fan charity christmas project

IFOD presents the Fan Charity Christmas Project 2018. It is aimed to honor Johnny Depp’s humanitarian commitment.

Do you want to join us? Scroll down and donate to the charities which we’ve chosen. Rethink Mental Illness and Tetiaroa Society are nonprofit organizations that Johnny has supported in the recent years.


Your donation will go directly to the organization.

In November 2018, Rethink Art announced Johnny Depp as a contributor. Each klecksograph by its nature is unique, random and unpredictable. In addition to his original art, to be sold at a later date, Johnny has very kindly given his permission for Rethink Art to release a series of 100 giclee prints. Johnny has also provided his original signature on a separate certificate for each print.

tetiaroa society

Your donation will go directly to the organization.

In June 2017, Tetiaroa Society was happy to host actor Johnny Depp at the Ecostation. Mr. Depp has been a supporter of the non-profit since it was created in 2013, and this was the first time that he had the opportunity to discover the island and see it for himself.



Once you have made your donation, you can add a signature to the gift.


Rethink Mental Illness sent a certificate for fans. Below the PDF File to print if you like.

Thank you for ispiring us everyday.

  • Martina Vaira
  • Emily Renon
  • Julia Eumei
  • Barbara Veronese
  • Rita Guitto
  • Rossella Tramontana
  • Federica Pisanu
  • Ghada Ghonaim
  • Lauren McGreevy
  • Roberta Loi
  • Jose Macia
  • Caroline Ligat
  • Peggy Doran
  • Mia Åberg
  • Cynthia Carrasco
  • Tori
  • Daniela Bossetti
  • Loretta
  • Francesca Marallo
  • Haley Marie
  • Melissa Morucci
  • Sarah M
  • Flo
  • Brooke
  • Antonio Are
  • Ivelina
  • Patricia Cooke
  • Antoine Brault
  • Sanna Pihlaja
  • Erika
  • Izzy
  • Maria Glinina
  • Nikki-Jane
  • Melissa Silvis
  • Nirose Chen
  • Rachael
  • Lexi
  • Fran Rudychuk
  • Janina Larssen
  • Franca
  • Andrea Franchini
  • Rowan
  • Sara Canciello
  • Stefania Moccia
  • Martina D’Angelo
  • Monica Della Croce
  • Alanna Carruthers
  • Elena Fiorentino
  • Neera
  • Elena Miele
  • Andrea Porwol
  • Caty Cooke
  • Ilaria Nobile
  • Sabine
  • Margaret Gardiner
  • Edith Vilardi
  • Elisa Broquin
  • Ellinor Tärnqvist
  • Pia Rodermond
  • Linnea
  • Elisa
  • Celia Sillars
  • Maria Haselhoff
  • Anny Lara
  • Lisa Dieken
  • Ute
  • Nina M.
  • Nancy Isy
  • Angie Ximena
  • Theresa
  • Sabine Perrier
  • María
  • Mira Kalyounji
  • MeLvJd
  • Josine van Erp
  • Alessio
  • Karina Nova
  • Rosie
  • Maggi
  • Suzanne
  • Michaela
  • Lina Müller
  • Brianna
  • Rebeca

jOHNNY inspires US BECAUSE...

