all the way!!! We love you and we want to see you get the justice you so much deserve!!! You have our full support and love!!! We are so proud of you fighting for what is right and true!!! I love you so much, you are an inspiration to us all!!! You deserve all the love and happiness in the world!!! All my love Christina Margariti from Greece!!!

Dear Johnny my heart breaks for you, however I know this is not the end. You will have justice I am and will always be on your side. Stay strong and keep going, you have so many people who are on your side and want what’s best for you. I hope you know how much you mean to us all you absolute beautiful and kind hearted human being, never stop being who you are! ❤

Life challenges us every day, the important thing is to always challenge them with a smile. You are a strong man and we will always support you. Keep smiling and being yourself! I love you Johnny, always on your side!

Dear Johnny, The world is brighter, better because you’re in it. You will always have my trust and support. Thank you for your bravery, for your courage. Thank you for always living your truth and living in pursuit of the truth. Stay strong and, please, remember you are not alone in this. Much love

I belive in justice ! And Johnny Depp deserve it. From Iren in Norway.

I am here to express our support and love on behalf of millions and millions of Chinese relatives, we are sad but we will be strong, we will always stand behind and stay with him on the long road.

Dear Johnny I know you’re the kindest person.You’ve been giving us an amazing love. I can’t understand what is “Justice” with this matter.but I follow my heart. I believe you Johnny.I will always love,support and believe you no matter what anyone says or happen.I love you so much I really proud of you. If I lost you, my everything is stop. So please stay strong. Please don’t forget a lot of people believe you and love you❤ From Japan with Love.

Always with you, Johnny. I love you!

I believe justice will come one day…even it’s late. We will be with you forever like always! Please be positive and never surrender! We believe in you!

Dear Johnny I am very sorry for the sad moment you are going through. I love you very much and I want you to know that even if the world seems unfair, God sees everything, knows everything and all evil will return to the wicked. Do not lose hope. In the end the good and justice will triumph. I dedicate you this passage that encourages me a lot: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. ’Look! All those getting enraged against you will be put to shame and humiliated. Those who fight with you will be brought to nothing and perish. You will search for men who struggle with you, but you will not find them; The men at war with you will become as something nonexistent, as nothing at all. For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, The One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you. ‘(Isaiah 41: 10-13) I love you very much Johnny and I send you all my love from Argentina. I hug you, Belen.

I believe you and stand by you! 🙂 I hope through the collected energy of everyone that loves you and the uniqueness of your creativity, that a positive outcome will be achieved. xx

You deserve our love and respect for showing the world your truth. Our brave hero, we will stand by you forever.

My only star whom I look upto you. I hope you’re doing fine and please don’t let this get to your head. Keep smiling and make us laugh again. Karma will get her. Please be happy. I’m always with you from the day 1 and will be there to the end. You have much support from your fans and it will be to the end even if it takes 50 years or many, till my last breath I’m with you. Love from Pakistan

Dear Johnny, I believe you and stand with you.Please don’t give up. So, stay strong. We’re always with you. I love you

Hello Johnny. I want you to know that all of us still stand with you and support you. We really love you and you WILL get the justice you deserve. We are so proud of you for all you have done and all you have fought for. Please keep your head up, you’re doing so well. We love you Johnny! Never forget, we will always stand with you!

I’m on your side. I will continue to support you in believing in you. I always think of you.あいしています♥︎

Johnny … love we r always with you…we will fight for what is ours .. justice…we need our justice… I’m a girl and I’m here to support you cause I know the truth…I support the truth…u r the strongest man I have seen…be strong for us will u love? …u inspire me a lot…we stand by u

Hi johnny, im sending my virtual hug and love all the way here in the island of philippines 🇵🇭. You are not alone on this fight! We are here. To support you.. We believe you and pray to god to give you strength to continue to fight the truth.. I love you and never give up!!

Hey Johnny, My name is Emily and I’m Brazilian huge fan!! I love you so much that it doesn’t even fit me. I’ll always support and stand by you, ALWAYS. You are innocent and I BELIEVE IN YOU! You deserves the best of this world. Stay strong, you’ll win, ILY

Hello Sir Johnny Depp! Be strong with everything you’re going through, we believe in you and stand with you. We’ll get the justice. The truth will always prevail. We love you Johnny! (sorry for grammar errors I’m from the Philippines). Love, Karen Manansala


We are with you. Something good will come out of this.

I believe you. I stand with you. I am SO PROUD of you. I love you.

Johnny, I only trust you! And I don’t care what the court decided! The world and people know the truth! I don’t even need proof of your innocence, I just know … I will forever remain with you, the same fighter for justice like you! I am proud of you, your courage and fortitude! You are my hero, role model, teacher, my Captain Jack Sparrow! Love you Johnny! We will win!!

Dear Johnny, we support you continually and wholeheartedly regardless of this. I’m disgusted and sickened to my core that our legal system failed you. Yet, had it not been for this case I would never have known about the justice you deserve, and I’m just one of an army people who will have listened to and read and seen your truth since the summer. And we believe you. Every decent person I’ve ever known loathes the Scum and other such tabloids here in the UK, and it is ceaselessly admirable and vitally important that you actually pursued what is right. I have an immense amount of respect for you, what you fight for, and the very fact that you fight for it. Stay strong. You are inspiring. We are not giving up on justice, and we are fighting alongside you. – Sending nothing but love and best wishes from London.

Dear Johnny, no words could ever express my feelings. But ultimately, people have the power and, looking at the trending topics, there’s no doubt whatsoever about who sides with who. Stay strong! Stay safe!

Dear Johnny, I have believed you from the very beginning of this incident and I will continue to believe until the end. That the results were like this made us all very sad but your not giving up gave us all strength. We are always by your side in this war for justice and always your biggest supporter. We are proud of you for being strong and not giving up. You deserve the best of everything. You deserve justice. Love you so much. I send my love to you.

Hello, i’m peruvian… Y mi inglés no tan bueno, sólo quería decirte que eres un ser precioso. Sigue brillando. 🤍

Dear Johnny, please be strong. we all love you, support you and keep fighting for you.

I will always stand by you, my dearest, most lovable, humble, caring, loving idol on earth I belive in you, Johnny

We are always here! Although I can’t do anything for you, I still pray for you, and pray that good luck is always on you. From Taiwan

Stay strong johnny we love you so much .. We believe in you.. We will support you till the end…

We love you. We believe you. We support you. You are loved and needed. Don’t give up for we will never give up on you.

I believe you and I believe in you! Keep fighting! All love to you ! My husband ,kids and I have seen every movie you’ve made and always will.! 💜☮🎭☠Keep rocking Johnny!

Dear Johnny!!! GOD bless you!!! Stay strong!!! I love you so much!!!

Dear Johnny we know u are innocent we believe in you.And i know that you will win justice will win don’t upset yourself we are always here i love u babe

Dear Johnny, the truth always wins, you will see that justice will be done, we must not lose faith, ¡I am with you always!

Sometimes things don’t turn out the way we wanted them to be and it gets all messy. You don’t know us but we know you. We know the honest and real you and we know that our Johnny wouldn’t hurt an ant.. We believe you and we will always stand with you (especially me). I really wish this storm passes and you get exactly where you want to be but just know that you’re not going through this storm alone. I love you forever.