I'm so proud of him... With his kindness he makes this world a better place. He makes me strong, happy and brave.
Emily Renon
Johnny is a force of nature, his strength and courage have inspired me through the years. I feel really privileged to have him in my life: I've learnt so much and I'm proud to follow his example and donate to these two organizations. Thank you, Johnny, for being my angel and for making me feel always safe under your wing.
Martina Vaira
It’s about a wonderful human being, with a kind and generous soul. It’s about a man who never stop being himself and fight for true values. It’s about a real artist who gives this world a color with his never ending talent. Here’s the reason why he inspires me and I feel so lucky to be her fan, a proud fan who just love him for the way he is and for the way I am ever since he came into my life.
Julia Eumei
Johnny inspires me everyday of my life. This is a simple way to say him thank you again for everything.
Rita Guitto
With his pure soul and his big heart, Johnny inspires me everyday to be a better person. Johnny is a sunshine, the most beautiful bright angel on earth. A big hug my lovable hero, with love and respect.
Barbara Veronese
Often labeled as ‘weird’ or ‘crazy’, Johnny Depp has always gone his own way, both in terms of life and career choices. By simply being his unique, vulnerable and impossibly talented self even at the most difficult times, he has helped countless ‘weird’ people feeling less lonely and out of place. “Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding place and let it be free and unashamed”. This is what he’s being doing for years and what we all can do to destroy the stigma around mental illness.
Federica Pisanu
I suppose because if Johnny gives his backing to a charity you can be sure it is legit and that the money you donate is going to help make a difference. Much respect to Johnny for giving his time & support to these charities. Happy to support. Super idea for a xmas gift.
Caty Cooke
My father and my best friend are both ill to a mental illness. I was so happy and touched to see Johnny do a work with rethinkart, I immediately bought a 6/100 prints. So giving again does not bother me. He is my hero, he gave me the urge to continue to fight and continue to live. I will never be able to thank him enough.
Caroline Ligat
I've never met him and probably I'll never do, but he looks like a good man. I'm happy to make him this gift, he only deserves good things. Plus it's almost Christmas and it helps others!
Ilaria Nobile
Johnny is a great example of a good person. What better inspiration does anyone need?

Margaret Gardiner

Johnny inspires me everyday. I’m so proud to call him my idol. He does so much for charity, he cares a lot so it’s nice to give something back.
Lauren McGreevy
I just love him you know? He is so real, everything about him is so real that it will inspire you to love what he does and yet belive him and in him.
Ghada Ghonaim
Because he’s the humblest and most generous man on earth, he’s my inspiration and my life is better because of him! Love and respect always, until death and even beyond.
Monica Della Croce
It's kinda hard to explain. He's a strong and wonderful man that inspires me every single day, he does everything he can to help other people. So seeing all he has done during the years inspired me to do my part and help other people.
Elena Fiorentino
Johnny's huge heart and spirit of generosity inspire me daily. Both of these charities are amazing, and I'm so proud of him for his support!
Alanna Carruthers
I want to express in words why and how much I look up to Johnny but I honestly don't know where to start. He has just been such a great inspiration in my life in so many ways for many years now and I am very thankful to him. I want to help and give my support and love the ways I can.
Mia Åberg
Johnny inspires me to be a better person. Thanks to him I know more associations who can help people and nature. He has a golden heart and he care about our planet. I'm proud and happy to support this beautiful project.
Cynthia Carrasco
Johnny Depp is the man who inspires me the most since my childhood. He taught me to dare, dare to be myself, dare to dream. He's the voice of those who don't have any... It's the reason why I donate in his name. Thank you, Johnny.

Elisa Broquin

Johnny is one of the most caring human beings on this earth! He goes through shit in life and still he cares for other people on a level that many other does not. He inspires me to be a better person and he is my idol since many years back so to give thanks to him I will support the causes he believes in!

Ellinor Tärnqvist

Johnny has always been a hero of mine since the age of 8, he gives so much of his time to so many, I couldn’t be prouder of everything he has achieved! I’ve suffered from mental illness for a lot of years and Johnny’s characters/films have never failed to put a smile on my face they have become a somewhat safe place for me! Thank you, Johnny, for being an inspiration to all!
He's more than a pretty face.. he's a beautiful, gifted, generous human who should inspire everyone.

Daniela Bossetti

I am ill myself and I know how hard it is to be affected. Therefore, I think it's so great that Johnny is committed to the cause. He remained a human being and that's why I love him so. He makes me strong. Every day.My Hero and angel. Thank you Johnny. Fan for life.

Pia Rodermond

I have suffered from mental illness as long as I can remember and Johnny Depp and his movies were the only thing that helped me keep fighting especially when I was a kid. I will forever be thankful for you, Johnny: you saved my life and I do feel like I need to thank you. So thank you, Johnny. Thank you fore being a light for me in my dark days.
Johnny is a daily inspiration for me and I believe that even the fact that he is close to such delicate problems makes him an even more special person.
I decided to honor Johnny because he is the best person who exists in this world. His heart is pure and deserves only beautiful things. His soul is precious and must be preserved! His eyes reflect his wonderful soul, I want to take care of it every day, supporting him, his ideas and his work. I've always believed in Johnny! The best gift that Johnny gives us every day is simply existence! Thanks, Johnny, for being yourself.
Francesca Marallo
The incredible empathy and love Johnny has for fellow creatures - human and animal, is truly inspiring and something we should all aim for.
Celia Sillars
It’s difficult to explain how Johnny literally changed my life in better. I wish I could help people as he's always done. He is my biggest inspiration and I want to do exactly what he does to change this world in a better place to live.

Melissa Morucci

You just know that even if today Johnny was still a pen salesman, he would still be a kind, sweet, generous, caring, loving, humble gentleman. The fact that, as a hugely talented actor/musician/artist, he loves and appreciates his 'relatives' as much as we love and appreciate him - how could he not inspire us to be the best we can be!

Sarah M

His courage and strength inspire me. I admire him for being such a great human! I'm very proud of him. Thank you for everything, Johnny!

Anny Lara

Johnny's art and behavior have a huge influence in my life since my teenage years in the nineties. I wouldn't be who I am now without him and I'm pretty happy with it today. I know his great friendship with Brando and I just read Brando's autobiography. I was touched to find similarities between them, of course with their engagements, their islands, but also their love for books, their difficult relationship with tabloids. It was the perfect timing to discover Tetiaroa Charity and to help them pursuing their ecological action.


Johnny does so many good deeds in his everyday work by creating movies that are a wonderful escape when you need to get out of your own head. That has helped me with my mental illness a lot. Always caring about other people is what i have always loved and admired about him and we should all do that more often, which is why i chose to donate.

Lisa Dieken

Johnny isn't only a great artist, he is a kind, gentle and caring soul too. Since my son suffers mental issues, it is an important cause for me too. So, thank you, Johnny, for making me aware of this organization! Much love from Germany.


Ever since i was a little girl, Johnny has been my light. When i was ten years old, my life took a big dramatic turn and i was diagnosed with a life long liver disease, my liver failed & was straight away put on a transplant list. My childhood was put to a huge halt, and most of it (pretty much all of it) was spent in and out of hospital. Throughout my teenage years it was pretty much the same, but it started to effect my mental health more than my physical, the only thing that could make me escape from hospitals & illness, was Johnny. I wouldn’t be here without him. It’s been years since i first fell for him, years since I took him up as a vital ingredient for living life. My happiness, my strength, my escape from reality. Now I’m 23 and he runs in my veins. Thank you for everything, Johnny. x


My love for Johnny and his movies have helped me get through some of the darkest moments in my life. I know what it’s like to struggle with mental issues to the point where you don’t have the will to go on anymore and I hope that my small donation could help someone not give up and get to see another day.