Querido Johnny estamos contigo creemos en ti mucha fuerza su te sientes débil y solo piensa en tus fans que lloramos y celebramos con usted desde Latinoamérica con amor

remind your people that they admire and love you

I’m proud of you Johnny. Thank you for your courage, not everyone is brave enough to take a stand. Your example has inspired a lot of victims to tell their truth. Don’t give up, we won’t. your relatives cover your back and we will continue fighting with you. I hope you know how much we love you and that you are not alone.

Hi Johnny, I just wanna say that I love you and I believe you. I don’t care what anyone else says, I’ve heard your story and I believe your story. The justice in the world… it takes times and energy but I just want you to know that this time, in this war, you are not alone. You were never alone even if you feel like you are. You have a huge world rooting for you. OUR amazing world. With just you and your supporters. I love you, we love you. The whole world sees you, they hear you and you inspire them. You inspire every single man who went through pain. You inspire every single man who craves justice. You inspire everyone.Stay strong, stay calm and know that you are loved. I love you so much! You saved me and I’ll be there to save you.

Don’t give up Johnny. There are so many of us that believe you and will support you in the fight to clear your name. This is just a blip and is not the end. Lots and lots of love and admiration. Take care, Diana xxx

My fiance and I will stand with you and support you. You are a brave and gentle soul. Love always

Dear Johnny. I believe you. I just can’t imagine how you must feel but remember: we are here for you and we will help you fight all the things and we will be by your side forever. Have a merry christmas

Johnny forever with You

YOU ARE INNOCENT. Nothing could tell us otherwise. Not their words, not their decisions, nothing. We know who you truly are. We will forever be here to support you, to believe in you, to fight with you, to love you. We are not going anywhere, we will never leave you at your darkest times. The sun will rise again for us. And for whatever happens, I will eternally look at you as my one and only Captain, the one with the most beautiful heart and soul. Stay strong, Mr. Depp, okay? We are not giving up without a fight. We love you and we are with you. I love you Mi Capitan, I love you. THEY WILL FOREVER REMEMBER THIS AS THE DAY THEY ALMOST CAUGHT, CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW.

Please stay strong, i’ll be’ with you always

Johnny. You pick us up every time we fall. And we’re here to do the same.

I believe in you, love you from Mexico

I always love you. Siempre te amaré. Eres luz y amor, no decaigas. Cuidate mucho. Dónde esta la casa de pepe?

Mi Johnny, aqui estamos todos tus seguidores apoyándote. Te mando fuerza, todo mi cariño y amor. Quiero que seas ese hombre fuerte y alegre que me gustó de niña. Te queremos Johnny.

Johnny you are my favorite actor I love you with all my heart and it breaks my heart to know that the court takes you as someone bad I trust you I am your fan #1 I LOVE YOU you are the best I am with you

Dear Johnny… I know that at the moment there are no words to encourage the situation of injustice however I want to say that for me you are the most noble being, my dream is to meet you and even just being a fan of yours I can see your great human quality… I love you

johnny you are a great human being, you are a being of light, we love you and we will support you for all eternity, you are strong, you are very brave, you are not alone, you have us your fans , we will not stop believing in you, much less to fight for justice.

Johnny, your fans of Argentina are supporting you. We are with you!

Dear Johnny! I admire you! You’ve been my icon for years. I believe you’re a great person. We stand by you, we support you, we believe in you, we love you! Keep fighting. You’ll win, our captain. You’re not alone. Thank you for being an amazing inspiring person. I’m so sad because of the fact, that you were abused mentally and physically. Stay Strong ! Greetings from Georgia(country). – 13-year-old girl, who is your fan and who thinks that everything will be great!

With all my heart I’m terribly sorry for all the injustice that has been done against you, the world and people are very bad, but there are good people like you, who can get ahead and we will always support you, you are an idol for me and I believe in you, and millions of people too. Justice will be served because you are innocent, we love you so much, we wish you the best.

Johnny, whenever I need to get the stress away from me, I ask myself: What do you think Jack Kerouac would do if he had to deal with a problem like this in his life? What do you think Hunter Thompson would do? They would both laugh it away, don’t give a shit about that. They would try to forget the world for a second (With their own ways:) I know it is impossible for you and it is funny to ask for you to laugh it off but please just one second, think about Who You Are and Why You Should Be Strong. And smile after that. For me? Cause I need you and I’m always, always supporting you

Always by your side, never alone and we are here for you.

I just want to say that I will support Johnny no matter what happens he doesn’t deserve anything that happened to him on November 2. and he should have won! Johnny Depp deserves the Victory #justiceforjohnnydepp

Go get ’em. We are with you – always have, always will.

Johnny, stay strong, we are with you, keep shining

Dear Johnny, In this process, we are always with you as your fans and we trust you to the fullest. Please remember that we are by your side and stand strong. We need you. #weloveyoujohnny #justıceforjohnnydepp.

Stay strong angel. You have right on your side and a huge army behind you. All the love in the world to you, now and forever.

Dear Johnny, in these hard moments we all want to show you our support and love for you. We are all a team and we are behind you for trusting you until the end. You have lost a battle but not the war. OUR war ! Thank you for being who you are. You are loved <3

Johnny you are a light to my world and I’m going to support you till the end

Be strong, Johnny. You know that your fans will always be by your side. We will always support you in every moment of your life. I love you!!

Te damos nuestro apoyo desde argentina ..sos el ídolo de mí hija de 8 años ..te amamos

Don‘t stop fighting and don’t give up now! You deserve justice more than anything and I really really hope you can be happy again one day. Just know that we’re always with you and we won’t ever stop supporting you. You’re loved! xx

ear strong man, Keep fighting, the truth will triumph. We’re all with you. 2020 is definitely a year of shit! Whatever happens, never forget that you are not alone in this battle. We’ll always stay with you during the fight. On t’aime Johnny. Love and Respect

Hello, Johnny. I don’t know exactly what to call you. But I want to say a few words that go through me. Johnny, this is the first time you’ve ever admired me so much. When I watched pirates of the Caribbean, I admired the sweetness of your acting. I looked into it a little bit more, and I liked you even more because of your great persona, not because of the way you looked. And when I heard about it, I didn’t believe any of it. I know you’re never like that. I’m always behind you, and I believe you. It shouldn’t be that easy to say those words, but there’s no other way to explain my feelings to you. John, beautiful person, I love you so much. Please take care of yourself. Don’t let anyone upset you. Every time you feel lonely, turn around and look, thousands of people will be waiting for you. We love you ~Turkey

Hello John,my name is Ezgi.I support you wholeheartedly and I am proud of you. Remember, you have a big and strong family and we are always by your side. It is my biggest dream to hug you and say “I am with you.” Take care and stay strong!

Dear Mr. J, I know the result was disappointing but I just want you to know that whatever the Judge’s decision it doesn’t change the fact that we you Depp Soldiers loves you very much, we know you that are innocent and you deserve justice. This is not the end johnny, I know one day the truth will prevail and you will win. We are always by your side, we will support you no matter what happens, we believe in you, we love you, and I love you very much. I hope that you know that you deserved to be loved, as long as I’m breathing you are loved Mr. J.

Dear Johnny, we are so proud of you that you are fighting for the truth. You shared all your fears, your joy, your problems, and your life with this person in court with the public to bring the truth to light. We’ll always be behind you. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, too. You’ve enriched our lives so much so far. Your music, your movies, and your nature accompanied us through ups and downs. We’re here for you. We love you!

Dear Johnny, I love you so are my inspiration…. Your aren’t alone we are always with you stay strong….I believe you, “WE Believe in you” stay strong my hero…a lots of love from india❤

Johnny, I am so proud of how far you’ve come and how strong you have been throughout this. You have not received the justice you deserve but I hope that you get it. We stand with you and believe you. You have made such an impact on the lives of so many people including ones who have never met you through your artistic talents and humble ways. Stay strong and your justice will come! Xx

Dearest Johnny, Words cannot describe how unbelivably proud we are of you in these past years for finding courage to defend and stand up for yourself. I cant imagine how this road was hard and exhausting for you but youve came so far already and dont you ever give up on fighting. Youre such a unique and inspiring actor and absolutely the sweetest purest and innocent soul ever. We believe you. I hope youre in the safe place surronded by your loved ones and doing your most favourite things. Take care of yourself. Public eye, luck, the truth and justice are on your side. Your forever supporter G xxxxxx

hi johnny, I’m Italian and I have followed the whole story. I believe you and I am with you to the end

Dear Johnny, I am an 18 year old from Singapore and I must be so insignificant to you but you have been such a huge factor in my life. This year has been one of the most challenging ones for me and seeing how you have handled your own troubles in your life with such dignity and humility has been a great source of guidance for me. I have and probably will never meet you but just from your online interactions alone, I can tell that you are an extremely genuine, intelligent, compassionate and loving person and I pray that justice is served. “you are exactly where you need to be”, trust in the process that there is a plan for all of us and I know you will come out on top. I wish you all the best this world can offer, love Kameela.

Johnny, hi! I wanna say that firstly; everything’s gonna be fine. Everything’s gonna be fine because you’re in the right side; because you’re honest, gentle, lovely and always yourself. We are always with you, you’re not alone, never forget it. Injustice can’t change the truth. I don’t stop supporting you but not just because you’re my idol and I love you; because of your innocence, because of the truth and also because of you’re always being yourself. You’re always telling truth. And all of these make you an amazing and noble man. I’m so proud of you, you deserve real happiness. We are with you, always with you. I believe in you and I believe justice will prevail, however long it takes♡

Dear Mr. Depp, I’m a fan of yours. and I would like to tell you that, I am very sorry for what happened to you and the defeat against the sun. But me and all his other fans, we will never leave you. You are a strong and very sweet person, Mr. Depp. We are all on your side. A big hug from a fan. Elena from Italy.

Dear Johnny, I just want you to know that you will be always supported by your amazing fans, doesn’t matter what happens. Stay strong, don’t let you pull down and keep fighting for the right thing.

Dear Johnny, you saved my life. I did not give up because of you. Dont give up now! I will be with you forever.

Dear Johnny! I am so broken because of what has happened to you in these days. I really want to tell you here,if I won’t have a chance to meet you in person, that I am really grateful for you, for your work, your inspiration and your endless kindness. There are just a few people around the world like you. Despite all of your wounds, I want you to keep fighting for your truth. No one can take it away from you. We are with you, support you and never having a doubt of your innocence. You are pure and precious human being. I really want to tell you something in person but I’m afraid that it won’t happen, though I try to hope so here it is: The world has got a gift when you were born, it’s you. I hope you’re healthy and okay and can’t wait having a chance to come to my country,Hungary. Lots of love and hope from Debrecen,Hungary! Lea

We wholeheartedly believe in you. Never give up! We stand by you and will continue to support you and join you in your fight for justice.

We will stand by you till our very last breath, you won’t go through any of this alone !! That’s a promise I make rn The amount of hope and courage you gave us when we were low is way more than what u can imagine !! We have got ur back sir You are the reason for many ppl in this fandom tb alive rn and if not for u our lives would have been way different and surely not in a positive way Victims around the world irrespective of their gender look up to u, you have been inspiring so many ppl including me to stay strong !! This isn’t over yet and we won’t let this end like this !! The truth is by your side and Justice for sure will be restored soon !! I m so sorry that u are going through this rn, Please stay strong It’s gonna be fine soon !! No amount of money n power can buy me n the rest of the Deppheads or make erase of the love n respect we have for u !! It’s just a Bad day not a bad life. Breathe !!

Dear Johnny, you know whatever happens, we’re always there for you. Stay strong, we believe in you. You’re the most beautiful, strongest person I’ve ever seen. with love

Dear Johnny I believe in you and I support you forever and ever. I know The Sun is a big liar that only seek for money because I am a huge fan of Michael Jackson too and I through all these years they called him Wacko Jacko to disgrace him and shared countless imaginary stories about him. I support you just like I support him. You’re innocent kings and my strong idols. Please take care and never forget that just like Michael said:” the bigger the star, the bigger the target.” You’re everything Johnny. Love you

Dear Johnny, I’d like you to know that I belive in the person that I’ve met. Meeting you I always met a nice, lovely, caring, kind and respectful man. And I’ve always seen you being kind to people.You’re a good person and you don’t deserve all the bad things you’re going through, but I’m sure this storm will end; keep being strong. We’re with you, we love you and support you. We support truth and justice. All my love, affection and respect. Hope to see you again soon. Maila. x

Dear Johnny Depp, do not give up on this fight. You are not alone in this battle. We are here and we stand by you. Hope you find that strength from all our love and support. Justice will come!

Dear Johnny, I’m so furious now because of my helplesness. You were and are the one who help me to see better part of this world, this unfair world. Since that first accusation I’ve been looking at all things with pure bewilderment cuz it seemed like some kind of damn surrealicstic circus – and this “judgement” just made it clear. I can’t find the words, I want to scream with anger and injustice. This trial was ridiculous, they simply turned a blind eye to all the evidence and witnesses, but this will not cancel the truth anyway. I believed you and will always believe, no matter what. And there are millions of us. I will continue to spread the truth in the hope that my little word will somehow change the world for the better. Johnny, you are an amazing, kind, wonderful person who inspires others. You taught me to fight and not give up. And I just want to support you and your team in this fight. Power is in the truth! Be strong, we love you!

You are the symbol of kindness and honesty for me. What I want more than meeting you is justice for you. We are with you. When it’s all done, you’ll look back and see an army. An indestructible army. I believe in the cleanliness of your heart. I believe in justice.♡

I will always love and support you 💕

Hi Johnny. I want to tell you that we are with you. We should never give up. I will always believe in you ❤ I love you so much and I wish to meet you, one day 💗. Sta strong 💪🏻❤.

Dear Johnny….I know you are passing by harsh times do we!..Deppheads…we have never let you down and will never do that ..we’ve been adoring ,supporting and waiting for your news ..then, now and forever… your big fan …am working the hardest to have a sight from you …so please don’t let this moment be impossible!…Stay safe ..strong and calm..the sun is a liar…AH is an abuser ..and we are always by your matter what ..we believe in you matter the injust judgment ..we love you!…We are so very certain that you’re not a women beater can a gentle angelic soul hurt someone! It,s impossible! Now lastly mon roi ..keep fighting for the truth. .and we’ll be ALWAYS besides you!…Plenty of love…Hafsa.

Hi Johnny, Just wanted to say I believe you. You are an inspiration to us all. We stand with you, even though we aren’t there in person we are in spirit. Take care of yourself please we need you to continue to be the amazing caring person you are. Love as always xxx

I just want to share this quote which i believe the most.❤…and which keeps me going through each and every part of my life…..Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!……I love you so much, Johnny Depp….we are your fans and we stand with you….iIlove you my life……

You maybe lost the trial, but you didn’t lost us. We believe you, we know the truth and we are not going anywhere. You are heard and there is no coming back.