Johnny was my first crush ever since I was ten years old and saw Pirates of the Caribbean on the TV. I was so mesmerized by him I wanted to see more from him. As the years went by, I somehow lost my interest, my mind was busy with depression and anxiety. When I found out about the allegations made against him, I was shocked, but researched properly and chose my side. I myself went through an abusive relationship and know what it feels like being controlled and threatened by the person you love. I am so proud of Johnny, that he never stopped fighting and is still able to smile. When I met him in June in Frankfurt, I told him I know what he went through and that I am happy to be with him there. He wouldn't let go of me and looked me so deeply into my eyes, I felt like my soul was exposed to him. I will never stop supporting him, he is my world.
Nina M.
Johnny, you don't know it but you have changed my life. I spent a very long hard time where I underwent physical and psychological mistreations, and if today I am the one who I am is also thanks to you. You've shown that everything can be overcome with great courage. With your movies and music, you've been close to me. I'm so proud to follow a special man like you, I will never thank you enough for all that you unconsciously did for me and for my life. Thank you Johnny, thank you for your kindness, for your humanity and your charisma. An big hug, I love you.
Nancy Isy
Johnny's generosity and kindness has inspired me to help. I met him two years ago and since that day I know that dreams come true. I´m so proud of you and thank you Johnny for being my force and light for so many years.
Angie Ximena
I have been following Johnny's career for many years now, ever since I was an early teenager. During the passed years he has been inspiring me on many levels, not only because of the fact that he's extremely gifted, but also because of his generosity and kindness. Especially nowadays you rarely meet people with a golden heart, but Johnny definitely is one of them. He has inspired me to be a better person and also to be myself without caring that much what other people might think. Back some time ago I bought one copy of the Johnny's amazing Klecksography Art, so this is why I decided to donate to Tetiaroa Society this time. I also want to thank IFOD for this brilliant idea. I'm more than happy to take part to this Christmas gift for Johnny!
Sanna Pihlaja
Ever since I was a child, Johnny has always been my creative inspiration. His incredible kindness and talent, his lovely irreverence and beautiful soul have always had a huge impact on me, pushing me to do the best! So this is a little but important THANK YOU to the one and only man I will never forget.
Martina d'Angelo
He is a pure and generous soul, an example of man and humanity. An extraordinary man who has inspired my life every single day. I love everything he does because he does it with love. So this is for You, Johnny.
Rossella Tramontana
I love Johnny more than anything. I have Spina Bifida, a physical disability, but I understand what it means to be labeled an outsider. To Johnny, I belong in the world. I am a human worth living. We need to give those with mental illness that same consideration. I love you, Johnny.
Johnny has inspired me to donate through his own kindness, generosity, humble nature, as well as his own charity. It's amazing how he always manages to smile through everything he is going through and still doesn't hesitate to show kindness to people, spend ages with fans signing autographs and having a conversation. His own kind nature has inspired me to show more kindness towards people, regardless of what I am going through or whether they are hostile towards me. It is a honour to support a cause that Johnny strongly believes in. Also, thankyou to IFOD for this idea and all their hard work.
Every time I think of Johnny a feeling of pride and gratitude invades me. He, definitely, has made me a better person. He has inspired me in so many ways, not only he's made me believe in myself but also he's taught me to look after others. In a way, I think he's always been there for me whenever I need him, he's there to lift me up no matter what is going on in my life and I cannot thank him enough for everything he's done for me.
I'm eternally grateful to Johnny for sharing his soul light, for everything he opened my mind and my heart to, for myself. So I'm over the moon to contribute to making a gift for Johnny, do something in return. Besides, these are the charities he supports. He also inspires me to donate to a local non-profit organization. Thank you, IFOD, for this opportunity!
Maria Glinina
Johnny reminds me of always being true to yourself and I admire his strength, generosity and creativity. Besides that he seems like a great guy to hang out with and I'm looking forward to his new projects. Thank you for raising awareness of mental health illness.
Josine van Erp
Spared a few precious moments of his time while I was in Great Ormond Street with my daughter for a long duration. He was a beautifully souled man and it was priceless at such a difficult time for myself as a parent and I thank him for that. Following this, I suffered a breakdown and was treated for mental health illness afterwards. Great man and a great inspiration, he will always have a special place in my heart.
I donated for Johnny and also because I suffer from ptsd, depression, anxiety, social anxiety. I am very proud of Johnny. He is such a loving, caring man with a huge heart of gold. His strength and kindness through everything he has been through amazes me everyday. Thank you, Johnny, for everything you do for others.

Melissa Silvis

It is hard to explain how Johnny inspires me. He does it everyday and everynight, at every second of his life just by being himself. He is the purest flower I've ever seen on this planet and the sweetest angel I could ever meet. I'm so thankful for his existence and for the strength he gives me when my world falls apart. I followed his example and I decided to donate because when we can, we should always help those in need.

Roberta Loi

I wanted to help someone by doing something, or by donating some money. Johnny has always been this way, and I truly wanted to be like him in this way. It's not my first time donating, but I knew I had to donate to this project's main charities, because they are important. As you know, Johnny has a heart of gold.