Dear Johnny, thank you for being such a strong and amazing human, fighting for justice and truth. Just wanted to let you know there are so many of us standing behind you, supporting you and sending you love and well wishes every single day because you deserve it (and so much more!). The fight isn’t over yet but we will be there every step of the way, as always. It’s an honour to be on the right side of the roaring rapids. Take care and always fight the good fight. Love, Ivona

Forever with you we love you

We stand with you and believe in you Johnny! Justice will prevail! Stay strong!

Dear Johnny, we are all shocked from the court decision yesterday. But that keeps us fighting even more for your justice. We believe – I believe- you. We stand up for you. We will support you, whatever happens. We will be there, whatever is to happen. I have never met you, but only your smile on a video or photo gives me new hope, not only for me to go through hard times, but for fighting for you! Sending all my love to you! – Saskia from Germany

Johnny, I believe you. I am so heartbroken that the justice system has failed you this time. You are so strong and brave, and I am sending my prayers to you. I know that God will surround you with His love and guard you. He knows the truth. I believe you. Your fans believe you. You are so so loved Johnny! You are never alone!

All I wanna says is you can do it, I trust you, youre a victim, you’re innocent, you are strong!! I will and always be there for you and all of deppheads also be there for you, LOVE YOU SO MUCH

Dear Johnny, we know it’s been a tough journey and it might feel like you’re walking it alone, but please know you are not. We are all here with you. We all know your innocence and the goodness of your heart. The truth always comes out, it will seep through the cracks of a broken justice system eventually. Have faith. We are with you.

I know you’re afraid of your legal future, But i trust you! Your wonderful and candid eyes doesn’t express cruelty, It only shows love and your precious soul! Why they don’nt believe in you? I don´t know, But I do, and all the people who loves you too… One day you´ll be free of any judgement and every person that doubt you will know that you’re innocent… I love you Johnny, You are my reason to become an Actress. All my good vibes and love from Chile.

Stay strong buddy, your character as a person is what I’m a fan of most of all. Keep being you.

Stay strong buddy, your character as a person is what I’m a fan of most of all. Keep being you.

Johnny, do not despair. You may have not won this battle, but I know you will win the war. You are fighting for a cause of right and wrong. Abuse is abuse – Man, woman or child. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around. So keep standing proud, Johnny. You have us all right behind you and we love you.

We know what kind of person you are and we will always be supporting you Johnny Depp

Dear Johnny, If there was only one thing I could tell you, than it would be that the world is a better place with you in it. You don’t know how many times I’ve watched interviews with you and had to laugh. Even if I felt down. This world need people like you, otherwise it would be a really cruel and lonely world. Whatever may happen in the future, it can’t rain forever. Love and regards, Malika

Johnny I’m with you, I want justice for you, I just want you to be well and for you to only be good things, in truth I admire you for the great person you are and for all the good things you do, I love you Johnny

Johnny, your humanity and humility have always been one of the things I care about. I always hade admire your passion for your work, your courage to defend your characters and yourself. You’ve inspired so many people over years…Now it’s time to us to bring it back to you. We’re all at your side, no matter what. Never change, thanks for all.

Hey Johnny, there’s absolutely no justification to all the mental trauma that you and your family has been going through for all these so many years. But there’s only one thing we all want you to remember. You’re a wonderful human being and the most kindest and generous one. There’s no one like you and you’re the most precious and rarest gem to ever walk this earth. We all believe in you and stand by you to the grave. Come what may, we know you’re an angel in human form, and any paper in so-called-justice-system cannot take that away. You will always be loved and supported. We just want you to be strong now to strike back stronger. You are above and beyond all this. You have helped so many people like Damien Echols and Gerry fight against injustice and I am sure Karma will play it’s role. You will be vindicated and people who try to hurt you will regret every ounce of it. Please stay strong, king. Loads of love from India.

I just want you to know, that we are with you. Do not be defeated, we cover your back, we are always there, stopping the haters and supporting each of your work. Please don’t let yourself beat. I love you.

We are right here with you Johnny! Even more people from around the world are supporting you while your abuser is publicly hated beyond all recognition. We love you for being brave and speaking out for all victims of abuse. You’re an amazing human with a solid gold heart, that’s what people love about you. Keep moving forward, look after your mind, body and soul. Remember why you started this! You will get justice! The court of public opinion knows you’re a hero. We love you Johnny!

Exposing your limited privacy in life to the world to stand up for truth was courageous. Stay strong & know the public are supporting you after the travesty of justice you received. Truth will Win

Johnny, me and my family believe in you and forever. wholeheartedly with you ! our king of cinema. my son Gabriel who is 10 years old has loved you very much and admired you for many years and it will continue! huge kisses from Céline, Gabriel, Hervé and Clélia.

I don’t know you personally or seen many of your movies but your story have touched my heart just wanted to let you know we believe you and love you hang in there and don’t let anyone take away your truth

Dear Captain! I’m so proud of you! We know the Truth and stand with you! We won’t let the corruption to win! Let’s set sail and full speed ahead to the horizon!

Hey John, I’ve been loving you since long time ago. I trust you… I believe in you. My dear.. you are loved..

Dear Johnny, we know that you told them the whole truth, we believe in you and we will fight until you get what you deserve: justice. We will fight to show the world than men can be abused too. Stay strong, there are to many people behind you and we will love you, no matter what.

Hi Johnny I have been supporting you for a very long time and I just want to tell you that you saved my life you really saved my life in every sense. I just want to tell you that you are a beautiful person with a really big heart and never be put off by anyone🥺❤ you have a lot of people that you love and support you❤ Never stop smiling baby 🥺 Thank you for everything and thank you for being strong 🥺🙏🏼

I can’t imagine how heartbroken you must be right now but myself and so many others around the world stand with you. We’ve heard you, we’ve been listening and we believe you. I believe you, I still believe you and I’m so so so incredibly sorry that the justice system let you down. You’ve won our hearts and your bravery and strength for speaking out can never be taken away from you, you’re a beacon for DV victims everywhere, especially men. I hope you’re ok and that you know you are so admired and loved. Sending you love from Australia <3 <3

Stay strong. You know the truth . Now your fans know the truth. We are behind you.

Dear Johnny, if you read this, know that you always have a huge army behind you. We will never leave you and will always know who is the liar and abuser here. We still have everything ahead of us. With love and respect. Your relatives❤❤✊✊

Please don’t give up the fight ! X I know it hard to be judged right now but you will get justice in the end.

Im really sorry you’re going through this right now. I know how much it hurts. My abuser got away with it. You keep fighting please. Please keep fighting. I know youre tired. Thank you for inspiring me to leave my abuser and lead a happy life. I pray you’ll be granted justice

Justice is created by humans, that’s why it is not always fair, go ahead Johnny, many try to silence your pain but with you we are many to help you scream louder

I love you johnny and we all stand by you forever. You are an angel.

Sometimes there is a deep deep curve in a lifetime… You might have notice that earlier, but it will pass away. The time will reveal every single truth and make you feel free one day. Well done my hero, you deserve to hear this because I know enduring all those painful period is never easy thing… Also well done my love, for choosing to fight instead of hiding or avoiding. I know you have decided to walk that path not just for you but for all your beloved ones. Hope you’re kids haven’t felt so hurted when they heard all those terrible incidents happened to you…😢 So please be fine and happy always, even in your dreams.❤ I will continue to be on your side, stand by you, no matter what.☺ Please be safe my dear, and take care.🙏❤

Yesterday I stood firm with one thought: even though Johnny Depp lost to #thesun, me and many others continued to spread content and defend JD more than ever. We have also #deppheadforever♥ that we are disclosing his innocence where he has not.

Dear Johnny, as a survivor myself I want you to know that before the trial I 100% believed you after the verdict, I still 100% believe you!! What happened was a travesty of justice and I’m horrified it could ever have happened, it was a very sad day for British ‘justice’s – Just know i love you, support you and admire your courage and strength in standing up for the truth. You will win this battle and all of us will be right behind you! Much love and respect! Donna x

uerido Johnny creo totalmente en tu inocencia tienes mi apoyo incondicional en lo que sea. Siempre puedes contar conmigo por que tu eres inocente , este mundo es injusto, y no mereces lo que estás pasando. Fuerza adelante que somos muchos los que creemos en vos, y confia en que Dios va a hacer justicia. Te amo Johnny

Desde México. Yo apoyo a Johnny. Quiero justicia para el. Es un excelente ser humano y estoy con el. No esta solo sabemos que el es inocente. Lo amamos por ser el mejor con un corazón hermoso.

Johnny Terá todo meu apoio, não vamos para de lutar pela justiça. Desde que você cruzou o meu caminho, o significado da palavra gratidão ganhou vida. Eu nunca tive ao meu lado uma pessoa tão generosa como você. Você me mostra, a cada dia, que existe esperança no mundo. Você é mais do que meu ídolo você é meu herói, minha grande inspiração.

Johnny you need to know we are by your side because we know you tell truth. You have such a good heart and we know this. You have so much supporters in every country of world. We are all with you. Please just stay strong. All my heart with you <3

Hi Johnny, we know you’ve been going through a difficult time for a while. No matter what happens in this process, we are always with you. We believe in you and we’ll always believe. I hope all these problems come to an end as soon as possible. Always be happy because that’s all we want. I don’t know what unites us with you. I hope we never lose whatever that thing is. We are far from each other but our souls eliminate this distance with love. Our soul and heart are with you. I love you soooo much… PS- Please share your beautiful smile with us. Because we want to see you with a big smile on your face and thats more beautiful than anything else…

Mr. Depp, I want to express my full support, I firmly believe in your innocence and I know that justice will come for you, I also want you to know how much I admire and love you, I love the great person that you are, I hope that one day your reward will come. I hope you get many more achievements. I say goodbye, but not before reiterating how much I love and adore you, I hope my message reaches you and you can read it, many blessings.

Querido Johnny, te admiro desde pequeña y jamás dejaré de hacerlo, eres mi héroe mi persona favorita, eres un ser muy especial.. siempre te apoyare porque se que eres inocente de toda culpa, pelea! y no bajes los brazos limpiaremos tu nombre con todo nuestro amor ¡¡¡TE AMAMOS!!! Un abrazo con mucho amor y bellas vibras desde Chile.

Hello Johnny , first of all I want to mention how much i adore and admire you because you’ve been so strong for these past years, I BELIEVE YOU, not only because I love you but because I know how it feels to be abused, all evidences are against her, even if you didn’t reach justice in the last verdict, but we still standing right behind you, we are a wall for you, we defend you to the last second , we love you stay safe stay strong❤🙏✨

Grande sigue adelante después de la tormenta llega el arcoiris

Dear Johnny, as a victim of domestic violence, i wanna stand up and speak up for you. I’m doing already and I will do it in the future till the very last see the truth. please stay as you are and never stop fighting for justice.

Greetings Mr. Johnny Depp, idk what I should write or say, I just wanted to say that I’m so proud of you, how far you have got and you still keep fighting, I support you and have been on ur side since the beginning, you have been my childhood hero and now it’s my turn to be ur hero by supporting you, you gave me my own dreams with life and you are that person who keeps saying to me just keep going and don’t let anyone to stop you, don’t dare you give up on ur dreams, that’s what I hear you saying, that’s the inspiration you give me. I will always to support you and stood by ur side!! From all my love I can give! I believe in you!!

You’re my life Johnny. I want justice for you. ❤❤❤❤❤

We believe you and stand by you. Not because we’re fans but because we’ve seen and read the evidence and know you deserve justice. We will be standing on the other side of the roaring rapids with you always

Johnny we are with you, never give up. truth and justice have to prevail, this is just a stumbling block, but your fans are with you to make you stronger.

I send you a giant hug. It does not matter that they buy the judges they want because we know you and we will always believe you. I believe you, they are not going to buy us. Always with you.

Dearest Johnny, Words cannot describe how unbelievably proud we are of you in these past years for finding courage to defend and stand up for yourself. I can’t imagine how this road was hard and exhausting for you but you’ve came so far already and don’t you ever give up on fighting. You’re such a unique and inspiring actor and absolutely the sweetest purest and innocent soul ever. We believe you. I hope you’re in the safe place surrounded by your loved ones and doing your most favourite things. Take care of yourself. Public eye, luck, the truth and justice are on your side. Your forever supporter G xxxxxx

Sweet Johnny, in this difficult moment that we are going through, all your fans embrace you from a distance and send you our most sincere support and affection, do not be discouraged because although the justice of man can be corrupted, real justice, the one that the universe gives us, that sooner or later arrives and we will be with you until that moment arrives to be able to celebrate the triumph of the truth.

Dear Johnny, my name is Laura and I wanted to contribute to give you support together to all these people that believe you and are on your side! I know that justice will be on your side, your loved ones and all your team! I am happy to have supported you for many years now a truly strong and courageous man, but above all, good. I am sure that justice will soon be done and that the truth will soon come to the surface. We do not give up and always fight at your side, now more than ever! With all my love, Laura.

Sweet Johnny, in this difficult moment that we are going through, all your fans embrace you from a distance and send you our most sincere support and affection, do not be discouraged because although the justice of man can be corrupted, real justice, the one that the universe gives us, that sooner or later arrives and we will be with you until that moment arrives to be able to celebrate the triumph of the truth.

Always with you Johnny , from now on more than ever!

Johnny, I’m terribly sorry you had and still have to go through all this. You only deserve the best cause you’re a good person and we all know this! Sometimes life is a crazy shit ride, still we have we have to ride it the best way we can…Although we don’t know each other, you have been a huge part of my life with the amazing work you did, but know that people love you for the man that you are! Never doubt you are loved, adored and appreciated by both young and old! After all this mess the sun will still shine, flowers will bloom, this amazing universe will exist and ships will still sail wild and free over the ocean ☠✨ Sending you lots of love, hope and a virtual hug, Rose.

Thank you for everything, I grew up admiring your work, when I started to be more aware of what really happens I started to admire your person, I’m only 18 years old and I think you’re someone wonderful, you’ve taught me to be strong at every moment, you helped me get out of bad times, when I see you it’s a great thing, thank you for everything Johnny, thank you for being strong we believe you.

Todo estará bien, la justicia es ciega pero el karma llega. Tienes el apoyo de todos tus fans y no hay nada que cambie eso, te amamos guapo.

Dear Johnny Depp: I know that many fans write to you and maybe you are not reading this, don’t lose it, but I want to tell you that I admire you a lot and not only as an actor but as a person, you have been through a lot and you always get up. When I think of you, the phoenix comes to mind. It always rises from the ashes. There is a song that reminds me a lot of you, it is called “The hall of fame-the script” I dedicate it to you, this song means that you can be what you are, actor or not, I think you can get to the hall of the fame. I hope someday you will see this message. Maybe I will not send you a kiss or a hug, but I send you this rose imaginary that is a sign of my admiration and appreciation. We support you from many countries, you are not only a great actor but a good person who has not been appreciated as it should be. You have all your fans my dear ave Félix.