Karina Nova

Johnny is an inspiration as a person who speaks so openly about mental illness at a time where it is taboo for a man to speak out so openly. His kindness and strength he shows to everyone he meets is an inspiration to millions worldwide, and on a personal level has helped keep me going at times that I felt I would crack. Thank you, Johnny, and thank you, Rethink, for the wonderful work you do.


Johnny ispires me just by how loving he is to his fans no matter how the media treats him. He's an inspiration of how to deal with hardship.


I fell in love with Johnny when I first saw him in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. He is a daily inspiration to me. I also adore him for his work as a humanitarian, his outstanding talent as an actor and his incredible ability to stand tall in the face of adversity.


Johnny donates and supports good causes since so many years. Not to get good press or to get praised by anyone. He does it because he is a good guy, a humble and caring human. He is my angel, my hero who never gives up and my inspiration to do a little good too.


Johnny is the greatest man in the world. He has helped so many people, myself included, and for me to give a fraction of what he has given makes me happy. He is my hero and I am doing this in his honor.

Janina Larssen

Johnny is my inspiration when I am in hospital with asthma not to give up hope. Got him on my wallpaper and just looking at his face did that. What a sweet man.

Fran Rudychuk

I kind of grew up with him, he was always present for me from Platoon on until these days; he kept his shy beautiful and generous soul through all these years, always caring for family and friends around him, children in need, charities, young actors/actresses and last but not least his admiring fans. I have never seen such a passionate soulful kind generous caring and gifted human being before, and although he went through darkest times before he never gave up, he never blackmailed anyone or was whining around - never! He suffered a lot but stayed the most loveable man I can imagine. I am happy to the bottom.of my heart that he's gotten over those dark days and starting to be happy again, and the only way for me to support him is to support his charities and due to my personal understanding for mental illness and my on going love and respect for Johnny I chose Rethink's print of Johnny... and I am happy I did! May he stays happy and will always be supported and respected - he deserves it so much.


I've always thought at Johnny's sensitive side that has been an ispiration to me, in all my entire life. Mental illness is something we cannot see but is inside many people.


Johnny has always been my inspiration, ever since I was a teen in the 90s. I've always felt a little weird, an outsider, but Johnny has helped and strenghed me just by being his unique vulnerable self and following his own path, even at the most difficult times in his life, and I can't thank him enough. I've always felt a strong connection to him. Being so extremely talented and at the same time so humble with a heart of gold and such a beautiful soul leaves me in awe of him. He is for sure making this earth a better place, which is something we all should aim for. I feel proud to contribute to this beautiful project and honour JD. Thank you Johnny for everything you do, for being yourself and for inspiring me to be a better human, everyday. Love you so much!

Lina Müller

Johnny is a guiding light in my life. He teaches me every day to be who I really am, and to not limit myself with other people’s standards. He inspires me to treat everyone around me with love and compassion, and to enjoy every moment. I would not be the person I am, and the person I am becoming, without him. Johnny, I love you with every fiber of my being!


Thank you, Johnny, for supporting a charity which has helped me and many others like me, I'm happy and proud to give something in return. Keep moving forward. Always.


Johnny is a sunshine! He inspires me every moment, he has a heart of gold. He had a bitter time, but he just overflowed sweetness. He confronted those moments with the firmness and sweetness of his character. And I'm very happy that he is ok now, those times are over, now he has just good times. He cares about people, he pays attention to each of us with so much sweetness in his eyes! His eyes are so beautiful and sweet and they reflect who he is, the most beautiful and kindest person! He is a talented artist! Lovely! I would love to be with him all the time! I love Johnny so much, always! He is my hero, my sushine. It's wonderful to be part of this beautiful project in Johnny's honor. Thank you, IFOD, and thank you, Johnny. Sending all my love, hugs and kisses to you, lovely Johnny, always. Bless you.


Many thanks to Christopher at Rethink Mental Illness, Tumi & Carol at the Tetiaroa Society and to anyone who trusted our project. We wish you the brightest Christmas and an amazing 2019.

IFOD & the management team


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