Dear Johnny… We have all been pointed out at some point and our word has been questioned, however, only those who really know you know the reality of words. YOU CAN WITH THIS! You are that doubts and fears, you are more that the lies that are told about You. You are an exceptional being who can give light to the deep darkness… I love you and send you a hug! Keep on, keep smiling. We love you! XOXO.

De chile te envío todo el apoyo que mereces ,eres un grande actor que no merece lo que una loca quiere destruir ,espero que Dios te acompañe y cuide para que esto termine pronto y a tu favor que la verdad salga a la luz un abrazo de una fans que te adora.

La verdad siempre sale a luz y tu eres un gran ser humano y pronto se hará justicia.

Well the other side of the rapids is still a bit bumpy… But can you see how many people are with you? How many people you helped get to this new shore? Don’t worry about foolish judgments – you can’t put those in your heart. Look to your extended family – we are and will be here for you.

I just want a right justice for my Johnny, he doesn’t deserve all of this bullshit,  I just want him to live happily w his beloved fans and persons, we don’t care if u lost or not, we believes that u are innocent, we love u johnny baby, we always have ur back forever.

My heart is broken for you, your family, friends and what is left of my faith in the British Justice system. As a true Brit and someone who likes to have trust in authority I have been severely depressed by this sham of a trial. It would seem justice truly is blind. But we will always be by your side, believing you and supporting you from far. Head up King. Hoist the colours and bring us that horizon. This is far from the end of this story. Love always.

Sometimes we don’t need long speeches, we just need a little attention, a little thought, a little word … Three little things that do good … and these three little things, Johnny, I want to offer them to you with all OUR heart: We love you … Always.

Dear Johnny Deep I have followed your career for many years, I admire you, I love you, you are wonderful, kind, very authentic. Even if the verdict gave a different ending, for me he is innocent and I feel that he has won more than a trial, he has won more love and more support from all of us who love him. Thanks Johnny you are the best of all

We believe you … Your simplicity is unique, your heart fragile and your truth do not deserve not to be heard, much less not to have justice. We love and support you forever ❤ From Argentina 🇦🇷😍

Dear Johnny I hope you are ok I really feel bad for you! Be yourself, you are a good person with a loving soul. It’s gonna be okay honey, karma will keep haunting her. She will get what she deserves. Even if it takes years. You mean a lot to me, I’ve been through a lot in my life but watching your movies and listening to your music and your humor kept me going. I will always be with you no matter what !! I will always stand up for you! I love you forever Johnny! Love Monique

Fuerza mi hermoso eres como el Ave Fénix dios esta contigo y se hará justicia solo es cuestión de fe te mando un abrazo lleno de amor

Te creo y te apoyo, I Love you Johnny

Hello Johny, I know this is a really dark time for you. Please know that you now represent millions of voices that are unheard. Millions stand with you, Johny. I’ve always admired you for your movies. I now do so for the person you are, a reflection of my own past. I hope you find peace and happiness really soon. Love!

Yo creo en Johnny Depp

La violencia es violencia y debe ser castigada, estoy contigo, creo en tu inocencia y en el gran ser humano que eres, sí bien es cierto a la única persona que le faltaste fue a ti mismo por no poner un alto antes para que esa bestia saliera de tu vida, amo tu carrera, amo tu trabajo, te admiro y te creo #JusticeForJohnnyDepp

Creo en la inocencia de Johnny Deep siempre lo haré y voy a apoyarlo a cada momento… Kiero creer en la justicia en que todos somos iguales y tenemos los mismos derechos… Ser hombre no te hace automaticamente victimario y ser mujer no te hace ser víctima violencia no tiene género.. Dios te bendiga Jhonny

En esta vida eciste una cosa muy poderosa fuera de cualquier religion fuera de cualquier diosy es el KARMA todo se regresa.seguiras brillando como siempre lo jas hecho y la mujer esta pisara su propia defecacion te lo aseguro. Animo

Cher Johnny, soyez toujours celui que vous êtes, ne changez rien, combattez autant qu’il le faudra, nous serons toujours à vos côtés. Je pense en ce moment à Lily-Rose et Jack, qu’ils sachent que vous n’êtes pas seul dans ce combat, que toute une armée est derrière vous à chaque instant. Vous êtes notre guide et nous vous suivrons à jamais. Catherine et les French Depp Heads

Eres el mejor , lo que diga la prensa no importa. Dios te bendice. Aquí no hubo justicia pero no necesitas dar explicaciones solo sigue siendo tu mismo.

Estamos contigo Johnny, ánimo, te amamos

Johnny, sending you all my love and support. I’m sorry for what you are going through but please know you aren’t alone. Please keep your head up, we are all here with you. Every step of the way and forever. We know how amazing you are, we know the truth and we will keep fighting by your side. We are all with you and stand with you. Thank you for making so many people so happy, thank you for everything! All my love, always xx

Johnny, sending you all my love and support. I’m sorry for what you are going through but please know you aren’t alone. Please keep your head up, we are all here with you. Every step of the way and forever. We know how amazing you are, we know the truth and we will keep fighting by your side. We are all with you and stand with you. Thank you for making so many people so happy, thank you for everything! All my love, always xx

Dear Johnny, I´m a peruvian girl so I want to apologize for my terrible English. I know that you are a generous person, supportive and above all … you are humble and you have always been for us, your fans. That´s why we all believe in you and we will be there to support you in your worst and best moments, You have us Johnny, never forget that<3

Dear and beautiful Johnny !!! It is a moment of great anguish surely but all your fans including me are here to support you !!! Everything will be clarified !! Trust in God!! I love you from Argentina Buenos Aires kisses !!!!

Dear Johnny, I hope you are very well. I want you to know that you are a person to admire, with your great charisma and talent you have won the hearts of many people, and mine especially. You are a strong person and I would like you to continue like this, if we fall we get up a thousand times; “Better than the man who knows what is fair is the man who loves what is fair.” We support you with all the heart and love in the world. From South America with love Juli

Please don’t lose faith Johnny. Sometimes life has us lose a battle before we win the war. We who have experienced abuse recognise what Amber is. You have phenomenal numbers who will support you to the end. I hope you find some peace along the way. All my best.

Please don’t lose faith Johnny. Sometimes life has us lose a battle before we win the war. We who have experienced abuse recognise what Amber is. You have phenomenal numbers who will support you to the end. I hope you find some peace along the way. All my best.

Hola Johnny Depp sólo quiero decirte que te queremos mucho y creemos en ti Dios te bendiga

Johnny , I believe in you , always and forever.

I love you Johnny we support You from Argentina

Johnny, te amamos, todos. Creemos en ti, y ya todo el mundo sabe de tu inocencia, lamentablemente te tocó un juez corrupto. No te rindas!! Nosotros no nos rendiremos.

I love you forever! you deserve the best in life … kisses

We believe in you Johnny, we’ve heard all the tapes. We know you are a genuine guy & support you. You are loved by legions! Don’t forget that, we won’t forsake you. xx

We are always on your side and rely on you forever. Of course, you are the winner of this battle :)💎

Dear Johnny, I have been your fan since I was very young, and since all this began I have believed in you without hesitation, do not give up, you are a good person and you have the support of your fans who want to continue to see how you shine. Justice will be served, a kiss and hug.

Dear Johnny, whatever the judge says, I believe you can never hurt anyone. I love you, stay strong as you have been always through these painful years. You have such a beautiful smile, keep smiling. It means everything to me and your relatives. It’s so upsetting that male victims are suffering in silence, their voices are being judged, they fear appearing unmanly, shame, embarrassment, and a failure to live up to masculine ideals. You are brave and a real inspiration to them. XOXO

Animo,Johnny te estamos apoyando en la distancia y nos parte el corazón ❤ ver todo esto que te está pasando ,estoy contigo

I met you in 2005, because of a character you played, I fell in love … I never doubted you, we are all imperfect but we are free to choose, my best wishes for you always, from Mexico.I hope one day to meet you in person 🙂

We always by your side Johnny, be strong . We love you so much and will support you forever.

Dear Mr. J, I know the result was disappointing but I just want you to know that whatever the Judge’s decision it doesn’t change the fact that we your Depp Soldiers loves you very much, we know that you are innocent and you deserve justice. This is not the end Johnny, I know one day the truth will prevail and you will win. We are always by your side, we will support you no matter what happens, we believe in you, we love you, and I love you very much. I hope that you know that you deserved to be loved and as long as I’m breathing you are loved Mr. J.

Hi, Johnny I wasn’t a fan before, but I am now, I used to like Amber Heard coz I thought she’s stunning and brave. And that made me think twice if she’s a victim or not so I searched, watched interviews, watched news, followed people on twitter and Facebook and everything I’ve seen is telling me she’s not a victim, she’s the bully and an abuser. She reminds me of my sister being so violent towards her husband, she almost killed him but he’s so blinded by his love that until now they’re still together. So I believe you. And will continue to support you and fight for you. Coz you deserve it. You deserve justice. Just hang in there, you lose the case but you gained more love and support from people all around the world. Sending you love from the Philippines..

Yo creo. En. Ti

Dear Johnny., I don’t believe that you are that kind of person. You have the biggest, caring with a beautiful soul and a heart of gold. You are so loving and kind. I want you to know that you are my favorite actor/musician. Been a fan of yours ever since you was on 21 Jump Street. By the way, we are the same age. Love you Johnny. Hang in there and stay strong. Most of all, stay safe. Take care

I really don’t think you’re a woman puncher, I’ll love you forever

Johnny estamos contigo ve y apela tú eres el ganador

Aún cuando sientas que no fue lo que esperabas, usa tus sentimientos para resurgir más fuerte que antes. Tu ya ganaste porque el mundo entero da cuenta de lo buena persona que eres. Aléjate de esa mujeres/ personas tóxicas y sigue adelante, ahora eres más sabio. Saludos desde Argentina/ Mendoza .

Te amamos y apoyamos siempre a pesar de todo, eres nuestro guerrero, nuestro amor y nuestro angel. No te des por vencido que millones de personas confiamos en ti.

Paula IbáñezDear and sweet Johnny, we still belive in you, we love you and we’ll forever and always by your side, you’re our angel sweetheart, we trust you, we support you, we stand with you, we are with you, now and always! Forever and ever, we love you Johnny, we really love you #justiceforjohnnydepp ever

Hello Johnny, I want to tell you that your fans are with you to support you for what you are going through. Greetings from Central America

Justicia para Johnny. Muchos estamos de sulado el es inosente

Los momentos difíciles, solo son para medir nuestra fuerza y fe, en Dios o el ser supremo que usted crea, independientemente de lo que la gente crea de usted, lo que importa es lo que usted cree de usted mismo, quien es y reconozca ese talento majestuoso y en cuantos corazones está presente, ese es el valor en el que debe

Johnny, I just want to tell you that a lot of people love you. All your fans we will be there for you whenever you want and for whatever you want, but especially in these difficult times. That’s why I admire you Johnny, because you smile like you’ve never been hurt in your life. You are the most incredible and beautiful person I am dying to hug, many of my best smiles belong to you. If the world is against you, we will be against the world.

Querido Johnny, sé que no lo estás pasando bien en estos momentos, perdiste una batalla mas no la guerra, esperemos que en el próximo juicio se haga justicia de verdad. Siempre te he admirado y hoy más que nunca creo en ti y en tu inocencia, sé que no es mucho pero así como cientos de fans en el mundo, te reitero mi apoyo incondicional. Con amor Iveth.

We are with you Johnny Depp. I love you

Milý Johnny, jsme s Tebou

We believe in you, you showed yourself as you are and that makes you great and unique strength. Johnny Depp we love you! Nosotras creemos en ti, te mostraste tal cual eres y eso te hace grande y unico fuerza. Johnny Depp te amamos

I will always be on your side the side of the truth, everything will work out all my support and love

Dear JD, hi! I know you might not see this but I just wanted to say hello. I understand that right now is scary, especially since the libel case and another case is coming up soon. But whatever happens, please know that we’re all standing with you through this entire thing. You’re the greatest and keep on fighting. We love you so so much.

Hey, I’m a diehard depphead.I’ve Been a relative since your first movie, when u got sucked three a bed!loI believe. You are innocent! I’m behind you all the way! Stay strong. The truth wilprevail!l

Dear and Precious Johnny – We’re all for you, we always will. You are a Beautiful, sweet, adorable and loving person. I am sending you all my love, forever. Take care, Stay safe, see you soon – Bisous xxx

Fuerza Johnny! Nos das siempre lo mejor de vos en cada actuación y lo menos que podemos hacer es mandarte todas nuestras fuerzas para que la verdadera justicia triunfe,esa la que todos sabemos que se esta equivocando y feo. Te amo siempre!

Fuerza Johnny! Nos das siempre lo mejor de vos en cada actuación y lo menos que podemos hacer es mandarte todas nuestras fuerzas para que la verdadera justicia triunfe,esa la que todos sabemos que se esta equivocando y feo. Te amo siempre!

Johnny, You maybe feeling sad about this now, the verdict was heartbreaking, but you are a strong and brave man for fighting this fight, with the truth. You’ve brought so much happiness to millions, if not billions, of people and it’s a pleasure to watch your movies, with my children. Keep fighting with the truth, we are by your side all the way, nothing has changed in the slightest and we will be with you, every step of the way, fighting your corner. We’ve heard and seen the truth and you are loved by us all. I pray that you get the justice and vindication you deserve and more, soon.

Hola Johnny te escribo desde Uruguay no sabes cómo pienso en ti estoy a cada minuto mirando si encuentro noticias nuevas de ti, creo que todo va a estar bien 💗 y se que nunca leerás mi mensaje hacia ti pero te amo infinitamente y me tatiare por ti para tenerte siempre conmigo!😭😍💗 Te mando buenas energías te amo! Flor 😊

My dear love johnny Deep , Iam with you until the end, I love you very much. Johnny I’m in love with you forever you’re my dream my king 💕 if I could be at your side doing companionship like giving you oceans of affection I love you very much my love ❤

Mi Querido Johnny, no estás solo, creo en ti. La justicia a veces no es como queremos que sea, pero tú tranquilo sea cual sea el resultado. La verdad te hará libre y triunfarás. Has las cosas con el corazón que todo saldrá bien. Creo en ti. Un beso enorme desde Quimbaya, Quindío, Colombia. Hasta ti.

You are such a bright light in so many people around the world’s lives, unfortunately there are people who envy your light and try to take it. You fighting for your truth, and for the domestics violence survivors who have been silenced, is so powerful and admirable. You’re always in my heart, Johnny; And I’m sending all the good energy I can to help you keep on going. We love you so much, never forget that.

We believe in you and we will be by your side forever. You are our hero. We love you! Hugs from Chile

Dear Johnny, I have been a fan of yours for years. I believe you. I love you. I have wrote five songs about you. You can see them anywhere on the net. I stand by you no matter what. Love always Angela Schooley

Good day/night Johnny! I’m here because, just like the others, I want to tell you that everyone here is fighting to prove that you’re innocent and that we all believe and support you! You are one of the nicest and most amazing people in the world and don’t let other people tell you otherwise! You’ve helped so many people and made your fans feel appreciated and loved, which is why we’re all here to help you feel the same and to let you know that justice will be served!

Dear Johnny always remember that you are loved. we are all with you and you are the winner of our hearts and we will fight with you and accompany you wherever it goes. I am incredibly proud of you. Stay strong.

Dear sweet Johnny , I saw goodness when I looked into your eyes . It was breathtaking and heart warming .

Hello Johnny, I do hope you’re doing alright during these dreadful times. I know most people are likely to say this but I don’t care. I grew up watching you’re roles, whether it be the brilliant Captain Jack Sparrow, the famous Willy Wonka, or the hilarious Mad Hatter. I want to you let you know that we all have your back, and we love you with our hearts. We will never stop supporting you until justice is finally served, and even though the newspapers will probably bash you because they are sick and awful people, they are liars and are too ignorant to see the truth. You are a beautiful, smart and lovely human being, and none of this horrible things should happen to you ever again. I do hope I will get to meet you in person one day, so I could tell you these things myself. And obviously give you a big bear hug if you want. We are with you, Johnny.

Johnny, we love you very much and we will stay with you until the last moment, we are always behind you and we will defend you, be strong, the best man in the world

I believe in you Johnny, we all do. We will fight this together, stay strong, you are important. We love you

Hey JD I hope we get to read your book soon and hear new music from the band. I really enjoy the content you provided on your Instagram, uplifting joyful and inspiring content. I love passionate people so I appreciate everything you put out there in the world.Take care of yourself, all my love and admiration♡

Dear Johnny, we’re all fighting along with you. If they take away your voice, we will be there to shout as loud as we can and make sure you’ve been heard. Keep up the fight, you’re doing great! ♡

Hola Johnny quiero decirte que estoy con vos , vas a salir de esta situación el mundo te amaa

Your story spoke to me because it happened to my husband who was wrongfully accused, we lost in court . I believe you and wish you only the best

All my support for you you are the best in everything ☺ what you do have faith 🙏 I love you

Don’t give up, I know you have hard time now but hold on, we are here with you and we believe you! Don’t give up Johnny! 🤍

Dear Johnny. You have been a very important part of my life for 2 and a half decades. And now, you are an important part of my kids lives. We, the people, believe you. We love you. We stand with you. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp

Que el tiene todo mi apoyo y que el es un gran hombre lo amo y es mi actor favorito

Johnny, you are a beautiful soul! I’ll always be there to support you! I send to you a big and heartwarming hug! Love you xx

Dear Johnny, we care about you a lot not because you are a big star or something we love and respect you because You’re YOU . Rock on ♡

Dear Johnny, I know you spoke the truth and was shocked at the verdict. As a victim of abuse myself, it was painful to find out what you’ve gone through. Please stay strong and keep fighting for justice. Your beautiful soul and everything you do for others have been my inspiration for many years. I believe you and will stand by you ALWAYS! Much love x

Hello, Johnny, I’m Eminem Aslı, I just want you to know that I love you and that I will always support you there behind the roaring mountains and I will never leave you alone beads

Dear Johnny, we love you and we believe in you! We know your are innocent. All of us hope you get the justice, the truth will prevail. Stay strong. WE ARE ALL WITH YOU.

Johnny, we believe in you! We know the truth will come out! I’ll stand by your side always and forever! Love u so much!!!

We all trust you, be strong Johnny.

Dearest Johnny. The truth will come to light and I wish you all the strength and support in the world to achieve this goal. Stay strong and try hard. Wrong has been spoken and must be refuted. Nobody is more warm-hearted than you. We all love and adore you. You can do it. Be depressed.

Fuerza Johnny la verdad saldra a la luz y volverás a ser libre. Y podrás demostrar tu verdad e inocencia.

I support you Johnny, you are the best actor ever. I know you are innocent.

Dear Johnny, people from all over the world believe you. The truth will out. The moving finger writes and having write moves on. Strength to you.

Ten fé la justicia llegara todo es un karma ya veras il love you

Everyone believes you, you know why the court’s decision is so stupid. I hope that you have objected because it is unacceptable that the judge looking at your case is a relative of the other party and not fair. Normally, I’m not good at reaching somebody online, but what you were made to experience really hurt, broke my faith in justice, violence against an innocent person shook me deeply. That’s why I’m writing this in the hope that I can reach you. You are in a dark place right now, and their intention is for you to go further into the dark. But you know that the facts always come to light. I think Warner Bross believes you, but they want you to resign because they don’t want any reaction. So you take all the cowards out of your life. I’m offended, sorry for what you’ve been made to live with. Never lose your kindness, good heart, sincerity, hope and faith. You know many people out there believe in you. Things will turn around, you will be the one smiling face. I wholeheartedly believe that this man, who is as caring and loving to everyone as they don’t deserve, will experience justice, success and rise again, and I will be your supporter to the end. Smile and draw some elephant.

Dear Johnny, I believe in what you say and I know that you are innocent, I have felt firsthand what it is that they believe a woman for the simple fact of being one, and they blame an innocent person destroying their life in the process

Dear Johnny, I believe in what you say and I know that you are innocent, I have felt firsthand what it is that they believe a woman for the simple fact of being one, and they blame an innocent person destroying their life in the process

You don’t know how much i care about you Johnny, when i became your fan, or friend like you like to call us, i was only 12 so you ‘re like second father for me, always remember that we are always with you and you make my life better like so many others, thank you for all

johnny depp Dear, you will have the love, respect and support of all your fans forever. I am an Iranian and I love you dearly.

Johnny, I have no words to describe what I feel. I hope this will be a reason for you to fight even more to make your justice prevail! Don’t let this push you down, you shouldn’t be hushed by this. Make your voice stronger, fight Johnny, fight for what’s right.

Dear Johnny , you may not read this message but if you are reading it I would like to say that, you have all my support I know you have been though terrible things and I also know that you don”t deserve. I’m your fan since I was 7 years old and even I never met you, I know you’re the best human being on earth. I hope that all this naghtmare is over and you are well about all this. I’m so sorry you’re an incredible man and I will Always be by your side we want justice! Be Strong, be Safe. I LOVE YOU !

Johnny yo creo en ti amo tus personajes y se que no es verdad lo que se dice y si las películas no son contigo no quiero verlas

So much talent within that beautiful soul of yours Johnny 😊.. Theres something very mysterious & magical about you.. You have so many people supporting you though this from your loved ones, family, friends and the millions of fans who have stuck by you though this 😊 myself being one of them & will continue to stand by your side.. Keep doin what makes you happy within yourself 😊, Movies, with the band Hollywood Vampires or even your own music sounds great because you’ve got one amazing voice..

Soy de 🇨🇱 admiro el ser de luz que eres tienes mucho potencial, la verdad siempre sale a la luz tarde o temprano veraz que todo esto es un mal sueño te envío todas mis vibras positivas y se que de esta saldrás volando como ave fénix

Johnny, mantente fuerte, tus fans te creemos y te amamos!

We will always love and support you we belive in you

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